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Chemical Element or Compound Analysis using C Assignment Solution

Chemicals Symbol and Atomic Weight

Begin this lab by defining a structure type that is capable of holding information about a chemical element or compound. For the sake of simplicity, we can call it element_t. (For element type.) This type will have a string with a length of 10 characters for the element or compound’s chemical symbol (i.e. Na for Sodium), an integer for the atomic number, and a double for the atomic weight. You will define this type above the main.

Now in the main declare three variables of your new type. Write a C assignment program that fill two variables by asking the user for the information:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Na

Enter the atomic number: 11

Enter the atomic weight: 22.9897

Do the same for the second element.

Then output your two elements so they look something like this.

Sym: Na

No. 11

Wt. 22.9897

After you have written and tested this little main add to it a function that takes as parameters two element_t variables and which returns the sum of those two. The value returned will also be of type element_t. Remember that you can assign the return value of the function to your third element_t variable in main. The function will have a local variable of element_t type, which you will “construct” in the function by adding the various components of the two elements you have received. (Note you can use strcat, if you #include at the top, to put the names of the elements together.)This local variable will then be returned to the main – just the like the functions we learned about early in the semester.

So the user interaction might look like this:

Enter the first element:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Na

Enter the atomic number: 11

Enter the atomic weight: 22.9897

Enter the  second element:

Enter the Chemical Symbol: Cl

Enter the atomic number: 17

Enter the atomic weight: 35.453

The resulting compound is:

Sym: NaCl

No. 28

Wt. 58.4427

(*User input is shown in bold.)

Once you have this working create a sample run that shows two runs of your program, the first for Sodium Chloride as shown above, and the second for Cadmium Telluride (CdTe).


#include < stdio.h> #include < string.h> /* Hold an element info */ typedef struct element_s { char symbol[20]; int number; double weight; } element_t; /* Display element */ void print(element_t element) { printf("Sym: %s\n", element.symbol); printf("No. %d\n", element.number); printf("Wt. %.4f\n", element.weight); } /* Read an element */ element_t read_element() { element_t element; printf("Enter the Chemical Symbol: "); scanf("%s", element.symbol); printf("Enter the atomic number: "); scanf("%d", &element.number); printf("Enter the atomic weight: "); scanf("%lf", &element.weight); return element; } /* Entry point of the program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { element_t el1, el2, el3; /* Read 2 elements */ printf("Enter first element:"); el1 = read_element(); printf("Enter second element: "); el2 = read_element(); /* Add them up */ strcpy(el3.symbol, el1.symbol); strcat(el3.symbol, el2.symbol); el3.number = el1.number + el2.number; el3.weight = el1.weight + el2.weight; printf("The resulting compound is:\n"); print(el3); return 0; }