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Write a Program to Format the Output of Paragraphs in Haskell Assignment Solutions.



Write a program to format the output of paragraphs in Haskell.

Requirements and Specifications

In this problem, you will write a function for laying out monospaced paragraphs within a fixed margin width. We will represent paragraphs as lists of words:






This is the first sentence of "Kidnapped" by Robert Louis Stevenson:


The plan is to turn a list of words into a list of lines by adding words to a line with single spaces between them until adding one would go over the intended width. As a special case, we always put at least one word on each line, even if that would mean going over the limit. For example, if the width is 40, then we would get the following layout:




... ]

In this example, the first line is length 39 after putting in the spaces. Adding 'with' would take us over the limit, so we start a new line.

We will make the following simplifying assumptions:

Each word takes up the same amount of space as it has,

characters (this is not true for all of the Unicode character set, and only really works for ASCII if we assume a monospaced font).

Each space character ' ' takes up exactly one space.

We encode these assumptions into the following function, which you will use to keep track of the current column words are being placed in. Given a current column 'col' and a word 'word', 'plusCol col word' returns the column we'll be in if we add a space and 'word' to the line: -}

Screenshots of output

format the output of paragraphs in Haskell
format the output of paragraphs in Haskell 1
format the output of paragraphs in Haskell 2
format the output of paragraphs in Haskell 3
format the output of paragraphs in Haskell 4

Source Code

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

module Ex1 where

import Prelude hiding (words)

import qualified Prelude as P




{- Please read this file carefully. Questions are numbered 1.X.Y and

usually consist of unfinished definitions that you will have to

fill in. The marks available for each question are listed

underneath the question and answer space. There are four

independent parts, with 30 questions overall. -}


{- PART 1 : FUN(ctional) WITH LISTS -}


{- 1.1.0 Concatenation of lists.

The standard library infix operator ++ concatenates (appends) two

lists. Use it to write a function in pattern matching style which

concatenates a list of lists. We have given you an unfinished

definition which you should refine into suitable cases and

complete. -}

concatLists :: [[x]] -> [x]

concatLists [] = []

concatLists [x] = x

concatLists (x:xs) = concatLists ((x ++ head(xs)) : tail(xs))

{- It may help to think concretely:

(a) What should

concatLists [[1], [2,3], [4,5,6]]

be? [1,2,3,4,5,6]

(b) What should

concatLists [[2,3], [4,5,6]]

be? [2,3,4,5,6]

(c) How do you combine the list '[1]' with the answer to (b) to

make the answer to (a)? Remember that '[[1], [2,3], [4,5,6]]' is

syntactic sugar for '[1]:[2,3]:[4,5,6]:[]'. -}

{- 2 MARKS -}

{- 1.1.1 Cons-ing an element to every list in a list of lists.

The cons constructor ':' takes an element 'x' and a list 'xs', and

creates a new list 'x:xs' with 'x' at the head and 'xs' at the

tail. (See the Week 01 videos and notes.)

Write a function that performs the cons operation to every list in

a list of lists. For example:

consAll 1 [[2,3],[4,5]] == [[1,2,3],[1,4,5]]

consAll 1 [[]] == [[1]]

consAll 1 [] == []


consAll :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]

consAll _ [] = []

consAll x (y:ys) = (x:y) : (consAll x ys)

{- 2 MARKS -}

{- 1.1.2 Splitting Lists.

The function 'splitOn' splits a list at every occurence of some

value. Examples:

splitOn 0 [1,2,0,3,0] == [[1,2],[3],[]]

splitOn 0 [1,2,0,3,0,4] == [[1,2],[3],[4]]

splitOn 0 [] == [[]]

splitOn 0 [0] == [[],[]]

splitOn 0 [0,0] == [[],[],[]]

Because strings are lists of 'Char's, 'splitOn' is a useful way of

breaking down strings:

splitOn ':' "Ty Per:ty.per@example.com" == ["Ty Per", "ty.per@example.com"]

Write the function 'splitOnHelper' that 'splitOn' uses to work. -}

splitOn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]

splitOn splitChar xs = splitOnHelper splitChar [] xs

splitOnHelper :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]

splitOnHelper s x [] = [reverse x]

splitOnHelper s group (x:xs) = if s == x then

(reverse group) : splitOnHelper s [] xs


splitOnHelper s (x:group) xs

{- HINT: 'splitOnHelper' works by gathering elements of the input list

'xs' in 'groups' until it sees an occurence of the splitting

value. When it sees a splitting value, it returns a new list

element containing the current group (reversed back to normal), and

then carries on with a new empty group. When it runs out of

elements to process, the current group is reversed and becomes the

last element of the output list.

