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Convert a Number from Decimal to Binary in Assembly Language Assignment Solution.


Write an Assembly language Assignment program in Flat Assembler (not Visual Studio) to Convert a number from decimal to binary.

Requirements and Specifications

Either submit the source code file (asm) on Ecampus under the "Submit Homework" menu option, or demo the programs to the instructor during lab.
Using x86 assembly language, write a program that converts an 8-bit integer to binary and hexadecimal using bitwise operators. Do not use external functions. You may use the algorithm below.
Algorithm to convert Value to binary:
  1. Set Count to 0
  2. AND Value with 128 (binary 10000000) and store into Temp
  3. If result is zero, output "0"
  4. If result is not zero, output "I"
  5. Shift Temp left
  6. Increment Count
  7. If Count <= 8, jump to step (2)
Algorithm to convert Value to hexadecimal:
  1. Shift Value right 4 digits and store into Temp
  2. If Temp <=9, print Temp
  3. If Temp >=10, add 55 to Temp and print the ASCII character
  4. AND Value with 240 (binary 00001111) and store into Temp
  5. If Temp <=9, print Value
  6. If Temp >=10, add 55 to Temp and print the ASCII character
Screenshots of output
program to Convert a number from decimal to binary Assembly language

Source Code

format PE console

entry _start

include 'win32a.inc'

header: DB "This x86 assembly program converts an integer to binary and hex", 10, 13, 10, 13, 0

prompt: DB "Enter an integer from 0 - 255: ", 0

binmsg: DB "Binary: ", 0

hexmsg: DB "Hex: ", 0

intfmt: DB "%d", 0

chrfmt: DB "%c", 0

newline: DB 10, 13, 0

value: DD 0

section '.text' code readable executable


push ebp

mov ebp, esp

print header message

push header ; load address of message

call [printf] ; print the string

add esp, 4 ; restore stack

prompt user to enter number

push prompt ; load address of prompt

call [printf] ; print the string

add esp, 4 ; restore stack

Read number from user

push value ; save result in value

push intfmt ; pass format

call [scanf] ; read the number

add esp, 8 ; restore stack

Print the binary result message:

push binmsg ; load address of the binary message

call [printf] ; print the string

add esp, 4 ; restore stack

make binary conversion

mov bh, 0 ; set count to zero

mov bl, [value] ; load number in bl


test bl, 128 ; and number with 128

jne print1 ; if and is not zero, print 1

else, print 0

mov eax, '0' ; load character 0

jmp binNext ; print next bin


mov eax, '1' ; load character 1


push eax ; pass character

push chrfmt ; pass char format

call [printf] ; print char

add esp, 8 ; restore stack

shl bl, 1 ; shift left once

inc bh ; increment count

cmp bh, 8 ; compare count with 8

jl binloop ; repeat if count <8

push newline ; load address of newline

call [printf] ; print newline

add esp, 4 ; restore stack

Print the hex result message:

push hexmsg ; load address of the binary message

call [printf] ; print the string

make hex conversion

mov al, [value] ; load number in al

shr al, 4 ; shift right 4 bits

cmp al, 9 ; compare with 10

jg hex1 ; if >10, print hex digit

add al, '0' ; convert to ascii

jmp printLow ; go to print low part


add al, 55 ; convert to ascii


push eax ; pass converted character

push chrfmt ; pass char format

call [printf] ; print char

add esp, 8 ; restore stack

mov al, [value] ; load number in eax

and al, 15 ; and to leave low nibble

cmp al, 9 ; compare with 10

jg hex2 ; if >10, print hex digit

add al, '0' ; convert to ascii

jmp done ; we are done


add al, 55 ; convert to ascii


push eax ; pass converted character

push chrfmt ; pass char format

call [printf] ; print char

add esp, 8 ; restore stack

push newline ; load address of newline

call [printf] ; print newline

add esp, 4 ; restore stack

mov ebp, esp

pop ebp

call [ExitProcess] ; exit the program

Import section

section '.idata' import data readable

library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', \


import kernel32, \


import msvcrt, \

printf, 'printf', scanf, 'scanf'