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Online Java Homework Helper

Las Vegas, USA

Humphrey, J

PhD. in Programming, University of Nevada, USA


Online Java Homework Helper


I have gained massive experience in Java programming from handling students’ homework. Before I joined the academic assistance industry, I worked as a Java programmer in one of the IT firms here in Las Vegas. The skills I learned then helped me secure a position as a Java homework helper at ProgrammingHomeworkHelp.com, where I have been assisting students with projects, homework, and homework related to Java. I have tackled homework on various Java topics including data types and operators, control flow statements, classes and objects, polymorphism, encapsulation, static variables and methods, and properties of constructors, to name a few. My well-thought-out approach to homework preparation coupled with my vast experience in this language has helped me deliver valuable Java homework solutions to students. Hire me today for exceptional assistance with Java.

Object-Oriented Java Programming Specialist

I'm a dedicated Object-oriented Java programming specialist online. I've served hundreds of students with both knowledge and good grades on their Object-Oriented Java programming homework. My understanding of the subject matter is on another level, given my comprehensive insight and tremendous experience working with it over the years. For example, I fully understand the Object Paradigm, which means I can use the UML, perform OO design and analysis, and design an Object-oriented application. Likewise, I have experience in extending existing classes, overloading methods, instantiating objects from classes, and performing other Object-oriented programming tasks. You have all reasons to trust in me for unparalleled results.

Experienced Java Language Structures Homework Helper

I boast a decade's experience in setting, solving, and marking questions around Java language structures. That means I have exceptional familiarity with the concepts, which makes me one of the best language structures homework helpers you can run to whenever you need support with your confusing homework online. I deeply understand the language's syntax, flow-control processes, class definition concepts, and how to build the components of any Java program. With this, no student can fail his language structures homework with my assistance. The good news is that I offer academic help at modest rates affordable to most, if not all students looking for help online.

Proficient GUI Expert

I'm the kind of Java GUI expert with whom you can't fail your perplexing homework. I offer full academic support with homework and enjoy teaching students online, too. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you have no time to attend your classes or do your homework. I can always organize online classes to help improve your knowledge in this study area or do your homework to save you time while getting you top-quality grades. Therefore, ask me for assistance with Event-driven programming, portable window libraries, Java foundation classes, event handlers, and other concepts for excellent support within your preferred deadline.

File I/O Data Storage and Retrieval Tutor

As a seasoned File I/O Data Storage and Retrieval Tutor, I understand how to catch and throw exceptions, format text outputs, obtain directory and file information, manipulate files (create, rename, delete), and do more than pertains to File I/O concepts. Therefore, don't take the risk of tackling your File I/O homework on your own if you're not sure about your insight into the concepts. Instead, pay a small sum to get it done by a seasoned tutor like me and get the assurance of good grades.

Java Relational Databases Consultant

Choosing database drivers, leveraging the JDBC application programming interface, and submitting SQL statements are some of the topics which students frequently ask for support online under Java relational databases. Luckily, I have experience in working with these concepts over the years, partly as a tutor, and partly as an online Java relational databases consultant. Therefore, you're safe to confide in me for academic help with anything that can't let you sleep on this subject matter. I offer help with homework, difficult-to-understand concepts, theses, and other academic woes on the topic to any Java student worldwide.
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Game Mechanics

The following diagram contains all classes (and interfaces) which take part in-game mechanics.

Game Mechanics

Now, we will take a look at each of these classes and interfaces and each of its methods


The main chess game interface. Implemented by class Game.java.

init() Initiates chess game. Sets game state to start positions.

make turn() Makes the next turn of the game: asks the current player for the move and applies it.

isOver() Returns true or false, depending on if the game is over or not.

getGameState() Return game status of the game. Game status is presented by enum GameStatus.java.

showPosition() Shows current game state. In my implementation, if shows board and a player to make move.

getNotation() Returns a string, containing all moves in chess notation format. It is output after the game is over.


Interface representing the current game state. Implemented by class GameState.java.

init() Initiates games state. Sets game status to initial status (GameStatus.WHITE_TURN) and board to initial position.

getPossibleMoves() Returns collection of moves, which are possible in current game state.

make a turn(IMove) Returns new IGameState instance, which is obtained after a given move is applied to the current game.

getGameStatus() Returns current game status of current game state.

evaluate() Gets evaluation of current game state. It is used by MinimaxAIPlayer to evaluate the current situation.


Enum, representing game status. It contains 5 values: WHITE_TURN, BLACK_TURN, WHITE_WON, BLACK_WON, DRAW. Values have method isOver(), which returns false for WHITE_TURN, BLACK_TURN, and true for WHITE_WON, BLACK_WON, DRAW.


Enum, representing color (of player, of pieces, etc). It contains 2 values: WHITE and BLACK.


Interface, representing chessboard. Implemented by class Board.java.

init() Initiates board: in particular puts chess pieces on their start positions.

getPiece(ILocation) Returns piece on the given location of the board.

makeTurn(IMove) Returns new IBoard instance, which is obtained after a given move is applied to the current board.

getPossibleMoves(GameStatus) Returns a collection of moves, which are possible on the current board state with given game status.

updateGameStatus(GameStatus) Returns the new value of game status, obtained after given game status.

isCheck(Color) Returns true if the king of a given color is checked, and false – otherwise.

isCheckmate (Color) Returns true if the king of a given color is checkmated, and false – otherwise.


Interface, representing chess piece. Implemented by multiple classes: one class for each chess piece type.

getColor() Returns color of piece.

canMove(IBoard, ILocation, ILocation) Checks, if the current piece can move to one location to another on the given board.

canCapture(IBoard, ILocation, ILocation) Checks, if the current piece can capture opponents’ pieces on location from another on the given board.

controls(IBoard, ILocation, ILocation) Checks, if the current piece controls one location from another. Indeed this method is needed to check if King can move to some location.

● getTextView() Returns string, representing current piece in the text view.

getNotation() Returns string, representing current piece in chess notation.

evaluate() Returns evaluation of current chess piece. It is used to calculate current board evaluation.

parsePiece(String) Static method for parsing IPiece instance from the string.


Interface, representing chess move. Implemented by Move.java, Castling.java, Capture, java.

getPositionChanges() Returns collection of location pairs: each pair represents “from” and “to” location.

parseMove() Static method for parsing IMove instance from the string.