You can use the standard library function 'reverse' to reverse


The arguments to 'splitOnHelper' are:

splitOnHelper s group xs

- 's :: a' the value to split on

- 'group :: [a]' the list of values in the current group, in reverse order

- 'xs :: [a]' the input list of elements remaining to be processed. -}

{- 3 MARKS -}

{- 1.1.3 Removing Empties.

The function 'splitOn' generates empty lists when there are

consecutive occurrences of the splitting value. In some cases, we

don't care about the empty lists. Write a function that takes a

list of lists, and returns a list only containing the non-empty

elements in the same order. Examples:

removeEmpty [[1],[],[2]] == [[1],[2]]

removeEmpty [[],[]] == []

removeEmpty ["hello","","world"] == ["hello","world"] -}

removeEmpty :: [[a]] -> [[a]]

removeEmpty [] = []

removeEmpty ([]:xs) = removeEmpty xs

removeEmpty (x:xs) = x : removeEmpty xs

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.1.4 Splitting into words.

Using 'splitOn' and 'removeEmpty', write a function that splits a

string into words. Assume that words are separated by spaces ' '

and that words are not empty. Examples:

words "hello world" == ["hello","world"]

words "hello world" == ["hello", "world"]

words "" == []

words " " == []

words "hello, world" == ["hello,", "world"] -}

words :: String -> [String]

words xs = removeEmpty ( splitOn ' ' xs)

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.1.5 Formatting paragraphs.

In this problem, you will write a function for laying out

monospaced paragraphs within a fixed margin width. We will

represent paragraphs as lists of words:






(This is the first sentence of "Kidnapped" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Kidnapped_(Stevenson)/Chapter_1 )

The plan is to turn a list of words into a list of lines by adding

words to a line with single spaces between them until adding one

would go over the intended width. As a special case, we always put

at least one word on each line, even if that would mean going over

the limit. For example, if the width is 40, then we would get the

following layout:




... ]

In this example, the first line is length 39 after putting in the

spaces. Adding 'with' would take us over the limit, so we start a

new line.

We will make the following simplifying assumptions:

1. Each word takes up the same amount of space as it has

characters (this is not true for all of the Unicode character

set, and only really works for ASCII if we assume a monospaced


2. Each space character ' ' takes up exactly one space.

We encode these assumptions into the following function, which you

will use to keep track of the current column words are being placed

in. Given a current column 'col' and a word 'word', 'plusCol col

word' returns the column we'll be in if we add a space and 'word'

to the line: -}

plusWord :: Int -> String -> Int

plusWord col word = col + 1 + length word

{- Now you write the following function 'layOutLines'. The arguments are

as follows:

layOutLines w col line words

- 'w :: Int' is the target width, use this to determine whether to start

a new line or not.

- 'col :: Int' is the current column we are in, it represents how

wide 'line' is once spaces are added.

- 'line :: [String]' is the list of words in the current line, in

reverse order.

- 'words :: [String]' is the list of words remaining to be added

to some lines.

The whole function ought to return the list of lines generated. See

below for hints. -}

layOutLines :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [[String]]

layOutLines w col [] [] = []

layOutLines w col line [] = [reverse line]

layOutLines w 0 line (x:xs) = layOutLines w (length x) (x:line) xs

layOutLines w col line (x:xs) = if (plusWord col x) <= w then

layOutLines w (plusWord col x) (x : line) xs


(reverse line) : layOutLines w 0 [] (x:xs)

{- 5 MARKS -}

{- HINT: There are four cases of interest:

1. We have no words remaining (words is []), and the line is empty.

2. We have no words remaining, but there is something on this line.

3. There are some words, but we are at the start of the line.

4. There are some words, and we are in the middle of a line:

4(a) the word fits on the line

4(b) the word doesn't fit on the line

Case three is important, because otherwise we never lay out a word

that is longer than a line!

HINT: the structure of the function is very similar to 'splitOn'

above, except that the condition used to decide when to split into

groups is slightly different. -}

{- Once you have written 'layOutParagraph', the following functions will

start working, which call 'layOutParagraph' with the right initial


'formatParagraph 80 kidnapped' should return:




Some examples of 'printParagraph':

*Ex1> printParagraph 80 kidnapped

I will begin the story of my adventures with a certain morning early in the

month of June, the year of grace 1751, when I took the key for the last time out

of the door of my father's house.

