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Determining valid positions and valid jumps for a game of Checkers using MIPS assembly assignment help

The assignment deals with implementing two MIPS assembly functions to determine if a given move is valid and if a given jump is valid. The program created by our MIPS assembly assignment help solver uses the main function that creates an initial board and allows the user to select moves to be tested on the board. The first function determines if a valid move from an initial position to an end position is valid given the current board state. The second function determines if a given jump from an initial position to an end position is valid for the current board configuration.
Table Of Contents
  • Creating Positions and Jumps in a Checkers Game

Creating Positions and Jumps in a Checkers Game

.data askrow: .asciiz "Row: " askcol: .asciiz "Column: " askval: .asciiz "Value: " askr1: .asciiz "R1: " askc1: .asciiz "C1: " askr2: .asciiz "R2: " askc2: .asciiz "C2: " res1: .asciiz "isValidMove(): " res2: .asciiz "isValidJump(): " invalidPos: .asciiz "Invalid position. Please try again.\n" board: .word 0 #pointer to allocated board space .text .globl main # --------------------------------------------------------------- # main function # C prototype: # main() # --------------------------------------------------------------- main: li $a0,400 # allocate space for 10x10 values of 4 bytes syscall $malloc la $t0,board sw $v0,($t0) # save pointer to allocated space in the board variable # initialize board to zeros la $t0,board # load board pointer lw $t0,($t0) li $t1,100 # counter for 400 elements 1: sw $0,($t0) # save 0 in the board addi $t0,$t0,4 # go to next board position addi $t1,$t1,-1 # decrement number of remaining elements bnez $t1,1b la $t0,board lw $s0,($t0) # load board pointer in s0 loop: move $a0,$s0 # move board pointer to a0 jal displayBoard la $a0,askrow # ask for a row syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read row from user move $t1,$v0 # save row in t1 beq $t1,-1,loop2 la $a0,askcol # ask for a column syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read column from user move $t2,$v0 # save column in t2 move $a0,$t1 move $a1,$t2 jal isLegalPosition # verify that the position is legal bnez $v0,2f # if legal, skip to 2 la $a0,invalidPos # print error message syscall $print_string b loop # start over 2: la $a0,askval # ask for a value syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read value from user # save value in board li $t3,10 mul $t4,$t3,$t1 # row*10 add $t4,$t4,$t2 # row*10+col sll $t4,$t4,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t4,$t4,$s0 # add offset to board address sw $v0,($t4) # save value at selected position in board b loop loop2: move $a0,$s0 # move board pointer to a0 jal displayBoard la $a0,askr1 # ask for r1 syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read r1 from user move $s1,$v0 # save r1 in s1 la $a0,askc1 # ask for c1 syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read c1 from user move $s2,$v0 # save c1 in s2 la $a0,askr2 # ask for r2 syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read r2 from user move $s3,$v0 # save r2 in s3 la $a0,askc2 # ask for c2 syscall $print_string syscall $read_int # read c2 from user move $s4,$v0 # save c2 in s4 move $a0,$s0 move $a1,$s1 move $a2,$s2 move $a3,$s3 addi $sp,$sp,-4 # allocate space in stack sw $s4,0($sp) # save c2 in the stack jal isValidMove # call isValidMove add $sp,$sp,4 # restore stack pointer la $a0,res1 # print isValidMove syscall $print_string move $a0,$v0 syscall $print_int # print the return