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Evaluate Mathematical Expressions Through A Program In Haskell Assignment Solution.



Write a Haskell assignment program that allows users to evaluate mathematical expressions.

Requirements and Specifications

 1. Write a function eval that takes an environment and an expression and evaluates

-- the expression. The environment is a list of (name, value) pairs. Use lookup to obtain

-- the value for a variable. If the variable is not defined in the environment (meaning

-- lookup returns Nothing), use 0.

-- 2. Write a function meval that takes an environment and an expression and evaluates

-- the expression. If the expression refers to any variables not defined in the

-- environment, it returns Nothing.

-- 3. Write a function peval that partially evaluates an expression, given a context.

-- For our purposes, partial evaluation will

-- 1. replace any variable defined in the environment with its value

-- 2. perform any operation when neither operand contains a variable

-- 3. simplify 0 + x, x + 0, x - 0, x * 1, 1 * x, x * 0, 0 * x

Screenshots of output

Evaluate mathematical expressions in HaskellEvaluate mathematical expressions in Haskell 1

Source Code

module HW4 where

import Data.List (lookup)

import Control.Applicative (liftA2)

data Expr

    = Var String

    | Num Integer

    | Add Expr Expr

    | Sub Expr Expr

    | Mul Expr Expr

    deriving (Show)

-- 3 + 4 * 5

expr1 = Add (Num 3) (Mul (Num 4) (Num 5))

-- (X + 1) * Y

expr2 = Mul (Add (Var "X") (Num 1)) (Var "Y")

-- (1 + (-1)) * X

expr3 = Mul (Add (Num 1) (Num (-1))) (Var "X")

-- ****

-- 1. Write a function eval that takes an environment and an expression and evaluates

-- the expression. The environment is a list of (name, value) pairs. Use lookup to obtain

-- the value for a variable. If the variable is not defined in the environment (meaning

-- lookup returns Nothing), use 0.


-- *HW4> eval [] expr1

-- 23

-- *HW4> eval [] expr2

-- 0

-- *HW4> eval [("X",1),("Y",3)] expr2

-- 6

-- *HW4> eval [("X",2),("Y",3)] expr2

-- 9

-- *HW4> eval [("X",2),("Y",3)] expr3

-- 0


-- Note: the environment may include variables not used in the expression. You may assume

-- that the environment does not include multiple definitions for one variable.

eval :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Integer

eval env (Var ss) = case lookup ss env of

                        Just x -> x

                        Nothing -> 0

eval env (Num n) = n

eval env (Add e1 e2) = eval env e1 + eval env e2

eval env (Sub e1 e2) = eval env e1 - eval env e2

eval env (Mul e1 e2) = eval env e1 * eval env e2

-- ****

-- 2. Write a function meval that takes an environment and an expression and evaluates

-- the expression. If the expression refers to any variables not defined in the

-- environment, it returns Nothing.


-- *HW4> meval [] expr1

-- Just 23

-- *HW4> meval [] expr2

-- Nothing

-- *HW4> meval [("X",2),("Y",3)] expr2

-- Just 9

-- *HW4> meval [("X",2),("Z",3)] expr2

-- Nothing

-- *HW4> meval [("X",2),("Z",3)] expr3

-- Just 0

-- *HW4> meval [("Y",2),("Z",3)] expr3

-- Nothing


-- Hint: Maybe is an instance of Applicative, meaning it can be used with liftA2.

-- Experiment with liftA2 f a b, where f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer and

-- a, b :: Maybe Integer. If used correctly, this can significantly simplify your code.

meval :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Maybe Integer

meval env (Var ss) = lookup ss env

meval env (Num n) = Just n

meval env (Add e1 e2) = liftA2 (+) (meval env e1) (meval env e2)

meval env (Sub e1 e2) = liftA2 (-) (meval env e1) (meval env e2)

meval env (Mul e1 e2) = liftA2 (*) (meval env e1) (meval env e2)

-- ****

-- 3. Write a function peval that partially evaluates an expression, given a context.