*Ex1> printParagraph 10 kidnapped

I will

begin the

story of



with a



early in

the month

of June,

the year

of grace

751, when

I took the

key for

the last

time out

of the

door of my




formatParagraph :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]

formatParagraph w = layOutLines w 0 []

printParagraph :: Int -> [String] -> IO ()

printParagraph w = putStrLn . unlines . map unwords . formatParagraph w

{- The following are two pieces of text that you can use for testing. -}

-- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Kidnapped_(Stevenson)/Chapter_1

kidnapped :: [String]

kidnapped = P.words "I will begin the story of my adventures with a certain morning early in the month of June, the year of grace 1751, when I took the key for the last time out of the door of my father's house."

-- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Frankenstein,_or_the_Modern_Prometheus_(Revised_Edition,_1831)/Preface

frankenstein :: [String]

frankenstein = P.words "The event on which this fiction is founded, has been supposed, by Dr. Darwin, and some of the physiological writers of Germany, as not of impossible occurrence. I shall not be supposed as according the remotest degree of serious faith to such an imagination ; yet, in assuming it as the basis of a work of fancy, I have not considered myself as merely weaving a series of supernatural terrors. The event on which the interest of the story depends is exempt from the disadvantages of a mere tale of spectres or enchantment. It was recommended by the novelty of the situations which it developes ; and, however impossible as a physical fact, affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human passions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield."


{- PART 2 : CURSORS -}


{- In this part of the exercise, you will implement a simple line


The following datatype represents a 'pointer' into, or 'cursor' in,

a list of characters. It allows us to edit the middle of the list

without having to search all the way down from the head each

time. In this section, we will build up to having a rudimentary

line based text editor. -}

data Cursor

= Within [Char] Char [Char]

| AtEnd [Char]

deriving Show

{- The 'Cursor' datatype has two constructors:

'Within before point after'

-- represents a cursor in the middle of the list

- 'before' is the content of the list before the cursor, in reverse order

- 'point' is the item under the cursor

- 'after' is the content of the list after the cursor, in normal order

'AtEnd before'

-- represents a cursor just after the end of a list

- 'before' is the content of the list before the cursor

Examples (the '^' represents where the cursor is):

Within "ba" 'c' "de" represents abcde


Within "a" 'b' "cde" represents abcde


Within "" 'a' "bcde" represents abcde


AtEnd "edcba" represents abcde


The function 'displayCursor' gives an ASCII art rendering of a

cursor. Try it out in GHCi to see how it represents different

cursor positions, and to get yourself familiar with the cursor

representation. For example, try:

*Ex1> displayCursor (Within "ba" 'c' "de")

and the other example cursors above. -}

revAppend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

revAppend [] ys = ys

revAppend (x:xs) ys = revAppend xs (x:ys)

displayCursor :: Cursor -> String

displayCursor (AtEnd before) = revAppend before "[_]"

displayCursor (Within before point after) = revAppend before ('[':point:']':after)

{- 'toCursor' converts a list into a cursor, placing the cursor at the

start of the list. Try it out in GHCi, along with the displayCursor

function. -}

toCursor :: String -> Cursor

toCursor [] = AtEnd []

toCursor (x:xs) = Within [] x xs

{- 'fromCursor' forgets the position of the cursor in a list and returns

the list. Again, try this function out in GHCi to familiarise

yourself with the cursor representation. Try lots of different

examples. -}

fromCursor :: Cursor -> String

fromCursor (AtEnd before) = revAppend before []

fromCursor (Within before point after) = revAppend before (point:after)

{- 'getPoint' reads the item currently under the cursor. If the cursor

is at the end of the line, it returns 'Nothing'. Otherwise, it

returns 'Just point'. -}

getPoint :: Cursor -> Maybe Char

getPoint (AtEnd _) = Nothing

getPoint (Within _ point _) = Just point

{- 1.2.0 Querying a cursor. Write two functions that (a) test whether or

not a cursor is at the end of the line; and (b) test whether or not

a cursor is at the start of the line. -}

atEnd :: Cursor -> Bool

atEnd (AtEnd _) = True

atEnd (Within _ _ _) = False

atStart :: Cursor -> Bool

atStart (AtEnd _) = False

atStart (Within [] _ _) = True

atStart (Within _ _ _) = False

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.1 Movement.

Here is a function that moves the cursor one step to the

right. There are three cases:

1. If we are already at the end ('AtEnd'), we do nothing and

return the cursor as is.

2. If we are one before the end (the 'after' list is empty), the

cursor becomes 'AtEnd', moving the point into the head of the

'before' list.

3. If the cursor is in the middle, we move the current point into

the 'before' list, and take the head of the 'after' list as

the new point.

