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C++ Program to Create a Cipher Model Assignment Solution.


Write a program to create a cipher model in C++.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create a cipher model in C++
program to create a cipher model in C++ 1
program to create a cipher model in C++ 2

Source Code


//Title: Cipher.h

//Author: Jeremy Dixon

//Date: 4/1/2022

//Description: This is part of the Cipher Project in CMSC 202 @ UMBC

#ifndef CIPHER_H

#define CIPHER_H



#include //Used to format output for each subtype for output

using namespace std;


const char DELIMITER = '|';

class Cipher{


// Name: Cipher (Default Constructor)

// Desc - Stores a message and if it is encrypted (or not)

// Preconditions - None

// Postconditions - A message is stored in a Cipher object


// Name: Cipher (Overloaded Constructor)

// Desc - Passed a message and if it is encrypted (or not)

// Preconditions - A message is passed to this constructor, and if it is encrypted

// Postconditions - A message is stored in a Cipher object

Cipher(string message, bool isEncrypted);

// Name: ~Cipher (Destructor)

// Desc - Virtual destructor

// Preconditions - A derived class is being deleted

// Postconditions - A base class is deleted

virtual ~Cipher();

// Name: Decrypt

// Desc - A purely virtal function to decrypt a message

// Preconditions - The message is not already decrypted

// Postconditions - A message is decrypted based on the child class

virtual void Decrypt() = 0;

// Name: Encrypt

// Desc - A purely virtal function to encrypt a message

// Preconditions - The message is not already encrypted

// Postconditions - A message is encrypted based on the child class

virtual void Encrypt() = 0;

// Name: GetMessage

// Desc - Returns the message

// Preconditions - The message exists

// Postconditions - A message is returned

string GetMessage();

// Name: GetIsEncrypted

// Desc - Returns isEncrypted (0 is not encrypted and 1 is encrypted)

// Preconditions - The cipher exists

// Postconditions - A bool is returned

bool GetIsEncrypted();

// Name: SetMessage

// Desc - Updates a message

// Preconditions - The message exists

// Postconditions - A message is updated

void SetMessage(string);

// Name: ToggleEncrypted

// Desc - Turns (true to false) or (false to true)

// Preconditions - The cipher exists

// Postconditions - The m_isEncrypted is toggled

void ToggleEncrypted();

// Name: ToString

// Desc - A purely virtual function that returns the string of the object type

// Preconditions - The object exists

// Postconditions - The subtype is returned

virtual string ToString() = 0;

// Name: FormatOutput

// Desc - A purely virtual function that returns the formatted data for Output

// Preconditions - The object exists

// Postconditions - The type, message, and key are output

virtual string FormatOutput() = 0;

// Name: Overloaded << Operator

// Desc - Outputs the message

// Preconditions - The object exists

// Postconditions - The message from the object is returned

friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &output, Cipher &C);


string m_message; //The message being encrypted/decrypted

bool m_isEncrypted; //Indicates if the message is encrypted/decrypted

