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Implementing hash functions in Java assignment help

The goal of the task was to complete the assignment, which was already 90% - implemented. Our Java assignment help experts changed theStockTradeLogImpl java class in a such way that it now usesa hash structure instead of a list structure. The only thing was missing in the implementations is the hash function used for this table, which is used to place the StockTrade object into the hash table in StockTradeLogImpl class. So all business objects are stored as MapEntry instances and one had to update the hash algorithm and hashtable operations.
Table Of Contents
  • Illustrating Hash Function Operations

Illustrating Hash Function Operations

MapEntry.java /* * * Program Description: An implementation that fulfills the requirements * of assignment #4, CS310 Data Structures class. * */ package cs310parsons; /** * @author Martha Parsons * @date 10/01/2019 * @version 02 * * */ public class MapEntry { private String key; private StockTradeNode newNode; public MapEntry(StockTrade obj) { newNode = new StockTradeNode(obj); key = obj.getStockSymbol(); } public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } public String getKey() { return key; } public StockTradeNode getNode() { return newNode; } } StockTrade.java /* * * Program Description: An implementation that fulfills the requirements * of assignment #4, CS310 Data Structures class. * */ package cs310parsons; /** * @author Martha Parsons * @date 10/01/2019 * @version 04 * @description - A local stock brokerage company is in need of a Java * programmer to assist them with some of their needs. Various * brokers in the office take care of multiple stocks in the * broker�s portfolio. */ public class StockTrade { private String stockSymbol; private String symbol; private double pricePerShare; private int wholeShares; private String brokerLicense; private boolean taxable; /** * @param stockTradeArr * */ public StockTrade(String[] stockTradeArr) { setStockTradeAttributes(stockTradeArr); } /** * @return */ public String getStockSymbol() { return stockSymbol; } /** * @return */ public Double getPricePerShare() { return pricePerShare; } /** * @return */ public int getWholeShares() { return wholeShares; } /** * @return */ public String getBrokerLicense() { return brokerLicense; } /** * @param stockSymbol */ /** * @param stockSymbol - Stock symbol (Unique 3 or 4-char string, all * uppercased) * @param pricePerShare - Stock price per share (double) * @param wholeShares - Stock number of shares (int) NOTE: Only whole shares * can be traded for this program * @param brokerLicense - Broker�s license number (to match license number in * Broker) * @param taxable - Whether trade is taxable (Boolean) */ public void setStockTradeAttributes(String[] arr) { this.stockSymbol = arr[2]; this.symbol = stockSymbol; this.pricePerShare = Double.parseDouble(arr[3]); this.wholeShares = Integer.parseInt(arr[4]); this.brokerLicense = (arr[5]); this.taxable = "Y".equals(arr[6]); } /** * @return */ public boolean isTaxable() { return taxable; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = symbol.hashCode(); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; StockTrade other = (StockTrade) obj; if (brokerLicense == null) { if (other.brokerLicense != null) return false; } else if (!brokerLicense.equals(other.brokerLicense)) return false; if (Double.doubleToLongBits(pricePerShare) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.pricePerShare)) return false; if (stockSymbol == null) { if (other.stockSymbol != null) return false; } else if (!stockSymbol.equals(other.stockSymbol)) return false; if (taxable != other.taxable) return false; if (wholeShares != other.wholeShares) return false; return true; } /** * */ @Override public String toString() { return "StockTrade {stockSymbol=" + stockSymbol + ", pricePerShare=" + pricePerShare + ", wholeShares=" + wholeShares + ", brokerLicense=" + brokerLicense + ", taxable=" + taxable + "}"; } /** * @param stockSymbol * @return */ public boolean isValidStockSymbol(String stockSymbol) { int stockSymbolLength = stockSymbol.length(); if (stockSymbolLength <3 || stockSymbolLength >4) { // is 3 or 4 characters long return false; } return true; } /** * @param d * @return */ public boolean isValidPrice(double d) { if (pricePerShare >1000 && pricePerShare <0) { return false; // Check the stock price is not over $1000.00 per share } return true; } /** * @param i * @return */ public boolean isValidWholeShares(int i) { if (wholeShares >100000 && wholeShares <0) { return false; // Check the number of shares is not over 100,000 } return true; } StockTradeLogImpl.java /* * * Program Description: An implementation that fulfills the requirements * of assignment #4, CS310 Data Structures class. * */ package cs310parsons; /** * @author Martha Parsons * @date 10/01/2019 * @version 02 * * */ public class StockTradeLogImpl { private int MAX_SIZE; private MapEntry[] StockTradeHashMap; private MapEntry insp; /** * constructor */ public StockTradeLogImpl() { // This means that each StockTrade object that maps to the same index (via the hashcode) will be stored in a linked list at that index. // The array size for this implementation will be 17 (another prime number). MAX_SIZE = 17; StockTradeHashMap = new MapEntry[MAX_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < StockTradeHashMap.length; i++){ StockTradeHashMap[i] = null; } } public void add(StockTrade obj) { MapEntry newEntry = new MapEntry(obj); int hashCode = newEntry.hashCode(); hashCode = hashCode % MAX_SIZE; MapEntry currEntry; if (StockTradeHashMap[hashCode] == null){ StockTradeHashMap[hashCode] = newEntry; } else{ currEntry = StockTradeHashMap[hashCode]; newEntry.getNode().setNextNode(currEntry); StockTradeHashMap[hashCode] = newEntry; } } public StockTrade find(String stocksymbol){ boolean found = false; boolean done = false; int ascii = 0; int hashCode; StockTrade sought = null; for (int i = 0; i < stocksymbol.length(); i++){ ascii = (int) stocksymbol.charAt(i); ascii += ascii; } hashCode = ascii % MAX_SIZE; if (StockTradeHashMap[hashCode] == null){ return null; } StockTradeNode node = StockTradeHashMap[hashCode].getNode(); while (!found && !done) { if (node.getStockTrade().getStockSymbol().equalsIgnoreCase(stocksymbol)){ found = true; sought = node.getStockTrade(); } else { node = node.getNextNode().getNode(); done = node == null; } } return sought; } /** * Print the entire current hashMap in the terminal */ public void displayHash(){ String key; boolean end; System.out.println("\nStockTrade HashTable: "); for (int i = 0; i < StockTradeHashMap.length; i++){ end = false; insp = StockTradeHashMap[i]; if (insp == null){ System.out.println(" Index " + i + " is empty"); } else{ key = insp.getKey(); System.out.print(" Index " + i + " contains StockTrades: "); while (!end){ if (insp.getNode().getNextNode() == null){ System.out.print(key + "\n"); end = true; } else{ System.out.print(key + " "); insp = insp.getNode().getNextNode(); key = insp.getKey(); } } } } } }