This definition illustrates why I chose to represent the 'before'

list in reverse: it makes moving the cursor into a quick operation

of prepending elements on to lists. -}

moveRight :: Cursor -> Cursor

moveRight (AtEnd before) = AtEnd before

moveRight (Within before point []) = AtEnd (point:before)

moveRight (Within before point (a:after)) = Within (point:before) a after

{- Have a play with this function in GHCi to experiment with how it


Now you write the 'moveLeft' function. There will be four cases:

1. The cursor is at the end and start of an empty line

2. The cursor is at the end of a non-empty line

3. The cursor is at the start of a non-empty line

4. The cursor is within a non-empty line.

Turn these cases into Haskell patterns and work out what to do in

each case.

Some examples:

moveLeft (AtEnd "") == AtEnd ""

moveLeft (AtEnd "olleh") == Within "lleh" 'o' ""

moveLeft (Within "" 'h' "ello") == Within "" 'h' "ello"

moveLeft (Within "eh" 'l' "lo") == Within "h" 'e' "llo"

A helpful thing to remember is that moveLeft (like moveRight)

should not alter the content of the cursor in any way. More

formally, for all cursors 'c', 'fromCursor c == fromCursor

(moveLeft c)'. -}

moveLeft :: Cursor -> Cursor

moveLeft (AtEnd []) = AtEnd []

moveLeft (AtEnd (x:xs)) = Within xs x []

moveLeft (Within [] x xs) = (Within [] x xs)

moveLeft (Within (x:xs) y ys) = (Within xs x (y:ys))

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.2 Inserting Text.

'moveRight' and 'moveLeft' do not alter the content of the

cursor. Now you will write a function that does edit the

text. 'insert x cur' should insert the value 'x' "before" the

cursor (in a similar way to pressing a key inserts a character

"before" the cursor in your text editor). Examples:

insert 'x' (AtEnd "cba") == AtEnd "xcba"

insert 'x' (Within "ba" 'c' "d") == Within "xba" 'c' "d"


insert :: Char -> Cursor -> Cursor

insert x (AtEnd xs) = AtEnd (x:xs)

insert x (Within xs y ys) = Within (x:xs) y ys

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.3 Backspace.

Write a function that edits the cursor in the same way as your

backspace key does. That is, it removes the character to the left

of the cursor. Remember to think carefully about the possible edge

cases. You may want to experiment with the backspace key in your

text editor. Be careful not to delete the rest of your answers!

backspace (AtEnd "cba") == AtEnd "ba"

backspace (Within "cba" 'd' "e") == Within "ba" 'd' "e"


backspace :: Cursor -> Cursor

backspace (AtEnd []) = AtEnd []

backspace (AtEnd (x:xs)) = AtEnd xs

backspace (Within [] x xs) = Within [] x xs

backspace (Within (x:xs) y ys) = Within xs y ys

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.4 Deletion.

Write a function that deletes the element under the cursor (similar

to pressing the 'delete' key in a text editor (not the backspace

key!)). If there is no element under the cursor, then nothing

happens. If there is any element to the right of the cursor, it is

used to fill in the gap left. Examples:

delete (AtEnd "cba") == AtEnd "cba"

delete (Within "cba" 'd' "") == AtEnd "cba"

delete (Within "cba" 'd' "e") == Within "cba" 'e' ""


delete :: Cursor -> Cursor

delete (AtEnd xs) = AtEnd xs

delete (Within xs x []) = AtEnd xs

delete (Within xs x (y:ys)) = Within xs y ys

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.5 Overwrite

Write another editing function that /replaces/ the element

underneath the cursor with the given one, and does not move the

cursor. If the cursor is at the end of the line, it should act as

if the new character replaces the 'virtual' character at the end of

the line. The cursor remains on the position of the overwritten


overwrite 'X' (AtEnd "cba") = Within "cba" 'X' ""

overwrite 'X' (Within "cba" 'd' "ef") = Within "cba" 'X' "ef"


overwrite :: Char -> Cursor -> Cursor

overwrite x (AtEnd xs) = Within xs x []

overwrite x (Within xs y ys) = Within xs x ys

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.2.6 Multiple lines.

The Cursor datatype represents a single line. We will now upgrade

this to a multiline editor. The structure for implementing a

multiline editor is very similar to the structure used for

implementing the cursor.

Here is the 'LineCursor' type: -}

data LineCursor

= LineCursor [String] Cursor [String]

deriving Show

{- A 'LineCursor' value has three parts:

LineCursor above line below

It consists of a list 'above' holding the lines above the cursor

(in reverse), the cursor on the current line ('line'), and a list

containing the lines below the current cursor. Notice the

similarity to the 'Within' constructor in the 'Cursor'

datatype. There is no analogue of the 'AtEnd' constructor because

it is not possible to be off the end of the file.

Implement the following functions.

'currentLine' returns the 'Cursor' on the current line.

'updateLine' replaces the 'line' cursor with a new one.

'moveUp' simulates going up a line:

- if the current line is the first one ('before' is empty), then

the same LineCursor is returned.

