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Array Assignment Solution with C++


Write a C++ assignment that prompts the user to enter the size of the rows and columns (between 2 and 10) for a matrix (2D array). The program will randomly fill the numbers 0 and 1 into the matrix, print the matrix, and output the minimum number of rectangles/squares that can cover all the 1 values in the matrix to the screen. The size of a rectangle/square is defined by the number of 1's in it. There may be two or more largest rectangles/squares of the same size, and values may "wrap around" or overlap to determine the size. Here are the rules in forming groups of ones:

Sample Run:

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 2 Enter the number of cols (2-10): 4

Generated grid:

1 0 0 1

1 0 0 0

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 2

Run Again (Y/N): y

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 2

Enter the number of cols (2-10): 4

Generated grid:

1 0 0 1

1 0 0 1

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 1

Run Again (Y/N): Y

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 4

Enter the number of cols (2-10): 4

Generated grid:

1 0 1 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 4

Run Again (Y/N): y

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 4

Enter the number of cols (2-10): 4

Generated grid:

1 1 0 1

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 2

Run Again (Y/N): Y

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 4

Enter the number of cols (2-10): 4

Generated grid:

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 1 1

1 1 1 1

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 3

Run Again (Y/N): y

Enter the number of rows (2-10): 3 Enter the number of cols (2-10): 5

Generated grid:

0 0 0 1 0

1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 0

The minimum number of rectangles/squares formed is 2

Run Again (Y/N): N


 If you have ever traveled internationally by plane, you will be aware that working out when you are going to arrive at your destination depends on the flight time and the time zone difference between departure and destination airports. In this problem, you write a program that given the departure city, its time zone and the departure time, the destination city and its time zone, and the flight time, will calculate the arrival time at the destination city. Input will be from a data file where the first line will be N, the number of data sets, each data set N will have the following six lines in order

• The departure city

• The time of departure as mm dd hh: mm (month, day, hours, and minutes all as 2 digits and separated by spaces and a colon as shown).

• The time zone of the departure city as (UTC) + or –hh: mm

• The destination city

• The time zone of the destination city as (UTC) + or –hh: mm

• The flight time as hh: mm (hours and minutes both as 2 digits and separated by a colon)

Refer to the sample output below.

Sample File: Sample Run:



12 31 10:05 +4:00





03 31 10:25 +2:00



01:30 Enter the file name: schedule.txt

Data Set 1:

Departs Dubai 12 31 10:05

Arrives Auckland at 10:50 the following day

Data Set 2:

Departs Barcelona 03 31 10:25 Arrives Porto 10:55 same day.


Write a program that plays the casino game blackjack, or 21. Blackjack is a competition between the dealer and player(s) to see who can get closest to 21 points without going over (busting).

Use user-defined functions/methods in your program. Do not use break or continue statements. With C++ use the string class. Refer to the sample (partial) output below.

Sample Run (partial):

Enter player name: James

Do you wish to play in (e)-Demo or (g)-Game mode? G

James, you have $1000 dollars.

How much do you want to bet? 500

Dealer's cards: [?] 3S

Your cards: [12] 2H KS

(H)-Hit (S)-Stand (Q)-Quit: h

Your cards: [22] 2H KS QH

Dealer's cards: [9] 6C 3S

Dealer drew: [13] 4H

The dealer drew: [14] AD

The dealer drew: [19] 5D Dealer wins

James, you have $500 dollars.