value li $a0,'\n syscall $print_char # print a new line move $a0,$s0 move $a1,$s1 move $a2,$s2 move $a3,$s3 addi $sp,$sp,-4 # allocate space in stack sw $s4,0($sp) # save c2 in the stack jal isValidJump # call isValidJump add $sp,$sp,4 # restore stack pointer la $a0,res2 # print isValidJump syscall $print_string move $a0,$v0 syscall $print_int # print the return value li $a0,'\n syscall $print_char # print a new line b loop2 syscall $exit # exit from the program # --------------------------------------------------------------- # function to determine is a move is legal, # C prototype: # int isLegalPosition(int row, int column) # Arguments: # $a0=row # $a1=column # Return value: # $v0 # --------------------------------------------------------------- isLegalPosition: li $v0,0 # set return value as illegal by default bltz $a0,1f # row<0 is illegal bgt $a0,9,1f # row>9 is illegal bltz $a1,1f # col<0 is illegal bgt $a1,9,1f # col>9 is illegal add $t0,$a0,$a1 # add col and row andi $t0,$t0,1 # see if it's an odd number bnez $t0,1f # if it's odd it's illegal because the position is black li $v0,1 # if we get here, set return value to 1, legal position 1: jr $ra # --------------------------------------------------------------- # function to determine if a move is valid, C prototype: # C prototype: # int isValidMove(int *board, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) # Arguments: # $a0 = *board # $a1 = r1 # $a2 = c1 # $a3 = r2 # ($sp) = c2 # Return value: # $v0 # --------------------------------------------------------------- isValidMove: addi $sp,$sp,-4 # allocate space in stack sw $ra,0($sp) # save return address in the stack move $t1,$a1 # t1=r1 move $t2,$a2 # t2=c1 move $t3,$a3 # t3=r2 lw $t4,4($sp) # t4 = c2 (from stack) move $t5,$a0 # load board pointer in t5 move $a0,$t1 move $a1,$t2 jal isLegalPosition # see if r1,c1 is a valid position beqz $v0,rfail # illegal position returns 0 move $a0,$t3 move $a1,$t4 jal isLegalPosition # see if r2,c2 is a valid position beqz $v0,rfail # illegal position returns 0 li $v0,0 # set $v0 to 0 to return 0 by default li $t0,10 mul $t6,$t3,$t0 # r2*10 add $t6,$t6,$t4 # r2*10+c2 sll $t6,$t6,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t6,$t6,$t5 # address of board[r2*10+c2] lw $t6,($t6) # load board(r2,c2) bnez $t6,rfail # if it's not empty, return 0 mul $t7,$t1,$t0 # r1*10 add $t7,$t7,$t2 # r1*10+c2 sll $t7,$t7,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t7,$t7,$t5 # address of board[r1*10+c1] lw $t7,($t7) # load board(r1,c1) beqz $t7,rfail # if the piece to move is empty return 0 andi $t0,$t7,4 # see if the piece was a king bnez $t0,kpiece # if it's king, skip andi $t0,$t7,2 # see if the piece was a white beqz $t0,rpiece # if it's red go to red piece wpiece: #white piece sub $t0,$t1,$t3 # r1-r2 beq $t0,1,tstcol # if r1-r2==1, test columns b rfail # else fail rpiece: # red piece sub $t0,$t3,$t1 # r2-r1 beq $t0,1,tstcol # if r2-r1==1, test columns b rfail # else fail kpiece: # king piece sub $t0,$t3,$t1 # r2-r1 beq $t0,1,tstcol # if r2-r1==1, go to test columns beq $t0,-1,tstcol # if r2-r1==-1, go to test columns b rfail tstcol: sub $t0,$t4,$t2 # c2-c1 beq $t0,1,rok # if c2-c1==1, pass ok bne $t0,-1,rfail # if c2-c1!