- otherwise, the current line is converted to a String (using

'fromCursor' from the Ex1.hs file) and put into 'below', and

the line above is converted to a cursor (using 'toCursor') and

used as the new current line.

'moveDown' is similar to 'moveUp' but simulates moving down a line. -}

currentLine :: LineCursor -> Cursor

currentLine (LineCursor xs x ys)= x

updateLine :: LineCursor -> Cursor -> LineCursor

updateLine (LineCursor xs x ys) y = LineCursor xs y ys

moveUp :: LineCursor -> LineCursor

moveUp (LineCursor [] x xs) = LineCursor [] x xs

moveUp (LineCursor (x:xs) y ys) = LineCursor xs (toCursor x) ((fromCursor y):ys)

moveDown :: LineCursor -> LineCursor

moveDown (LineCursor xs y []) = LineCursor xs y []

moveDown (LineCursor xs x (y:ys)) = LineCursor ((fromCursor x):xs) (toCursor y) ys

{- 6 MARKS -}

{- Once you have some or all of the functions above written, you will be

able to use them as a simple text editor. Running

λ> editor "Hello"


starts the editor and displays a cursor. Commands are entered by

typing them and pressing 'Enter'. The commands are:

'q' -- quits

'r' -- move right

'l' -- move left (needs the moveLeft function written)

'iX' -- inserts 'X' (needs the 'insert' function)

'oX' -- overwrites the current character with 'X' (needs 'overwrite')

'b' -- removes the character directly to the left of the cursor (needs 'backspace')

'x' -- removes the charater underneath the cursor (needs 'delete')

An example:

λ> editor "Hel;o"















data Result a

= Continue a

| Stop

| Error

deriving Show

decode :: String -> Cursor -> Result Cursor

decode "q" cursor = Stop

decode "l" cursor = Continue (moveLeft cursor)

decode "r" cursor = Continue (moveRight cursor)

decode ['i',c] cursor = Continue (insert c cursor)

decode ['o',c] cursor = Continue (overwrite c cursor)

decode "b" cursor = Continue (backspace cursor)

decode "x" cursor = Continue (delete cursor)

decode _ cursor = Error

editor :: String -> IO String

editor string = displayLoop initialState


initialState = toCursor string

displayLoop cursor = do

putStrLn (displayCursor cursor)

cmd <- getLine

case decode cmd cursor of

Stop -> do putStrLn ""; return (fromCursor cursor)

Continue cursor -> displayLoop cursor

Error -> do putStrLn "???"; displayLoop cursor




{- This part of the exercise asks you to write some functions for

manipulating simple key/value stores, such as might be used to

store configuration information for a service.

The first three functions

cover "flat" key/value stores, where keys are atomic and each key

is associated to at most one value. The remaining questions in this

section deal with "nested" or "heirarchical" key/value stores,

where we have key value stores nested within one another (like

folders in a file system). -}

{- 1.3.0 lookupKey

We represent flat key/value stores as lists of pairs of keys and

values, where all the keys are in sorted order and duplicate keys

are not allowed. For instance, the list

[("a",1), ("b",2)]

represents a store where the key "a" has value 1, and the key "b"

has value 2.

(See the Week 02 videos and notes for examples of how to deal with

sorted lists.)

Write a function that looks up a key in a key/value store

represented in this way. If the key is not there it should return



lookupKey "a" [("a",1),("b",2)] == Just 1

lookupKey "b" [("a",1),("b",2)] == Just 2

lookupKey "c" [("a",1),("b",2)] == Nothing


lookupKey :: Ord k => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v

lookupKey s [] = Nothing

lookupKey s ((k,v):xs)

| s < k = Nothing

| s == k = Just v

| otherwise = lookupKey s xs

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.3.1 removeKey

Write a function that removes a key from a key/value store. That

is, it takes a key and key/value store as input, and returns a

key/value store with that key missing. If the key is not there,

then it ought to return the key/value store unchanged.


removeKey "a" [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("b",2)]

removeKey "b" [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("a",1)]

removeKey "c" [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("a",1),("b",2)]


removeKey :: Ord k => k -> [(k,v)] -> [(k,v)]

removeKey s [] = []

removeKey s ((k,v):xs)

| s < k = ((k,v):xs)

| s == k = xs

| otherwise = (k,v) : (removeKey s xs)

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.3.2 insertKey

Write a function that inserts a key/value pair into a key/value

store. If the key is already present, then it should overwrite that

key's value. If the key does not exist then it should add that

key. Be sure to maintain the ordering of keys.

