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Painter quote and receipt assignment solution with C#

Painter Quote and Receipt Problem

Write a C# assignment program for scheduling a building paint job. Both interior and exterior.

The program will do the following:

Get the following data from the customer:

- Ask the customer to enter his/her name.

- Ask the customer to enter the month number that they want to schedule the paint job for

(Let the customer know the valid entries are 1 – 12).

- Ask the customer to enter the size of the interior and exterior walls (per square feet) that they want to be painted.

  • example: interior: 7600

                             exterior: 6400

- Ask the customer for their credit card number (Let the user know AMEX, VISA, & MC

cards are accepted)

  • (Have in mind that AMEX cards are 15 digits, VISA/MC cards are 16 digits)
  • example: 312345678912345 (Amex example)

4987654321234567 (Visa example)

Perform the following calculations:

- Calculate the following:

  • Total number of gallons(cans) of paint needed for the interior (a whole number)
  • Total number of gallons(cans) of paint needed for the exterior (a whole number)
  • Total number of gallons(cans) of paint needed altogether (a whole number)

§ Perform your calculations based on the following information:

  • Each 1 gallon can of paint can paint 400 SQFT

calculate how many cans (gallons) you need.

  • the total cost of interior paint
  • the total cost of exterior paint
  • the total cost of paint altogether

§ Perform your calculations based on the following pricing:

• Exterior paint is weatherproof and more expensive.

• Price to paint the interior walls: $300.00 (per gallon).

• Price to paint the exterior walls: $600.00 (per gallon).

Create a receipt for the customer that looks as:

- [tab]Date: followed by [Today’s date]

  • Code for today’s Date is DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")

- [tab]Name: followed by [Customer name]

- [tab]Card Number: followed by [Customer credit card number as described below]

  • Display the card as six (6) stars followed by the last 4 digits of their card number.
  • Example, if card number: 1234567890123456, display: ******3456
  • Use Substring.

- [tab]Month Scheduled: followed by [month]

  • The month will be displayed in the following format:

§ The 3-letter name of the month followed by a space and then the month the number inside a pair parenthesis.

§ Example: if month = 11, then display: NOV (11)

§ Use enum (if not sure how, replace month name with “???”, ex: ??? (11))

Line 1: [tab]Date: [Today’s Date]

Line 2: [tab]Name: Name

Line 3: [tab]Card Number: ******[Last 4 digits]

Line 4: [tab]Month Scheduled: NOV (11)

<------------ 40 chars ----------->

Only 10 digits of the card number are displayed

Month Scheduled, is the [3-letter Month Name] ([Month Number])

Followed by receipt details.

- A line of space, followed by details.

  • Details are as follows:

§ Line 1: [tab]Header row (Type, Area (sqft), Paint (gal), Cost ($) )

§ Line 2: [tab]dashes

§ Line 3: [tab]Interior detail

§ Line 4: [tab]Exterior detail

§ Line 5: [tab]dashes

§ Line 6: [tab]Totals

- The receipt will look something like the following example:

Date: Today's Date

Name: XXXX

Card Number: ******3450

Month Scheduled: NOV (11)

Type Area (SqFt) Paint (Gal) Cost ($)

--------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Interior 7600 19 $5,700.0

Exterior 5500 14 $8,400.0

--------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Total 13100 33 $14,100.0


