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12 bit Hamming Code using Assembly Language Homework Solution

Add 4 Parity bit with 8 Data bit


Write an assembly language assignment where the x86 assembler program will use the Hamming Code to generate an encoded 12-bit word for a byte of data. The resulting 12-bit word will have 8 data bits and 4 parity bits. The program will work for either an even or odd parity scheme (chosen by the user).

Example session – Even Parity:

Hamming Code 1

Example session – Odd Parity:

Hamming Code 2


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data initialMsg BYTE "CPSC 232 - Hamming Coder for Data Byte", 0 promptParity BYTE "Input the parity type (0-even, *-odd) >> ", 0 promptByte BYTE "Input a byte (two hex digits) >> ", 0 hammingMsg BYTE "The Hamming encoded message is: ", 0 .code main PROC ; print initial message mov edx, OFFSET initialMsg ; load string address call WriteString ; print it on screeen call CrLF ; print newline call CrLF ; print newline ; Prompt user to enter parity mov edx, OFFSET promptParity ; load string address call WriteString ; print it on screeen ; read input call ReadDec ; read a number cmp eax, 0 ; see if user entered 0 je evenParity ; if even , jump to label mov ebx, 1 ; set odd parity jmp readByte ; go to read byte evenParity: mov ebx, 0 ; set even parity readByte: call CrLF ; print newline ; Prompt user to enter byte mov edx, OFFSET promptByte ; load string address call WriteString ; print it on screeen ; read input call ReadHex ; read a hex number call hamming ; calculate the hamming encoding with the read byte and parity ebx mov ebx, eax ; load result in ebx call CrLF ; print newline ; print result message mov edx, OFFSET hammingMsg ; load string address call WriteString ; print it on screeen ; print result encoding mov eax, ebx ; load calculated hammind encoding call WriteHex ; print it as hexadecimal call CrLF ; print newline exit ; terminate the program main ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- parity PROC ; ; Procedure to calculate the parity of the 12 bits in EAX, ; the type of parity is given in EBX, 0 = even, 1 = odd ; the bits to use for the parity is given in ECX, it can be (1, 2 or 4) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- push ebx ; save registers used push ecx push edx mov edx, 1 ; start in bit 1 parityLoop: test edx, ecx ; see if current bit must be checked je paritySkip ; if not, skip parity test shr eax, 1 ; shift lowest bit to C flag jnc parityNext ; if zero, don't count xor ebx, 1 ; else, add to total parity jmp parityNext ; go to next bit paritySkip: shr eax, 1 ; shift to test next bit parityNext: inc edx ; go to next bit cmp edx, 12 ; see if we checked all bits jle parityLoop ; if not, repeat loop mov eax, ebx ; return resulting parity pop edx ; pop registers pop ecx pop ebx ret parity ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- hamming PROC ; ; Procedure to encode a byte using 12 bit hamming code, ; the byte is given in EAX, the type of parity is given in EBX, ; it returns the encoding in EAX ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- and eax, 0ffh ; clear upper bits if any ; make 12 bit encoding mov edx, eax ; save byte in edx and eax, 1 ; leave first bit shl eax, 2 ; move to position 3 mov ecx, eax ; save in ecx mov eax, edx ; restore byte shr eax, 1 ; move bit 2 to lowest position and eax, 7 ; leave bits 2,3 and 4 shl eax, 4 ; move to position 5 or ecx, eax ; add to encoding mov eax, edx ; restore byte shr eax, 4 ; move bit 5 to lowest position shl eax, 8 ; move to position 9 or ecx, eax ; add to encoding mov edx, ecx ; get encoded byte in edx mov eax, edx ; get 12 bit encoding of byte mov ecx, 1 ; use bit 1 call parity ; calculate parity or edx, eax ; save result in encoding mov eax, edx ; get 12 bit encoding of byte mov ecx, 2 ; use bit 2 call parity ; calculate parity shl eax, 1 ; move bit one position up or edx, eax ; save in encoding mov eax, edx ; get 12 bit encoding of byte mov ecx, 4 ; use bit 4 call parity ; calculate parity shl eax, 3 ; move bit 3 positions up or edx, eax ; save in encoding mov eax, edx ; get 12 bit encoding of byte mov ecx, 8 ; use bit 8 call parity ; calculate parity shl eax, 7 ; move bit 7 positions up or edx, eax ; save in encoding mov eax, edx ; return encoded byte ret hamming ENDP END main


Screenshot 1:

Hamming Code 3

Screenshot 2:

Hamming Code 4