insertKey "a" 3 [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("a",3),("b",2)]

insertKey "b" 3 [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("a",1),("b",3)]

insertKey "c" 3 [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)]

insertKey "A" 3 [("a",1),("b",2)] == [("A",3),("a",1),("b",2)]


insertKey :: Ord k => k -> v -> [(k,v)] -> [(k,v)]

insertKey k v [] = [(k,v)]

insertKey k v ((k',v'):xs)

| k < k' = ((k,v):(k',v'):xs)

| k == k' = ((k,v):xs)

| otherwise = (k',v') : (insertKey k v xs)

{- 2 MARKS -}

{- We now look at hierarchical key/value stores. Instead of being a flat

list of keys with associated values, we will allow keys to be

associated with nested key/value stores as well as values. This

will act similarly to how folders are nested on a file system.

We represent nested key/value stores using the following datatype: -}

data Config

= Value String

| Store [(String, Config)]

deriving (Show, Eq)

{- The constructor 'Value' represents a single value. So the 'Config'

'Value "www.cis.strath.ac.uk"' is a configuration containing the

single value "www.cis.strath.ac.uk".

The constructor 'Store' represents a store containing a list of

'String' keys with associated configurations. The pairs are

expected to be in sorted order, with no duplicate keys (as

above). For example, the 'Config's: -}

config1 :: Config

config1 = Store [("hostname",Value "www.cis.strath.ac.uk"),("port",Value "80")]

config2 :: Config

config2 = Store [("hostname",Value "www.strath.ac.uk"),("port",Value "8080")]

{- Represent two different stores with the same keys. The first

associates "www.cis.strath.ac.uk" to "hostname", and "80" to

"port". The second associates "www.cis.strath.ac.uk" and "8080".

We can combine these into a single 'Config': -}

config3 :: Config

config3 = Store [("server1", config1),("server2", config2)]

{- If you evaluate 'config3' in GHCi, it will show you the full 'Config'


Keys into a store are now lists of 'String's, so we make a type

synonym to make our function types easier to read: -}

type Key = [String]

{- 1.3.3 emptyConfig

Fill in the definition of 'emptyConfig' with a 'Config' that has no

keys and no values. The wrong answer is 'Value ""', which has a

single value. -}

emptyConfig :: Config

emptyConfig = Store []

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.3.4 set

Fill in the definition of 'set'. This function should take a 'Key'

and a 'String' and return the 'Config' that associates that key

with that value.


set [] "X" == Value "X"

set ["a"] "X" == Store [("a",Value "X")]

set ["a","b"] "X" == Store [("a",Store [("b",Value "X")])]


set :: Key -> String -> Config

set [] xs = Value xs

set (x:xs) ys = Store [(x, (set xs ys))]

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.3.5 getKey

The function 'getKey' should return the nested configuration

associated with the given 'Key'.


getKey ["a","b"] emptyConfig == Nothing

getKey ["a","b"] (set ["a","b"] "X") == Just (Value "X")

getKey ["server1"] config3 == Just (Store [("hostname",Value "www.cis.strath.ac.uk"),("port",Value "80")])

getKey ["server3"] config3 == Nothing

getKey ["server2","port"] config3 == Just (Value "8080")

You will find it useful to use the 'lookupKey' function defined

above. You will have to use a 'case' expression. -}

getKey :: Key -> Config -> Maybe Config

getKey [] c = Just c

getKey _ (Store []) = Nothing

getKey _ (Value _) = Nothing

getKey (x:xs) (Store cs) = case lookup x cs of

Nothing -> Nothing

Just v -> getKey xs v

{- 2 MARKS -}

{- 1.3.6 getValue

The 'getKey' function returns the 'Config' associated with a key,

but sometimes we'd like to just get any value associated with a key

and raise an error when we get anything else.

This datatype represents the possible outcomes of trying to find a

key in a configuration: -}

data ValueResult

= Ok String

| KeyMissing

| KeyNotAValue

deriving (Show, Eq)

{- Implement 'getValue', which uses 'getKey' and returns 'Ok s' if the

key is associated with 'Value s', 'KeyMissing' if the key is not

found, and 'KeyNotAString' if the key is there, but isn't a value.


getValue ["a"] (set ["a"] "x") == Ok "x"

getValue ["a"] emptyConfig == KeyMissing

getValue ["a"] (set ["a","b"] "x") == KeyNotAValue


getValue :: Key -> Config -> ValueResult

getValue k c = case getKey k c of

Nothing -> KeyMissing

Just (Value x) -> Ok x

Just (Store _) -> KeyNotAValue

{- 2 MARKS -}

{- 1.3.7 Merging configurations.

Write a function that merges two configurations together into a

single configuration. The rules are:

- Every key in the output must exist in one of the two input


- If a key appears in only one configuration, it has the same value

in the output as it did in that configuration.