-- For our purposes, partial evaluation will

-- 1. replace any variable defined in the environment with its value

-- 2. perform any operation when neither operand contains a variable

-- 3. simplify 0 + x, x + 0, x - 0, x * 1, 1 * x, x * 0, 0 * x


-- peval is not required to handle every possible simplification. For example, x - x

-- can be left as-is.

-- *HW4> peval [] expr1

-- Num 23

-- *HW4> peval [] expr2

-- Mul (Add (Var "X") (Num 1)) (Var "Y")

-- *HW4> peval [("X",0),("Y",100)] expr2

-- Num 100

-- *HW4> peval [("X",-1),("Y",100)] expr2

-- Num 0

-- *HW4> peval [("X",1)] expr2

-- Mul (Num 2) (Var "Y")

-- *HW4> peval [("X",-1)] expr2

-- Num 0

-- *HW4> peval [("Y",1)] expr2

-- Add (Var "X") (Num 1)

-- *HW4> peval [("X",10),("Y",100)] expr2

-- Num 1100

-- *HW4> peval [("X",0),("Y",100)] expr2

-- Num 100

-- *HW4> peval [("X",-1),("Y",100)] expr2

-- Num 0

-- *HW4> peval [] expr3

-- Num 0


-- Suggestion: write non-recursive helper functions that take the arguments for Add, Sub,

-- or Mul, and handle the cases where both arguments are Num, or where one argument is

-- Num 0 or Num 1.

peval :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Expr

peval env (Var ss) = case lookup ss env of

                        Just x -> Num x

                        Nothing -> Var ss

peval env (Num n) = Num n

peval env (Add e1 e2) = phelper '+' (peval env e1) (peval env e2)

peval env (Sub e1 e2) = phelper '-' (peval env e1) (peval env e2)

peval env (Mul e1 e2) = phelper '*' (peval env e1) (peval env e2)

-- simplifies nums, 0 + x, x + 0, x - 0, x * 1, 1 * x, x * 0, 0 * x

-- leaves everything as expr

phelper :: Char -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr

phelper '+' (Num a) (Num b) = Num (a + b)

phelper '-' (Num a) (Num b) = Num (a - b)

phelper '*' (Num a) (Num b) = Num (a * b)

phelper '+' (Num 0) (Var x) = Var x

phelper '+' e1 (Num 0) = e1

phelper '-' e1 (Num 0) = e1

phelper '*' e1 (Num 1) = e1

phelper '*' (Num 1) e2 = e2

phelper '*' e1 (Num 0) = Num 0

phelper '*' (Num 0) e2 = Num 0

phelper '+' e1 e2 = Add e1 e2

phelper '-' e1 e2 = Sub e1 e2

phelper '*' e1 e2 = Mul e1 e2

-- ****

-- Extra credit: all three of the above functions could be written succinctly as folds

-- over the Expr type. Write a generic fold function and then implement eval, meval, and

-- peval using it.


-- You will need to determine the number of base cases and combining functions required.

-- The most natural way to write foldExpr will require more than one of each.

foldExpr :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (Integer -> a) -> (String -> a) -> Expr -> a

foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv (Var ss) = fv ss

foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv (Num n) = fn n

foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv (Add e1 e2) = fa (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e1) (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e2)

foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv (Sub e1 e2) = fs (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e1) (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e2)

foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv (Mul e1 e2) = fm (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e1) (foldExpr fa fs fm fn fv e2)

evalFold :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Integer

evalFold env expr = foldExpr (+) (-) (*) id fv expr

    where fv ss = case lookup ss env of

                      Just x -> x

                      Nothing -> 0

mevalFold :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Maybe Integer

mevalFold env expr = foldExpr (liftA2 (+)) (liftA2 (-)) (liftA2 (*)) Just (`lookup` env) expr

pevalFold :: [(String, Integer)] -> Expr -> Expr

pevalFold env expr = foldExpr (phelper '+') (phelper '-') (phelper '*') Num fv expr

    where fv ss = case lookup ss env of

                      Just x -> Num x

                      Nothing -> Var ss