Do want to continue (Y/N): y



#include < iostream> #include "Board.h" using namespace std; int getMaxHeight(int *M, int r, int c, int i, int j, int w) { int j2 = -1; int i2; if (*(M + j * r + i) != 0) { for (j2 = j; j2 < c && *(M + j2 * r + i) != 0; j2++) { for (i2 = i; i2 - i < w; i2++) { if (*(M + r * j2 + i2) == 0) return j2 - j; } } } return j2 - j; } void findLargestRectangle(int *M, int r, int c, int i, int j, int *ei, int *ej) { int max_width = 0; int max_height = 0; int max_area_covered = 0; *ei = *ej = -1; for (max_width = 0; max_width < r - i && (*(M + j * r + (i + max_width)) != 0); max_width++) { int area_covered; int height_i = getMaxHeight(M, r, c, i, j, max_width + 1); if (height_i > max_height) { max_height = height_i; } area_covered = height_i * (max_width + 1); if (area_covered > max_area_covered) { max_area_covered = area_covered; *ei = i + max_width; *ej = j + height_i - 1; } } } void printMatrix(int* M, int r, int c) { cout << "Generated grid:" << endl << endl; for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { cout << *(M + r * i + j) << " "; } cout << endl; } } int main() { int j2; int i2; int i = 0; int j = 0; int total_rects = 0; // Ask for number of rows and columns int r, c; cout << "Enter number of rows (2-10): "; cin >> r; // check that value is between 2 and 10 if (r < 2 || r > 10) { cout << "Number of rows must be between 2 and 10" << endl; exit(1); } cout << "Enter number of columns (2-10): "; cin >> c; // check that value is between 2 and 10 if (c < 2 || c > 10) { cout << "Number of columns must be between 2 and 10" << endl; exit(1); } // Create a matrix and fill it int *M = (int*)malloc((r*c) * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { *(M + r * i + j) = (int)(rand() % 2); // random between 0 and 1 } } cout << endl; printMatrix(M, r, c); cout << endl; for (j = 0; j < c; j++) { for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { if (*(M + j * c + i) == 1) // the value is 1 { findLargestRectangle(M, r, c, i, j, &i2, &j2); int start_i; int start_j; total_rects++; for (start_j = j; start_j <= j2; start_j++) { for (start_i = i; start_i <= i2; start_i++) { *(M + start_j * c + start_i) = 2; } } //printMatrix(M, r, c); } } } cout << "The minimum number of rectnagles/squares formed is " << total_rects << endl; // print return 0; }


#include < iostream> #include < fstream> #include < string> #include < sstream> #include < vector> using namespace std; int main() { // read file string file_name; cout << "Enter the file name: "; getline(cin, file_name); ifstream file(file_name); string line; int i = 0; getline(file, line); int n = stoi(line); string departure_city, destination_city; int departure_day, departure_month, departure_hour, departure_min; int departure_tz_hr, departure_tz_min; int destination_day, destination_month, destination_hour, destination_min; int destination_tz_hr, destination_tz_min; int departure_tz, destination_tz; int travel_time_hr, travel_time_min; int travel_time; int departure_time; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int fid = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { getline(file, line); if (fid == 0) // departure city { departure_city = line; } else if (fid == 1) // departure time { departure_month = stoi(line.substr(0, 2)); departure_day = stoi(line.substr(3, 5)); departure_hour = stoi(line.substr(6, 8)); departure_min = stoi(line.substr(9, 11)); if (line.substr(9,11).at(0) == '0') departure_time = departure_hour * 100 + departure_min; else departure_time = departure_hour * 100 + departure_min; //departure_time = departure_hour * 100 + departure_min * 10; } else if (fid == 2) // departure time zone { char sign = line.at(0); int idx = line.find(':'); departure_tz_hr = stoi(line.substr(1, idx)); departure_tz_min = stoi(line.substr(idx + 1, line.length())); if (line.substr(idx + 1).length() == 2) departure_tz = departure_tz_hr * 100 + departure_tz_min; else departure_tz = departure_tz_hr * 100 + departure_tz_min * 10; if (sign == '-') departure_tz = -departure_tz; } else if (fid == 3) destination_city = line; else if (fid == 4) { char sign = line.at(0); int idx = line.find(':'); destination_tz_hr = stoi(line.substr(1, idx)); destination_tz_min = stoi(line.substr(idx + 1)); if(line.substr(idx + 1).length() == 2) destination_tz = destination_tz_hr * 100 + destination_tz_min; else destination_tz = destination_tz_hr * 100 + destination_tz_min*10; if (sign == '-') destination_tz = -destination_tz; } else if (fid == 5) { char sign = line.at(0); int idx = line.find(':'); travel_time_hr = stoi(line.substr(0, idx)); travel_time_min = stoi(line.substr(idx + 1, line.length())); if (line.substr(idx + 1).length() == 2) travel_time = travel_time_hr * 100 + travel_time_min; else travel_time = travel_time_hr * 100 + travel_time_min*10; } fid++; } // Print info read /* cout << "Departure: " << departure_city << endl; cout << "Departure Time: " << departure_month << " " << departure_day << " " << departure_time << endl; cout << "Departure Timezone: " << departure_tz << endl; cout << "Destination: " << destination_city << endl; cout << "Destination Timezone: " << destination_tz << endl; cout << "Travel Time: " << travel_time << endl << endl; */ cout << endl; cout << "Data Set " << (i + 1) << ":" << endl; cout << "Departs " << departure_city << " "; if(departure_month < 10) cout << "0" << departure_month << " " << departure_day << " "; else cout << departure_month << " " << departure_day << " "; if (departure_hour < 10) cout << "0" << departure_hour << ":"; else cout << departure_hour << ":"; if (departure_min < 10) cout << "0" << departure_min << endl; else cout << departure_hour << endl; // Now calculate // take departure time and convert to UTC+00 int departure_UTC = departure_time - departure_tz; // calculate arrival time int arrival_UTC = departure_UTC + travel_time; // now convert to the destination timezone int arrival_time = arrival_UTC + destination_tz; int days = 0; while (arrival_time > 2359) { arrival_time -= 2400; days++; } int arrival_hour = arrival_time / 100; int arrival_min = arrival_time - arrival_hour * 100; while (arrival_min > 59) { arrival_min -= 60; arrival_hour += 1; } cout << "Arrives " << destination_city << " "; if (arrival_hour < 10) cout << "0" << arrival_hour << ":"; else cout << arrival_hour << ":"; if (arrival_min< 10) cout << "0" << arrival_min << " "; else cout << arrival_min << " "; if (days == 1) cout << "following day" << endl; else if (days == 0) cout << "same day" << endl; else cout << days << " days after" << endl; } file.close(); }