- If a key appears in both configurations, we take the value from

the *second* input configuration.

Here are some examples:

merge emptyConfig emptyConfig == emptyConfig

merge (set ["a"] "x") (set ["a"] "y") == set ["a"] "y"

merge (set ["a"] "x") (set ["b"] "y") == merge (set ["a"] "x") (set ["b"] "y")

merge config1 config2 == config2

You will have to write *two* functions that call each

other. 'merge' merges two 'Config's together, so it needs to check

for all combinations of 'Value' and 'Store' and do the right

thing. When merging two 'Store's, it will need to call on

'mergeKVs' which should merge two key/value stores, making sure to

keep everything in order (see the mergesort example from Week

02). When merging two identical keys, 'mergeKVs' will call 'merge'. -}

merge :: Config -> Config -> Config

merge (Value v) (Value v') = Value v'

merge (Value v) (Store s) = Store s

merge (Store s) (Value v) = Value v

merge (Store []) (Store s) = Store s

merge (Store s) (Store []) = Store s

merge (Store s) (Store s') = Store (mergeKVs s s')

mergeKVs :: [(String,Config)] -> [(String,Config)] -> [(String,Config)]

mergeKVs xs [] = xs

mergeKVs [] xs = xs

mergeKVs ((k,v):xs) ((k',v'):ys)

| k < k' = (k, v) : mergeKVs xs ((k',v'):ys)

| k > k' = (k', v') : mergeKVs ((k,v):xs) ys

| otherwise = (k, (merge v v')) : mergeKVs xs ys

{- 7 MARKS -}

{- 1.3.8 Updating keys.

Complete the following definition that updates a 'Config' by

setting a key to a new value (with the effect of adding it if it

doesn't already exist).


getKey ["a","b"] (update ["a","b"] "x" emptyConfig) == Just (Value "x")

getKey ["a","b"] (update ["a","c"] "x" emptyConfig) == Nothing

getKey ["a"] (update ["a"] "y" (update ["a"] "x" emptyConfig)) == Just (Value "y")

getKey ["a"] (update [] "x" (update ["a"] "y" emptyConfig)) == Nothing

You should use 'set' and 'merge' to write 'update'. Doing it any

other way will be a lot more work. -}

update :: Key -> String -> Config -> Config

update k s c = merge c (set k s)

{- 1 MARK -}




{- This final part of the exercise is about modelling processes which

input and output bits. Processes are things. They're a kind of

tree, representing a decision process, given by the following

datatype. -}

{- We'll do the setup, then it'll be your turn. -}

data Process

= End -- marks the end of the process, so no more input or output

| Output Bool Process

-- (Output b p) outputs bit b, then continues as p

| Input Process Process

-- (Input pt pf) inputs a bit, continuing as pt if it's

-- True, pf if False

deriving (Show, Eq)

{- Don't expect the data in this type to *do* anything! Rather, they

*represent* processes. We'll see how to interpret them shortly.

Let's have an example process: this process should output False if

its input is True and True if its input is False. -}

notGate :: Process

notGate = Input (Output False End) (Output True End)

{- See? If the input is True, we take the left path and find (Output

False End), otherwise we go right and find (Output True End).

Either way, we make one output and then stop.

How can we make processes go? We need to interpret them. Here's

how. The "process" function takes a Process to interpret, and a

list of input bits in [Bool], then produces the list of output

bits. -}

process :: Process -> [Bool] -> [Bool]

process End bs = []

-- when we're at the end, there is no more output

process (Output b p) bs = b : process p bs

-- the output from (Output b p) had better begin with b, and the rest

-- is whatever comes out from running p on the input

process (Input tp fp) (b : bs) = process (if b then tp else fp) bs

-- when the process wants input, the result depends on the first bit

-- in the input list: if that's True, then we continue with the tp

-- branch; if it's false, we continue with the fp branch. In both

-- cases, we feed the rest of the input bs to the continuing process

process (Input tp fp) [] = []

-- in the unfortunate case where the process wants input but the input

-- list is empty, we're a bit stuck; let's stop and return no output

{- Let's try it out. Here are some test examples. Try loading this file

in ghci, then evaluating testNotT and testNotF at the prompt. Do

you get what you expect? -}

testNotT :: [Bool]

testNotT = process notGate [True]

testNotF :: [Bool]

testNotF = process notGate [False]

{- 1.4.0 Outputting a single bit. Write a function that takes a boolean

value and returns a process that outputs that bit and ends. You

should have:

process (output True) [] == [True]

and correspondingly for False. -}

output :: Bool -> Process

output b = Output b End

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.4.1 Copycat. Write a definition of a process, similar to the

notGate, that reads its input and outputs it unaltered. You should


process copyCat [True] == [True]

process copyCat [False] == [False]


copyCat :: Process

copyCat = Input (Output True End) (Output False End)

