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Encoding and decoding messages using Caesar’s cipher in ARM assembly homework help

The homework deals with implementing a program to encode and decode messages using Caesar’s cipher with ARM assembly. The program uses the main function that reads the message to be ciphered and calls the encoding and decoding functions to cipher and decipher the message, showing the result of each step on the screen. The text to be encoded and the shift value to use are defined in the code. The solution to this task is provided below by our ARM assembly homework help experts
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  • Caesar’s Cipher for Encoding and Decoding Messages

Caesar’s Cipher for Encoding and Decoding Messages

Encoding and decoding messages using Caesar’s cipher in ARM assembly assignment help

Solution .cpu cortex-a53 .data output1: .asciz "Original text : %s\n" output2: .asciz "Text after Caesar Cypher encryption : %s\n" output3: .asciz "Text After decrypting the above encrypted value : %s\n" s: .asciz "Hello, My name is Dina." encodedText: .space 50 decodedText: .space 50 .text .global main main: push {lr} @ save lr on stack @ ENCRYPTING THE STRING AND STORING THE ENCRYPTED VALUE IN 'encoded text' @ to encode we can pass the string and the shift value to the @ encode function ldr r0, =s ldr r1, =encodedText mov r2, #5 bl encode @ encode(s, encodedText, 5); @ DECRYPTING THE 'encoded text' AND STORING THE ENCRYPTED VALUE IN @ 'decodedText' @ to decode a encoded string we can pass the string to the @ encoded function @ and apply the given shift in the opposite direction @ i.e. if we passed 5 to encode, we will pass (26-5)= 21 ldr r0, =encodedText ldr r1, =decodedText mov r2, #21 bl encode @ encode(encodedText, decodedText, (26 - 5)); @ output ldr r0, =output1 ldr r1, =s bl printf @ printf("Original text : %s\n", s); ldr r0, =output2 ldr r1, =encodedText bl printf @ printf("Text after Caesar Cypher encryption : %s\n", encodedText); ldr r0, =output3 ldr r1, =decodedText bl printf @ printf("Text After decrypting the above encrypted value : %s\n", decodedText); mov r0, #0 @ return 0; pop {lr} @ restore lr from stack mov pc, lr @ return to caller @ this function will add the cipher value to convert the text we pass to it @ text is a char array, s is the cipher value @ this function will wrap around the alphabets. It means @ if we add 4 to 'z', the result will be 'd' @ void encode(char text[], char result[], int s) encode: push {r4-r8, lr} @ save registers and link register on stack mov r4, r0 @ save string pointer in r4 push {r1,r2} @ save r0 and r1 before making call bl strlen @ calculate strlen(text); mov r8, r0 @ save len in r8 pop {r1, r2} @ stepping through each character of the input text @ and encoding only the alphabets. @ It will not encode the spaces, symbols, etc in the text. mov r5, #0 @ i = 0 for1: @ for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { cmp r5, r8 bge endfor1 @ for upper case alphabets ldrb r6, [r4, r5] @ load text[i] in r1 cmp r6, #'A' @ if (text[i] >= 'A' && text[i] <= 'Z') { blt else1 cmp r6, #'Z' bgt else1 @ result[i] = (char)((int)(text[i] + s - 65) % 26 + 65); add r6, r6, r2 sub r6, r6, #65 mov r7, #26 udiv r0, r6, r7 @ divide by 26 mul r0, r0, r7 @ calculate remainder sub r0, r6, r0 add r0, r0, #65 strb r0, [r1, r5] @ save in result[i] b fornext @ } @ for lower case alphabets else1: cmp r6, #'a' @ else if (text[i] >= 'a' && text[i] <= 'z') { blt else2 cmp r6, #'z' bgt else2 @ result[i] = (char)((int)(text[i] + s - 97) % 26 + 97); add r6, r6, r2 sub r6, r6, #97 mov r7, #26 udiv r0, r6, r7 @ divide by 26 mul r0, r0, r7 @ calculate remainder sub r0, r6, r0 add r0, r0, #97 strb r0, [r1, r5] @ save in result[i] b fornext @ } @ copying the non-alphabets without changing else2: @else { strb r6, [r1, r5] @ result[i] = text[i]; @} fornext: add r5, r5, #1 @ increment i b for1 @ repeat loop endfor1: @ } @ adding the NULL character at the end of the result string @ to mark its end mov r0, #0 strb r0, [r1, r5] @ result[i] = '\0'; pop {r4-r8, lr} @ restore registers and lr mov pc, lr @ return to caller