12 31 10:05






03 31 10:25






#include < iostream> #include "Deck.h" #include "Hand.h" #include < time.h> using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); Deck deck; // creates deck deck.shuffle(); Card card = deck.pop(); cout << card << endl; // start game bool playing = true; bool playingRound = false; int roundType = 0; double money = 1000; // initial money string playerName; // store player name here char input; double bet; cout << "Enter player name: "; getline(cin, playerName); while (playing) { if (roundType == 0) { // ask if player wants to play demo or game cout << "Do you wish to play in (e)-Demo or (g)-Game mode? "; cin >> input; if (input == 'g' || input == 'G') // game mode { // display amount roundType = 1; playingRound = true; } } else if (roundType == 1) // game mode { // display amount cout << playerName << ", you have $" << money << " dollars." << endl; cout << "How much you want to bet? "; cin >> bet; cout << endl; if (bet >= 10 && bet <= money && bet <= 1000) { playingRound = true; // create player hand and dealers hand Hand dealer; // Add one card face down Card c = deck.pop(); dealer.add(c); // add one card face up c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); dealer.add(c); // take 3 cards from deck and add them to players hand Hand player; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); player.add(c); } // Now, start round while (playingRound) { cout << "Dealer's cards: " << dealer << endl << endl; cout << "Your cards: " << player << endl; // ask for next step cout << "(H)-Hit, (S)-Stand (Q)-Quit: "; cin >> input; dealer.showAll(); if (input == 'h' || input == 'H') // hit { // deal a new card to player c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); player.add(c); if (player.getValue() == 21) // player got 21 { cout << "Your cards: " << player << endl << endl; cout << "Dealer's cards: " << dealer << endl << endl; while (dealer.getValue() < 17) { Card c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); dealer.add(c); cout << "Dealer drew: [" << dealer.getValue() << "] " << c << endl; } if (dealer.getValue() == 21) // it's a tie { cout << "It's a tie!" << endl; } else if (dealer.getValue() < 21 || dealer.getValue() > 21) // player wins { cout << "You won!"; double k = 1.0; if (player.getHandCount() == 2) // if player won with a 2-cards hand, it's because the hand is blackjack k = 1.5; money += bet; } playingRound = false; } else if (player.getValue() > 21) { cout << "Your cards: " << player << endl << endl; cout << "Dealer's cards: " << dealer << endl << endl; while (dealer.getValue() < 17) { Card c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); dealer.add(c); cout << "Delaer drew: [" << dealer.getValue() << "] " << c << endl; } if (dealer.getValue() <= 21) // dealer wins { cout << "Dealer wins" << endl; money -= bet; } else if (dealer.getValue() > player.getValue()) // player wins { cout << "You won!" << endl; money += bet; } else if (dealer.getValue() == player.getValue()) // tie { cout << "It's a tie!" << endl; } playingRound = false; } // if the dealer's hand is less than 17, then take a new card if (dealer.getValue() < 17) { c = deck.pop(); dealer.add(c); } } else if (input == 's' || input == 'S') // // stand { while (dealer.getValue() < 17) { Card c = deck.pop(); c.showFace(); dealer.add(c); cout << "Delaer drew: [" << dealer.getValue() << "] " << c << endl; } if (dealer.getValue() > 21 || dealer.getValue() < player.getValue()) // dealer wins { cout << "You won!" << endl; money += bet; } else if (dealer.getValue() > player.getValue()) // dealer wins { cout << "Dealer wins" << endl; money -= bet; } else // dealer's hand is equal to player's hand { cout << "It's a tie!" << endl; } playingRound = false; } else if (input == 'q' || input == 'Q') // quit { // player automatically loses cout << "You lost!" << endl; playingRound = false; } } } else cout << "You must place a bet between $10 and $1000 or less than the available money." << endl; } // ask if player wants to continue if (!playingRound) { cout << "Do you want to continue? (Y/N): "; cin >> input; if (input == 'n' || input == 'N' || input == 'y' || input == 'Y') { if (input == 'n' || input == 'N') { playing = false; cout << "Thanks for playing!" << endl; } } } } }


