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Simulating a Hangman game using x86 assembly assignment help

The assignment deals with implementing a game of hangman using x86 assembly. The program selects a random word from a word array saved on the data segment. The user has 5 chances to guess the correct word by entering a letter at a time and 3 chances to guess the complete word. The game ends when the user guesses the word or the user runs out of chances. The interaction is done only in text, showing the remaining tries and the letters already guessed in the hidden word. Check out the solution below to have an idea of the quality of work delivered by our x86 assembly assignment help experts.
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  • Hangman Game Simulation

Hangman Game Simulation

Simulating a Hangman game using x86 assembly assignment help

Solution ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; Program that simulates a game of Hangman ;------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE Hangman. asm INCLUDE irvine32.inc .DATA help0 BYTE " Hangman", 0dh, 0ah, 0 help1 BYTE "The game consists in completing a word of a given length by", 0dh, 0ah, 0 help2 BYTE "guessing correctly its letters or guessing the complete word.", 0dh, 0ah, 0 help3 BYTE "You have 5 chances to guess a letter and only 3 to guess a word.", 0dh, 0ah, 0 menu0 BYTE "Game Menu", 0dh, 0ah, 0 menu1 BYTE " 1. Play", 0dh, 0ah, 0 menu2 BYTE " 2. Statistics", 0dh, 0ah, 0 menu3 BYTE " 3. Quit", 0dh, 0ah, 0 menu4 BYTE "Selection? ", 0 stats0 BYTE 0dh,0ah,"Games statistics",0dh,0ah,0 stats1 BYTE "Games played: ",0 stats2 BYTE "Games won: ",0 stats3 BYTE "Games lost: ",0 wordMsg BYTE "Word = ", 0 guessTypeMsg BYTE "Do you wish to guess a letter or the whole word: ( 1 for letter 2 for word) ",0 guessLetterMsg BYTE "Guess a letter: ",0 guessWordMsg BYTE "Guess the word: ",0 invOptionMsg BYTE "Invalid option. Please try again", 0dh, 0ah, 0 noLetterMsg BYTE "You ran out of letter guesses.", 0dh, 0ah, 0 loseMsg BYTE "That is incorrect. You lose",0dh, 0ah,0dh, 0ah, 0 winMsg BYTE "That is correct. You win",0dh, 0ah,0dh, 0ah, 0 leftLetterMsg1 BYTE "( ",0 leftLetterMsg2 BYTE " letter guesses left)",0 badWordMsg1 BYTE "That is incorrect - ",0 badWordMsg2 BYTE " word guesses remaining",0dh,0ah,0 String0 BYTE "fruit", 0h String1 BYTE "kayak", 0h String2 BYTE "beauceron", 0h String3 BYTE "puppy", 0h String4 BYTE "phoenix", 0h String5 BYTE "pizza", 0h String6 BYTE "frigate", 0h String7 BYTE "ketchup", 0h String8 BYTE "chai", 0h String9 BYTE "basket", 0h String10 BYTE "cabinet", 0h String11 BYTE "rescue", 0h String12 BYTE "machine", 0h String13 BYTE "mississippian", 0h String14 BYTE "destroyer", 0h String15 BYTE "zoomies", 0h String16 BYTE "hangman", 0h String17 BYTE "preface", 0h String18 BYTE "annoying", 0h String19 BYTE "candle", 0h StringTable DWORD String0, String1, String2, String3, String4 DWORD String5, String6, String7, String8, String9 DWORD String10, String11, String12, String13, String14 DWORD String15, String16, String17, String18, String19 random word DWORD 0 current word BYTE 50 DUP(?) guessWord BYTE 20 DUP(?) letters BYTE 5 words BYTE 3 lguess BYTE 0 gamesPlayed DWORD 0 gamesWon DWORD 0 gamesLost DWORD 0 quitflg DB 0 .CODE main PROC call Randomize ; initialize random generator ; Print initial help mov edx, OFFSET help0 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET help1 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET help2 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET help3 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string call CrLf ; leave an empty line call WaitMsg ; wait for user to press a key call ClrScr ; clear the screen using irvine library gameStart: ; Print option menu mov edx, OFFSET menu0 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET menu1 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET menu2 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET menu3 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string readOption: mov edx, OFFSET menu4 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string call ReadDec ; read a number from the user cmp al, 1 ; if the user selected option 1 je play ; play the game cmp al, 2 ; if the user selected option 2 je stats ; show statistics cmp al, 3 ; else, if 3 was selected je quit ; quit the game ; print invalid option message mov edx, OFFSET invOptionMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string jmp readOption ; try again play: inc DWORD PTR [gamesPlayed] ; increment played games mov esi, OFFSET StringTable ; point to start of string table mov eax, 20 ; pass number of words in table call genRandomWord ; generate a random guess word mov [randomWord], eax ; get pointer to random word in variable mov esi, [randomWord] ; pass the string address to strlen call Strlen ; calculate the string length mov esi, OFFSET currentWord ; pass guess word to initialize it call initializeString ; initialize guess word filling underscores mov BYTE PTR [letters], 5 ; letter guesses mov BYTE PTR [words], 3 ; word guesses mov BYTE PTR [lguess], 