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.4.2 Outputting multiple bits. Write a function that takes a list of

bits and generates a process that outputs all of them, in

order. You should have:

process (outputs [True,False,True,True]) [] == [True, False, True, True]

and so on. -}

outputs :: [Bool] -> Process

outputs [] = End

outputs (x:xs) = Output x (outputs xs)

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.4.3 Duplication. Write a process that inputs one bit, and then

outputs it *twice*. You should have:

process duplicate [True] == [True,True]

process duplicate [False] == [False,False]


duplicate :: Process

duplicate = Input (Output True (Output True End)) (Output False (Output False End))

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.4.4 AND and OR gates.

Write processes that act like an AND gate and an OR gate. You

should have:

process andGate [True,True] == [True]

process andGate [False,True] == [False]

process andGate [True,False] == [False]

process andGate [False,False] == [False]

process orGate [True,True] == [True]

process orGate [False,True] == [True]

process orGate [True,False] == [True]

process orGate [False,False] == [False]


andGate :: Process

andGate = Input (Input (Output True End) (Output False End)) (Input (Output False End) (Output False End))

orGate :: Process

orGate = Input (Input (Output True End) (Output True End)) (Input (Output True End) (Output False End))

{- 1 MARK -}

{- 1.4.5 Expectations.

Write a function that given a list of bits, makes a process that

reads that many bits from the input and outputs 'True' if all the

bits match the input list, and 'False' otherwise. You should have:

process (expects [True]) [True] == [True]

process (expects [True, True]) [True,False] == [False]

process (expects [True, True]) [True,True] == [True]

process (expects []) [True,False] == [True]

If 'expects' is given a list of length 'n', then it should always

read exactly 'n' bits of input! Don't stop reading bits when you

find a mismatch! For example: an andGate always reads two bits, and

you should have:

expects [True,True] == andGate

You will need to write an auxilliary function that continues to

read the input even after bad input has been detected, before

outputting False. -}

expects :: [Bool] -> Process

expects xs = expects' True xs


expects' b [] = Output b End

expects' b (x:xs) = if x then

Input (expects' b xs) (expects' False xs)


Input (expects' False xs) (expects' b xs)

{- 3 MARKS -}

{- 1.4.6 Sequencing processes.

Complete the following function which combines two processes in

sequence, so that the second begins once the first has ended. That

is, you should 'graft' the second process in place of all the End

markers in the first process. HINT: the structure of this function

is very similar to 'append'. -}

sequ :: Process -> Process -> Process

sequ End p2 = p2

sequ (Output b p1) p2 = Output b (seq p1 p2)

sequ (Input p1t p1f) p2 = Input (sequ p1t p2) (sequ p1f p2)

{- To check that you've got it right, make sure that

sequ notGate End == notGate

process (sequ notGate notGate) [True,True] == [False,False]

process (sequ notGate notGate) [True,False] == [False,True]

process (sequ notGate notGate) [False,True] == [True,False]

process (sequ notGate notGate) [False,False] == [True,True]

process (sequ notGate End) [False] == [True]

That is, sequencing two notGate components gives you a process

which negates two inputs. -}

{- 3 MARKS -}

{- 1.4.7 Piping one process into another.

Write a function which combines two processes so that the output

from the first is used as the input for the second. That is, the

combined process should keep the inputs from the first process and

the outputs from the second process, but hide the communication in

the middle. Give priority to the second process, so the first runs

only when the second is demanding input. We've done some of it for

you, but you may still need to refine the pattern match further.

You should have:

pipe (sequ notGate notGate) andGate == pipe orGate notGate

process (pipe notGate notGate) [True] == [True]

process (pipe notGate notGate) [False] == [False]

process (pipe duplicate (sequ copyCat notGate)) [False] == [False, True]

process (pipe (sequ notGate notGate) andGate) [False,False] == [True]


pipe :: Process -> Process -> Process

pipe p1 End = End

pipe p1 (Output b p2) = Output b (pipe p1 p2)

pipe End (Input t f) = End

-- the second process is hungry, but it starves to death!

pipe (Output b p) (Input t f) = if b then (pipe p t) else (pipe p f)

-- communication: the first process is ready to output, the second

-- wants to input, so the output from the first should determine

-- what happens next, somehow

pipe (Input t1 f1) p2 =

Input (pipe t1 p2) (pipe f1 p2) -- what happens in each case?

-- the second process is hungry, and so is the first, so ask 'the world'

-- for some input

{- 5 MARKS -}


