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Implement a C++ program to generate a chart and render it using OpenGL assignment help

The assignment deals with implementing two programs in C++. The first one is a menu-driven program that allows the user to generates column, point, line, and area charts based on some input data. Our C++ assignment help experts generate a chart and save it in a file that uses graphical commands in an internal format. The second program is used to load the generated command file and display the chart using OpenGL.
Table Of Contents
  • Chart Generation and Rendering in OpenGL

Chart Generation and Rendering in OpenGL

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // window dimensions #define WINDOW_HEI 500 #define WINDOW_WID 500 // Color of the grid lines #define GRID_R 1.0 #define GRID_G 1.0 #define GRID_B 1.0 // thickness of grid lines #define GRID_THICK 1 // color of the chart #define CHART_R 0.5 #define CHART_G 1.0 #define CHART_B 0.5 // default plot point size #define POINT_SIZE 6 // default plot line thickness #define LINE_THICK 6 // Definition of a box typedef struct { int x0, y0, x1, y1; }Box; /** * Generate command for setting color */ void set_color(ofstream &out, double r, double g, double b) { out << "set_color " << fixed << setprecision(1) << r << " " << g << " " << b < data) { string filename = "column.txt"; cout << "Saving chart in " << filename << "..." << endl; ofstream file(filename.c_str()); // draw grid first Box plot_area = generate_grid(file); // calculate point scales int sx = (plot_area.x1 - plot_area.x0) / (double) data.size(); int sy = (plot_area.y1 - plot_area.y0) / (double) data.back(); // calculate column width /2 int half_wid = sx / 4; // set chart color set_color(file, CHART_R, CHART_G, CHART_B); // generate columns for (unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { // data point position int x = plot_area.x0 + (i + 1)*sx; int y = plot_area.y0 + data[i]*sy; // column polygon points int x0 = x - half_wid; int y0 = y; int x1 = x + half_wid; int y1 = y; int x2 = x1; int y2 = plot_area.y0; int x3 = x0; int y3 = plot_area.y0; draw_polygon(file, 4, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } file.close(); } /** * Generate the point chart commands */ void generate_point_chart(vector data) { string filename = "point.txt"; cout << "Saving chart in " << filename << "..." << endl; ofstream file(filename.c_str()); // draw grid first Box plot_area = generate_grid(file); // calculate point scales int sx = (plot_area.x1 - plot_area.x0) / (double) data.size(); int sy = (plot_area.y1 - plot_area.y0) / (double) data.back(); // set chart color set_color(file, CHART_R, CHART_G, CHART_B); // generate points for (unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { int x = plot_area.x0 + (i + 1)*sx; int y = plot_area.y0 + data[i]*sy; draw_point(file, POINT_SIZE, x, y); } file.close(); } /** * Generate the line chart commands */ void generate_line_chart(vector data) { string filename = "line.txt"; cout << "Saving chart in " << filename << "..." << endl; ofstream file(filename.c_str()); // draw grid first Box plot_area = generate_grid(file); // calculate point scales int sx = (plot_area.x1 - plot_area.x0) / (double) data.size(); int sy = (plot_area.y1 - plot_area.y0) / (double) data.back(); // set chart color set_color(file, CHART_R, CHART_G, CHART_B); // generate points for (unsigned i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; i++) { int x0 = plot_area.x0 + (i + 1)*sx; int y0 = plot_area.y0 + data[i]*sy; int x1 = plot_area.x0 + (i + 2)*sx; int y1 = plot_area.y0 + data[i + 1]*sy; draw_line(file, LINE_THICK, x0, y0, x1, y1); } file.close(); }