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Calculating the Hamming distance between two strings using x86 assembly assignment help

The program deals with implementing a program to calculate the Hamming distance between a pair of strings using x86 assembly. Our x86 assembly assignment help experts have created a program that reads two strings given by the user and saves them in memory. The program then proceeds to process every string bit by bit calculating the bit difference between the two strings. The resulting distance between the strings is printed on the screen.
Table Of Contents
  • Computing Hamming Distance in x86 assembly

Computing Hamming Distance in x86 assembly

; assignment1.asm ; Calculates the Hamming distance between two strings given by the user ; ; Assemble command: ; nasm -f elf assignment1.asm ; Link command: ; gcc -m32 -o assignment1 assignment1.o ; Run command: ; ./assignment1 ; SECTION .data prompt1: db "Please enter the first string: ",10 len1: equ $-prompt1 prompt2: db "Please enter the second string: ",10 len2: equ $-prompt2 result: db "The Hamming distance between the strings is:",10,"%d",10,0 string1: times(256) db 0 ; space to save first string string2: times(256) db 0 ; space to save second string SECTION .text extern printf ;----------------- ; Main function ;----------------- global main main: push ebp ; set up stack frame mov ebp,esp mov eax,4 ; use the write function mov ebx,1 ; use the standard output mov edx,len1 ; set the number of characters to print mov ecx,prompt1 ; string to print int 0x80 ; call kernel to print the message mov eax,3 ; use the read function mov ebx,0 ; use the standard input mov ecx,string1 ; load in string1 mov edx,255 ; read at most 255 characters int 0x80 ; call kernel to read the string mov BYTE [string1 + eax -1], 0 ; insert string terminator mov eax,4 ; use the write function mov ebx,1 ; use the standard output mov edx,len2 ; set the number of characters to print mov ecx,prompt2 ; string to print int 80h ; call kernel to print the message mov eax,3 ; use the read function mov ebx,0 ; use the standard input mov ecx,string2 ; load in string2 mov edx,255 ; read at most 255 characters int 0x80 ; call kernel to read the string mov BYTE [string2 + eax -1], 0 ; insert string terminator mov esi, string1; point to first string with esi mov edi, string2; point to second string with edi mov ecx, 0; ecx will have the hamming distance cmploop: mov al, BYTE [esi]; get a byte from both strings mov ah, BYTE [edi] cmp al, 0; if the first string is shorter, end comparison je endcmp cmp ah, 0; if the second string is shorter, end comparison je endcmp xor al, ah; compare both bytes bitloop: loop to count bits in comparison ; (hamming distance between bytes) cmp al, 0; if there are no more bits in 1, end count je endbitloop shr al, 1; move the lowest bit to the carry jnc bitloop ; if it's zero, continue inc ecx ; else, increment distance jmp bitloop endbitloop: inc esi ; advance to next byte in both strings inc edi jmp cmploop endcmp: push ecx; put hamming distance in stack push result; put format string in stack call printf; call printf to print result add esp, 8; restore stack pointer mov esp,ebp ; takedown stack frame pop ebp mov eax,0 ; normal, no error, return value ret ; return