0 ; clear letter guess flag playLoop: ; print word message mov edx, OFFSET wordMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET currentWord ; load address of guess word call WriteString ; print current guess word cmp BYTE PTR [lguess], 0 ; see if last guess was a letter je typeStart ; if not, ask for input ; print first part of left letters message mov edx, OFFSET leftLetterMsg1 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string movzx eax, BYTE PTR [letters] ; load number of left letters call WriteDec ; print number ; print second part of left letters message mov edx, OFFSET leftLetterMsg2 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string typeStart: call CrLf ; jump to next line typeLoop: ; print prompt for type of guess mov edx, OFFSET guessTypeMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string call ReadDec ; read number from user cmp eax, 1 ; if selected 1 je playLetter ; plays with a letter cmp eax, 2 ; if selected 2 je playWord ; plays with a word ; print invalid option message mov edx, OFFSET invOptionMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string jmp typeLoop ; try again playLetter: cmp BYTE PTR [letters], 0 ; see if we are out of guesses jg getLetter ; if there are some left, get the letter ; if out of guesses, print message mov edx, OFFSET noLetterMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string jmp typeLoop ; get another option getLetter: ; print prompt for letter mov edx, OFFSET guessLetterMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string call ReadChar ; read a character call WriteChar ; echo char on screen call CrLf ; jump to next line call tolower ; convert char to lowercase mov esi, OFFSET currentWord ; load pointer to current word mov edi, [randomWord] ; load pointer to random word call updateGuess ; update the guessed chars cmp eax, 0 ; see if there was a match je updLetters ; if there was no match, update letter matches mov esi, OFFSET currentWord ; load pointer to current word call checkWin ; see if the user completed the word cmp eax, 1 ; if there is a win jne updLetters ; if not, update guesses ; print last word message mov edx, OFFSET wordMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET currentWord ; load address of guess word call WriteString ; print current guess word call CrLf ; jump to next line jmp win ; go to win updLetters: mov BYTE PTR [lguess],1 ; set flag to indicate letter guess dec BYTE PTR [letters] ; decrement number of guesses jmp playLoop ; play again playWord: ; print prompt for word mov edx, OFFSET guessWordMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov edx, OFFSET guessWord ; place to save string read mov ecx, 20 ; maximum length to read call ReadString ; read string from user mov esi, OFFSET guessWord ; pass read string address call strtolower ; convert string to lowercase mov esi, OFFSET guessWord ; load address of guessed word mov edi, [randomWord] ; load random word being played call strcmp ; compare strings cmp eax, 1 ; see if the strings are equal je win ; if equal, user wins mov BYTE PTR [lguess],0 ; clear flag to indicate no letter guess dec BYTE PTR [words] ; else, decrement number of word guesses cmp BYTE PTR [words], 0 ; see if we are out of word guesses jg badWord ; if there are stil some left, play again ; else, print lose message mov edx, OFFSET loseMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string inc DWORD PTR [gamesLost] ; increment lost games jmp stats ; jump to stats badWord: ; bad word entered, print bad message mov edx, OFFSET badWordMsg1 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string movzx eax, BYTE PTR [words] ; load number of left words call WriteDec ; print number ; print second part of bad message mov edx, OFFSET badWordMsg2 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string jmp playLoop ; play again win: ; print win message mov edx, OFFSET winMsg ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string inc DWORD PTR [gamesWon] ; increment won games jmp stats quit: mov BYTE PTR [quitflg], 1 ; set quit flag to 1 stats: ; print stats title mov edx, OFFSET stats0 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string ; print number of games played mov edx, OFFSET stats1 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov eax, [gamesPlayed] ; load number of played games call WriteDec ; print on screen using irvine library call CrLf ; print number of games won mov edx, OFFSET stats2 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov eax, [gamesWon] ; load number of won games call WriteDec ; print on screen using irvine library call CrLf ; print number of games lost mov edx, OFFSET stats3 ; load address of string to print in edx call WriteString ; use Irvine library to print string mov eax, [gamesLost] ; load number of lost games call WriteDec ; print on screen using irvine library call CrLf call CrLf cmp BYTE PTR [quitflg], 0 ; if not quit je gameStart ; jump to start of game menu exit ; exit the program ret main ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- strlen PROC ; ; Calculates the length of a zero-terminated string ; On entry: esi = pointer to string ; On return: eax = string length ;------------------------------------------------------------- mov eax, 0 ; initialize length to zero sloop: cmp BYTE PTR [esi], 0 ; see if char is zero je endsloop ; if zero, end loop inc esi ; else, advance to next char inc eax ; increment length jmp sloop ; repeat loop endsloop: ret strlen ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- strcmp PROC ; ; Compares two strings ; On entry: esi = pointer to first string ; esi = pointer to second string ; On return: eax = 1 if both strings are equal, 0 otherwise ;------------------------------------------------------------- cmploop: mov al, [esi] ; load char from first string cmp al, [edi] ; compare with same char in second string jne notEqual ; if not equal, return inc esi ; else, advance to next char in first string inc edi ; advance to next char in second string cmp al, 0 ; see if we compared the last char jne cmploop ; if not, repeat loop mov eax, 1 ; else, return 1 to indicate the stirngs are equal ret notEqual: mov eax,0 ; return zero to indicate not equal ret strcmp ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- genRandomWord PROC ; ; Generate a random word from a table of words ; On entry: esi = pointer to table ; eax = number of words in table ; On return: eax = pointer to randomly selected word ;------------------------------------------------------------- push ebx ; save ebx value on stack mov ebx, eax ; save number in ebx call Random32 ; get a random number mov edx, 0 ; clear edx or making division div ebx ; divide random number by number of words shl edx, 2 ; multiply remainder by 4 to get offset in string table add esi, edx ; move address of selected string in esi mov eax, [esi] ; load pointer to address from table and return it pop ebx ; restore ebx ret genRandomWord ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- initialize string PROC ; ; Initializes the string to be guessed by inserting underscore ; characters ; On entry: esi = address of space to save string ; eax = length of word to guess ;------------------------------------------------------------- mov ecx, eax ; use length to make a loop initLoop: mov BYTE PTR [esi], '_' ; save an underscore inc esi ; advance position in string mov BYTE PTR [esi], ' ' ; save a space inc esi ; advance position in string loop initLoop mov BYTE PTR [esi], 0 ; save an end of string ret initialize string ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- updateGuess PROC ; ; Updates the guessed char in the current word ; On entry: esi = pointer to current word ; edi = pointer to selected random word ; al = guessed character to test ; On return: eax = number of times the char was found in the string ;------------------------------------------------------------- push ebx ; save ebx on stack mov cl, al ; mov character to search to cl mov ebx, 0 ; initialize correct character count to zero updLoop: mov dl, [esi] ; load character from current word cmp dl, 0 ; see if we reached the end of the word je updDone cmp dl, '_' ; see if char is available jne skip ; if not, skip cmp cl, [edi] ; compare char input with char in random word jne skip ; if not equal, skip to next one inc ebx ; else, increment number of found chars mov [esi], cl ; reveal char in current guess word skip: add esi, 2 ; skip space and go to next char in current guess inc edi ; advance to next char in random word jmp updLoop updDone: mov eax, ebx ; return number of correct guesses pop ebx ; restore ebx ret updateGuess ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- checkWin PROC ; ; Check if the user has won the game ; On entry: esi = pointer to current guess word ; On return: eax = 1 if the user won, 0 otherwise ;------------------------------------------------------------- chkLoop: mov cl, [esi] ; load character from current word cmp cl, 0 ; see if we reached the end of the word je isWin ; if we reached the end, the user won cmp cl, '_' ; see if char is available je noWin ; if available, it's still not a win add esi, 2 ; skip space and go to next char in current guess jmp chkLoop noWin: mov eax, 0 ; return 0 to indicate no win ret isWin: mov eax, 1 ; return 1 to indicate win ret checkWin ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- to lower PROC ; ; Convert char to lowercase ; On entry: al = char to convert ; On return: al = char converted to lowercase ;------------------------------------------------------------- cmp al, 'A' ; see if it's uppercase jl tlReturn ; if not, return same char cmp al, 'Z' ; see if it's uppercase jg tlReturn ; if not, return same char xor al, 32 ; change case tlReturn: ret tolower ENDP ;------------------------------------------------------------- strtolower PROC ; ; Convert string to lowercase ; On entry: esi = pointer to string ;------------------------------------------------------------- stlloop: mov al, [esi] ; load char from string cmp al, 0 ; see if char is zero je endstloop ; if zero, end loop call tolower ; convert to lowercase mov [esi], al ; save converted char inc esi ; advance to next char jmp stlloop ; repeat loop endstloop: ret strtolower ENDP END main