#pragma once #include < iostream> #include < string> using namespace std; class Card { private: int suit; int value; bool hidden; // face up or down public: Card() { hidden = true; }; // default constructor Card(int s, int v) { suit = s; value = v; hidden = true; } int getValue() { return value; } int getSuit() { return suit; } void showFace() { hidden = false; } bool isHidden() const { return hidden; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Card& card) { string cardStr = ""; if (!card.hidden) { string cardName = ""; string suitName = ""; if (card.value == 1) cardName = "A"; else if (card.value >= 2 && card.value <= 10) cardName = to_string(card.value); else if (card.value == 11) cardName = "J"; else if (card.value == 12) cardName = "Q"; else if (card.value == 13) cardName = "K"; // suit name if (card.suit == 0) // hearts suitName = "H"; else if (card.suit == 1) // clubs suitName = "C"; else if (card.suit == 2) // spades suitName = "S"; else if (card.suit == 3) // diamonds suitName = "D"; cardStr = cardName + suitName; } else cardStr = "?"; return os << cardStr; } };


#pragma once #include "Card.h" #include < iostream> class Deck { private: Card cards[52]; int n; public: Deck() { // initialize the cards n = 0; int value; for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) // suits { for (int j = 1; j <= 13; j++) // 13 cards per suit { value = j; if (value > 10) value = 10; Card c(i, value); cards[n] = c; //cards.push(c); n++; } } } int getCountCardsLeft() { return n; } void shuffle() { // shuffle the deck for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { int newIdx = rand() % 52; Card temp = cards[i]; cards[i] = cards[newIdx]; cards[newIdx] = temp; } } Card pop() { Card card = cards[n-1]; n--; return card; } };


#pragma once #include "Card.h" #include < iostream> class Hand { private: Card cards[52]; int n; public: Hand() { n = 0; }; // default constructor void add(Card c) { cards[n] = c; n++; } int getValue() const // return the value of the hand { // first, check the total amount assuming that the ACE is valued 11 int total = 0; // first check if there is one card face down for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (cards[i].isHidden()) return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Card c = cards[i]; if (c.getValue() == 1) // ace total += 11; else total += c.getValue(); } // if total higher than 21, then count ace as 1 if (total > 21) { total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Card c = cards[i]; total += c.getValue(); } } return total; } int getHandCount() { return n + 1; } void showAll() { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cards[i].showFace(); } } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Hand& hand) { string handValueStr = "?"; if (hand.getValue() != -1) handValueStr = to_string(hand.getValue()); os << "[" << handValueStr << "] "; for (int i = 0; i < hand.n; i++) os << hand.cards[i] << " "; return os; } };