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Guessing game using ARM assembly homework help

The homework deals with implementing a guessing game program in ARM assembly. The program generates a random number between 1 and 100 and allows 2 players to make a guess. If a player can’t guess the number, the program provides a hint about the position of the number relative to the guess. The game continues until one of the players guesses the correct number or one of them runs out of tries. The following solution provided by our ARM assembly homework help solvers demonstrates how to create a guessing game in ARM.
Table Of Contents
  • ARM Assembly Code for a Guessing Game 

ARM Assembly Code for a Guessing Game 

Guessing game using ARM assembly assignment help

Solution .data welcome_msg: .asciz "Welcome to the Number Guessing Game.\n" help_msg: .ASCII "This game is for two players only,\n" .asciz "each player has two tries, but the second try won't count!\n" seed_msg: .asciz "Enter a seed for the random generator: " selected_msg: .asciz "\nPlayer turn: Player %d\n" prompt_msg: .ascii "What is you guess number?\n" .ascii " Your guess should be between 1 - 100.\n" .asciz " Enter your guess here or type 0 to pass on your turn:\n" passes_msg: .asciz "Player %d has %d passes left.\n" no_pass_msg: .asciz "You can't use pass twice in a row\n" out_pass_msg: .asciz "You used up all your passes.\n" wins_msg: .ascii "You win!!\n" .asciz "It took %d tries to get the answer.\n" lower_msg: .asciz "Go lower next time!\n" higher_msg: .asciz "Go higher next time!\n" again_msg: .asciz "One more try\n" int_fmt: .asciz "%d" seed: .word 0 guess: .word 0 rand_num: .word 0 div_result: .word 0 .word 0 re_pass1: .word 0 re_pass2: .word 0 passes1: .word 3 passes2: .word 3 tries1: .word 0 tries2: .word 0 turns1: .word 2 turns2: .word 2 .text .global main main: push {lr} // Print welcome message ldr r0, =welcome_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf // Print help message ldr r0, =help_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf // Print seed message ldr r0, =seed_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf // read seed ldr r0,=int_fmt // load int format for scanf ldr r1, =seed // place to save read int bl scanf // read integer ldr r0, =seed // load seed input ldr r0, [r0] bl srand // initialize random generator bl rand // generate random number for player and r4, r0, #1 // set to 0 or 1 bl rand // generate random number for game mov r1, r0 // divide random number mov r2, #100 // divide by 100 ldr r0, =div_result // save result in variable bl div ldr r0, =div_result // load division remainder ldr r0, [r0, #4] add r0, r0, #1 // increment to get a number between 1 and 100 ldr r1, =rand_num // save random number in variable str r0, [r1] game_loop: ldr r1, =turns1 // set number of turns for player to 2 mov r0, #2 str r0,[r1, r4, LSL #2] read_guess: // Print player ldr r0, =selected_msg // load address of string to print add r1, r4, #1 bl printf // print string with printf // Print guess prompt message ldr r0, =prompt_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf // read guess ldr r0,=int_fmt // load int format for scanf ldr r1, =guess // place to save read int bl scanf // read integer ldr r0, =guess // load guess input ldr r0, [r0] cmp r0, #0 // see if the user wants to pass bne start_game // if not, start game ldr r1, =passes1 // load current number of passes for the player ldr r0, [r1, r4, LSL #2] cmp r0, #0 // see if there are passes left beq no_pass // if not, print no more passes ldr r2, =re_pass1 // load repeated pass for current player ldr r3, [r2, r4, LSL #2] cmp r3, #0 // see if it's a repeated pass bne rep_pass // if repeated, print error add r3, r3, #1 // else, set repeated pass str r3, [r2, r4, LSL #2] sub r0, r0, #1 // decrement number of passes str r0, [r1, r4, LSL #2] // update pass variable for the player // Print remaining passes message add r1, r4, #1 // set player number mov r2, r0 // set number of passes left ldr r0, =passes_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf bal change // change player turn rep_pass: // Print repeated pass message ldr r0, =no_pass_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf bal read_guess // read guess no_pass: // Print no more passes message ldr r0, =out_pass_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf bal read_guess // read guess start_game: ldr r0, =re_pass1 // clear repeated pass for current player mov r1, #0 str r1, [r0, r4, LSL #2] ldr r0, =turns1 // get number of turns for player ldr r1,[r0, r4, LSL #2] cmp r1, #2 blt no_count // if second turn, don't count as try ldr r0, =tries1 // load tries ldr r1, [r0, r4, LSL #2] add r1, r1, #1 // increment number of tries str r1, [r0, r4, LSL #2] // update variable no_count: ldr r0, =rand_num // load random number ldr r0, [r0] ldr r1, =guess // load guess ldr r1, [r1] CMP r0, r1 // if numbers are equal, player wins be win but try_lower // if the number is lower, try lower // else, try higher ldr r0, =higher_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf bal change_turn try_lower: ldr r0, =lower_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf change_turn: ldr r1, =turns1 // get number of turns for player ldr r0,[r1, r4, LSL #2] sub r0, r0, #1 // decrement turns str r0,[r1, r4, LSL #2] cmp r0, #0 ble change // if zero, change player // else, try again ldr r0, =again_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf bal read_guess change: eor r4, r4, #1 // change player 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 bal game_loop // restart game win: // Print winning message ldr r1, =tries1 // load tries ldr r1, [r1, r4, LSL #2] ldr r0, =wins_msg // load address of string to print bl printf // print string with printf mov r0,#0 // return 0 pop {lr} bx lr