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Search for a list of characters in a string using x86 assembly homework help

The homework deals with using procedures to search a list of characters in a given string. The program allows the user to enter the initial string and a list of characters to search. The program prints all the characters that were found on the string. The character search is done using a procedure that receives the character to be searched and the string. Below is the solution to this homework illustrated by our x86 assembly homework help solvers.
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  • Character Searching in X86 Assembly

Character Searching in X86 Assembly

Search for a list of characters in a string using x86 assembly assignment help

Solution TITLE Project 4 (project4.asm) ; Program that uses the procedure FindChar to search a string for a specific character ; Written By: xxxxxxxxx ; CSC235 ; Autumn 2018 INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data promptString BYTE "Enter string to search: ", 0 promptChars BYTE "Enter characters to find: ",0 resultMsg BYTE "Characters found: ", 0 MAX_LENGTH = 100 string BYTE MAX_LENGTH + 1 dup(0) ; place to save the string read from the user chars BYTE MAX_LENGTH + 1 dup(0) ; place to savve the characters to find matched BYTE MAX_LENGTH + 1 dup(0) ; place to save the matched characters .code main PROC call ClrScr ; clear the screen mov edx,OFFSET promptString ; prompt user to enter a string call WriteString ; print the prompt message mov edx, OFFSET string ; give start address of string in edx for reading the string mov ecx, MAX_LENGTH ; set a maximum of 100 characters to read call ReadString ; read the string mov edx,OFFSET promptChars ; prompt user to enter the characters to find call WriteString ; print the prompt message mov edx, OFFSET chars ; give start address of chars in edx for reading the characters to find mov ecx, MAX_LENGTH ; set a maximum of 100 characters to read call ReadString ; read the string of characters mov esi, OFFSET chars ; load address of chars to find in esi mov edi, OFFSET matched ; load address of matched chars in edi loopChars: mov bl, [esi] ; load a character to match from the chars into bl cmp bl, 0 ; see if we reached the end of the string je endLoop ; if so, end the loop mov eax, OFFSET string ; put the string address in eax call FindChar ; call the procedure to find the character cmp eax, 0 ; see if the result was not found je next ; if so, go to next mov [edi], al ; else, save character found in the matched string inc edi ; advance to next position in the matched string next: inc esi ; advance to next character in the characters to find string jmp loopChars ; repeat loop to search for next endLoop: mov edx,OFFSET resultMsg ; print result message call WriteString mov edx,OFFSET matched ; print resulting matched string call WriteString call Crlf ; leave an empty line exit ; exit the program main ENDP ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; FindChar ; ; Finds a character inside the supplied string, if it finds the ; character returns it, otherwise returns NULL ; Receives: EAX = start address of the string ; EBX = character to find ; Returns: EAX = character found or NULL ;--------------------------------------------------------- FindChar PROC push esi ; save esi on the stack mov esi, eax ; put address of start of string in esi srchLoop: mov al, [esi] ; load a character from the string cmp al, 0 ; see if we reached the end of the string je charNotFound ; if so, we didn't find the character cmp al, bl ; else, compare loaded char with character to find je charFound ; if they are equal, return char was found inc esi ; else, advance to next character in string jmp srchLoop ; start the loop again charNotFound: mov eax, 0 ; return a NULL (zero) to indicate not found charFound: ; simply return the value in eax pop esi ; restore prevoius value of esi ret ; return to the main procedure FindChar ENDP END main