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Implementing a minesweeper game in 8086 assembly homework help

The assignment deals with implementing the minesweeper game using 8086 assembly. The program created by our 8086 assembly homework help experts accesses direct video memory at address B800. The program can move the cursor on the minesweeper board using the arrow keys and flag or open the cells below the cursor. The game ends when all the mines are flagged or when a mine is uncovered.
Table Of Contents
  • 8086 Assembly Code for Minesweeper Game 

8086 Assembly Code for Minesweeper Game 

.MODEL SMALL .STACK 1024 .DATA ; data section ; key definitions LEFT EQU 4bh RIGHT EQU 4dh UP EQU 48h DOWN EQU 50h ESCAPE EQU 1Bh board DB 100 DUP(?) ; space to save 10x10 board posX DW 0 ; cursor position posY DW 0 nMines DW 0; the number of mines nHidden DW 100; the number of hidden positions loseMsg DB 'You lost!', 0 winMsg DB 'You won!', 0 waitmsg DB 'Press ESC to exit...', 0 .CODE ; code section .STARTUP main PROC ; program entry point mov ah, 0 mov al, 3h ; set graphics mode to 640x480 int 10h mov ax, 0b800h ; point to screen with es mov es, ax call clearBoard ; clear the board call generateMines ; generate the mines randomly call fillNumbers ; count all mines call printBoard ; print the initial board call printCursor ; print the cursor gameStart: mov ah, 01h ; wait for key pressed int 16h jnz readKey jmp noKey readKey: mov ah, 00h ; get code of key pressed int 16h cmp al, ESCAPE ; if it was escape, exit jne ifarrow jmp exit ifarrow: cmp ah, LEFT je moveLeft cmp ah, RIGHT je moveRight cmp ah, UP je moveUp cmp ah, DOWN je moveDown cmp al, ' ' ; if it's a space je showMine cmp al, 'f' ; if it's a f character je jmpflag jmp noKey ; if any other key, ignore it jmpflag: jmp flag moveRight: mov ax, [posX] inc ax cmp ax, 10 jl updrpos jmp noKey updrpos: mov [posX], ax jmp update moveLeft: mov ax, [posX] dec ax cmp ax, 0 jge updlpos jmp noKey updlpos: mov [posX], ax jmp update moveDown: mov ax, [posY] inc ax cmp ax, 10 jge noKey mov [posY], ax jmp update moveUp: mov ax, [posY] dec ax cmp ax, 0 jl noKey mov [posY], ax jmp update showMine: mov ax, [posX] mov bx, [posY] call getBoardChar ; get character at current position test al, 80h ; see if the char is hidden jz noKey ; if it's not hidden, we can't unhide it test al, 40h ; see if it has a flag jnz noKey ; if it has a flag, we can't unhide it xor al, 80h ; else, clear hidden cmp al, 9; see if it was a mine je lose; if it was a mine, end game mov ax, [posX] mov bx, [posY] call clearEmpty ; unhide and clear all neighboring empty spaces mov ax, [nHidden] cmp ax, [nMines] ; see if we uncovered all but the mines je win ; if so, we won jmp update flag: mov ax, [posX] mov bx, [posY] call getBoardChar ; get character at current position test al, 80h ; see if the char is hidden jz noKey ; if it's not hidden, we can't put a flag there xor al, 40h ; else, set flag mov cl, al mov ax, [posX] mov bx, [posY] call setBoardChar ; set character at current position update: call printBoard call printCursor ; print the cursor noKey: jmp gameStart win: call showMines ; show all mines as flagged call printBoard lea si, winMsg ; print a win message mov dl, 10 mov dh, 10 call printString jmp waitEsc lose: call showAll ; set all board chars as visible call printBoard lea si, loseMsg ; print a lose message mov dl, 10 mov dh, 10 call printString waitEsc: lea si, waitMsg ; print a press key message mov dl, 10 mov dh, 11 call printString waitKey: ; wait for the escape key mov ah, 00h; wait for a key int 16h cmp al, ESCAPE ; if it was escape, exit jne waitKey exit: mov ah, 0 mov al, 3h ; set graphics mode to 640x480 int 10h mov ah,4ch int 21h main ENDP ;/////////////////////////////////// ; clear the minesweeper board using ; the char in al ;/////////////////////////////////// clearBoard PROC lea si, board mov cx, 100 mov al, 80h ; set all spaces as hidden iloop: mov [si], al inc si loop iloop ret clearBoard ENDP ;/////////////////////////////////// ; show all the mines and numbers in ; the board ;/////////////////////////////////// showAll PROC lea si, board mov cx, 100 sloop: mov al, [si] ; get char from board and al, 0Fh ; set all spaces as not hidden mov [si], al inc si loop sloop ret showAll ENDP ;/////////////////////////////////// ; show all the mines flagged ;/////////////////////////////////// showMines PROC lea si, board mov cx, 100 floop: mov al, [si] ; get char from board and al, 0Fh cmp al, 9 ; if it was a mine jne skip or al, 0C0h ; flag it mov [si], al skip: inc si loop floop ret showMines ENDP ;/////////////////////////////////// ; generate random mines in the board ;/////////////////////////////////// generateMines PROC lea si, board mov cx, 10 ; generate at least 10 mines call random10 ; get a random number between 0 and 10 add cx, ax ; count between 0 and 16 mines mov [nMines], cx ; save as number of mines mov ax, 20 call delay gloop: call random10 ; get a random number between 0 and 10 mov dx, ax ; save number in dx shl ax, 5 xor ax, [nMines] call delay call random10; get another random number between 0 and 10 mov bx, ax ; save number in bx mov ax, dx ; set the char at the generated position call getBoardChar and al, 0Fh jne gloop push cx mov ax, dx ; set the char at the generated position mov cx, 89h ; set a hidden mine call setBoardChar pop cx loop gloop ret generateMines ENDP