=-1, fail rok: li $v0,1 rfail: lw $ra,0($sp) # load return address from the stack addi $sp,$sp,4 # restore stack pointer jr $ra # --------------------------------------------------------------- # function to determine if a jump is valid # C prototype: # int isValidJump(int *board, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) # Arguments: # $a0 = *board # $a1 = r1 # $a2 = c1 # $a3 = r2 # ($sp) = c2 # Return value: # $v0 # --------------------------------------------------------------- isValidJump: addi $sp,$sp,-4 # allocate space in stack sw $ra,0($sp) # save return address in the stack move $t1,$a1 # t1=r1 move $t2,$a2 # t2=c1 move $t3,$a3 # t3=r2 lw $t4,4($sp) # t4 = c2 (from stack) move $t5,$a0 # load board pointer in t5 move $a0,$t1 move $a1,$t2 jal isLegalPosition # see if r1,c1 is a valid position beqz $v0,rfail2 # illegal position returns 0 move $a0,$t3 move $a1,$t4 jal isLegalPosition # see if r2,c2 is a valid position beqz $v0,rfail2 # illegal position returns 0 li $v0,0 # set $v0 to 0 to return 0 by default li $t0,10 mul $t6,$t3,$t0 # r2*10 add $t6,$t6,$t4 # r2*10+c2 sll $t6,$t6,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t6,$t6,$t5 # address of board[r2*10+c2] lw $t6,($t6) # load board(r2,c2) bnez $t6,rfail2 # if it's not empty, return 0 li $t0,10 add $t8,$t1,$t3 # add r1+r2 srl $t8,$t8,1 # position of middle piece r=(r1+r2)/2 mul $t6,$t8,$t0 # r*10 add $t8,$t2,$t4 # add c1+c2 srl $t8,$t8,1 # position of middle piece c=(c1+c2)/2 add $t6,$t6,$t8 # r*10+c sll $t6,$t6,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t6,$t6,$t5 # address of board[r*10+c] lw $t6,($t6) # load board(r,c) beqz $t6,rfail2 # if it's empty, return 0 mul $t7,$t1,$t0 # r1*10 add $t7,$t7,$t2 # r1*10+c2 sll $t7,$t7,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t7,$t7,$t5 # address of board[r1*10+c1] lw $t7,($t7) # load board(r1,c1) xor $t8,$t6,$t7 # compare the middle piece and the jumping piece andi $t8,$t8,2 # see if the pieces were different color beqz $t8,rfail2 # if they were equal color, fail, can't jump over it andi $t0,$t7,4 # see if the piece was a king bnez $t0,kpiece2 # if it's king, skip andi $t0,$t7,2 # see if the piece was a white beqz $t0,rpiece2 # if it's red go to red piece wpiece2: #white piece sub $t0,$t1,$t3 # r1-r2 beq $t0,2,tstcol2 # if r1-r2==2, test columns b rfail2 # else fail rpiece2: # red piece sub $t0,$t3,$t1 # r2-r1 beq $t0,2,tstcol2 # if r2-r1==2, test columns b rfail2 # else fail kpiece2: # king piece sub $t0,$t3,$t1 # r2-r1 beq $t0,2,tstcol2 # if r2-r1==2, go to test columns beq $t0,-2,tstcol2 # if r2-r1==-2, go to test columns b rfail2 tstcol2: sub $t0,$t4,$t2 # c2-c1 beq $t0,2,rok2 # if c2-c1==2, pass ok bne $t0,-2,rfail2 # if c2-c1!=-2, fail rok2: li $v0,1 rfail2: lw $ra,0($sp) # load return address from the stack addi $sp,$sp,4 # restore stack pointer jr $ra # --------------------------------------------------------------- # function to print the board # C prototype: # void displayBoard(int* board) # $a0 = *board # --------------------------------------------------------------- displayBoard: move $t0,$a0 # save board address in t0 li $t1,9 # counter for rows 1: li $t2,0 # counter for columns 2: add $t3,$t1,$t2 # add row+column andi $t3,$t3,1 # see if the sum is odd beqz $t3,3f # if is even, skip li $a0,219 # black square b print # print it 3: li $t3,10 mul $t4,$t3,$t1 # row*10 add $t4,$t4,$t2 # row*10+col sll $t4,$t4,2 # multiply by 4 to get offset in bytes add $t4,$t4,$t0 # add offset to board address lw $a0,($t4) # load value at current position in board bne $a0,3,4f # if board[row,col]!=3 li $a0,'w b print 4: bne $a0,1,5f # if board[row,col]!=1 li $a0,'r b print 5: bne $a0,5,6f # if board[row,col]!=5 li $a0,'R b print 6: bne $a0,7,7f # if board[row,col]!=7 li $a0,'W b print 7: li $a0,32 # white square (space) print: syscall $print_char # print the char addi $t2,$t2,1 # increment column blt $t2,10,2b # repeat while the column < 10 li $a0,'\n syscall $print_char # print a new line addi $t1,$t1,-1 # decrement row number bgez $t1,1b # repeat while the row >=0 jr $ra