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MatthewAssignment { class Program { // Declare ENUM for credit card type enum CreditCardType { NONE, AMEX, VISA, MASTERCARD } // Declare a constant that defines the number of square feets that can be painted with a gallon const int SQFT_PER_GALLON = 400; // Declare constants for prices (per gallon) const int INTERIOR_PRICE = 300; const int EXTERIOR_PRICE = 600; static int getMonth() { // Ask user for a month and check for valid inputs. Display error message if the input // is not valid and reprompt int month; while (true) { try { Console.Write("Enter month to schedule the paint job (1-12): "); month = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (month >= 1 && month <= 12) return month; else Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid month number."); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid month number."); } } } static int getInteriorSquareFeets() { // Ask user for a number for the size of the area and check for valid inputs. Display error message if the input // is not valid and reprompt int sqft; while (true) { try { Console.Write("Enter size of interior area (square-feets): "); sqft = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (sqft > 0) return sqft; else Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); } } } static int getExteriorSquareFeets() { // Ask user for a number for the size of the area and check for valid inputs. Display error message if the input // is not valid and reprompt int sqft; while (true) { try { Console.Write("Enter size of exterior area (square-feets): "); sqft = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (sqft > 0) return sqft; else Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number."); } } } static long getCreditCard() { // Ask user for a number if the credit card and check for valid inputs. Display error message if the input // is not valid and reprompt long cc; String cc_str; while (true) { try { Console.Write("Enter size of your credit card number: "); cc_str = Console.ReadLine(); cc = long.Parse(cc_str); // check if the number has between 15 and 16 digits, and that the type of credit card is valid if ((cc_str.Length == 15 || cc_str.Length ==16) && getCreditCardType(cc) != CreditCardType.NONE) return cc; else Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid credit card number."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid credit card number."); } } } static CreditCardType getCreditCardType(long number) { // convert number to string String cc_str = number.ToString(); // check if the credit card has 15 numbers if (cc_str.Length == 15) // it is AMEX return CreditCardType.AMEX; else // it has 16 digits { // check if the number begins with 4 if (cc_str[0] == '4') return CreditCardType.VISA; else if (cc_str[0] == '5') // master return CreditCardType.MASTERCARD; } // if none of the conditions are met, then the credit card is of an unknown type return CreditCardType.NONE; } static int calculateRequiredGallons(int area) { // Given the size of the area (Square-Feet), calculate the required number // of gallons of paint // Calculate int gallons = 0; while(area > 0) { gallons += 1; area -= SQFT_PER_GALLON; } return gallons; } static int calculateInteriorCost(int interior) { // calculate the price to paint interior walls // Calculate number of gallons int gallons = calculateRequiredGallons(interior); return gallons* INTERIOR_PRICE; } static int calculateExteriorCost(int exterior) { // calculate the price to paint exterior walls // calculate number of gallons int gallons = calculateRequiredGallons(exterior); return gallons * EXTERIOR_PRICE; } static void generateReceipt(String name, int month, long credit_card, int interior, int exterior) { /* * This functiion receives all the user's parameters and prints a receipt detailing the client name, * the month to perform the paint job, credit card number and total costs * */ // Convert card number to string String cc_str = credit_card.ToString(); // Create a string filled with asterisks and only display the last 4 digits String card_str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cc_str.Length-4; i++) card_str += "*"; card_str += cc_str.Substring(cc_str.Length - 4); // Given the month id, get the name String month_name = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(month).ToUpper(); String receipt_str = "\tDate: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "\n"; receipt_str += "\tName: " + name + "\n"; receipt_str += "\tCard Number: " + card_str + "\n"; receipt_str += "\tMonth Scheduled: " + month_name + " (" + month.ToString() + ")\n\n"; // Calculate costs int interior_cost = calculateInteriorCost(interior); int exterior_cost = calculateExteriorCost(exterior); // Calculate gallons int interior_gallons = calculateRequiredGallons(interior); int exterior_gallons = calculateRequiredGallons(exterior); int total_area = interior + exterior; int total_gallons = interior_gallons + exterior_gallons; int total_cost = interior_cost + exterior_cost; Console.WriteLine(receipt_str); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "Type", "Area (sqft)", "Paint (gal)", "Cost ($)"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "----", "-----------", "-----------", "--------"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "Interior", interior.ToString(), interior_gallons.ToString(), "$"+string.Format("{0:0.0}", interior_cost)); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "Exterior", exterior.ToString(), exterior_gallons.ToString(), "$" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", exterior_cost)); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "----", "-----------", "-----------", "--------"); Console.WriteLine("\t{0,-10}{1,25}{2,25}{3,25}", "Total", total_area.ToString(), total_gallons.ToString(), "$" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", total_cost)); } static void Main(string[] args) { String name; // store user name here int month, interior, exterior; // store month, interior and exterior areas long credit_card; // store credit card number here // Ask user for name Console.Write("Enter your name: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); // Ask for month month = getMonth(); // Ask for interior and exterior sizes interior = getInteriorSquareFeets(); // Ask for exterior exterior = getExteriorSquareFeets(); // Ask for credit card number credit_card = getCreditCard(); generateReceipt(name, month, credit_card, interior, exterior); Console.Read(); } } }