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Create a Program to Create a Polling Challenge in Python Assignment Solution.


Write a program to create a polling challenge in python language.

Requirements and Specifications

Download the PyPoll_Challenge_starter_code.py file and rename it PyPoll_Challenge.py.
Use the step-by-step instructions below to add code where indicated by the numbered comments in the starter code file.
Deliverable 1:
Step 1:
  • Initialize a county list, like the candidate_options list, that will hold the names of the counties.
  • Initialize a dictionary, like the candidate_votes dictionary, that will hold the county as the key and the votes cast for each county as the values.
Step 2:
  • Initialize an empty string, like winning_candidate, that will hold the county name for the county with the largest turnout.
  • Initialize a variable, like the winning_count variable, that will hold the number of votes of the county that had the largest turnout.
Step 3:
  • While reading the election results from each row inside the for loop, write a script that gets the county name from each row.
Step 4a:
  • Write a decision statement with a logical operator to check if the county name acquired in Step 3 is in the county list you created in Step 1.
Step 4b:
  • If the county is not in the list created in Step 1, add it to the list of county names like you did when adding a candidate to the candidate_options list.
Step 4c:
  • Write a script that initializes the county vote to zero, like you did when you began to track the vote counts for the candidates.
Step 5:
  • Write a script that adds a vote to the county’s vote count as you are looping through all the rows, like you did for the candidate’s vote count.
Step 6a:
  • Write a repetition statement to get the county from the county dictionary that was created in Step 1.
Step 6b:
  • Initialize a variable to hold the county’s votes as they are retrieved from the county votes dictionary.
Step 6c:
  • Write a script that calculates the county’s votes as a percentage of the total votes.
Step 6d:
  • Write a print statement that prints the current county, its percentage of the total votes, and its total votes to the command line.
Step 6e:
  • This step will be completed in Deliverable 2.
Step 6f:
  • Write a decision statement that determines the county with the largest vote count and then adds that county and its vote count to the variables created in Step 2.
Step 7:
  • Write a print statement that prints out the county with the largest turnout.
Step 6e:
  • Write a script that saves each county, the county’s total votes, and the county’s percentage of total votes to the election_results.txt file.
Step 8:
  • Write a script that saves the county with the largest turnout to the election_results.txt file.
  • After you complete your python assignment run your solution to Deliverable 2, confirm that your election_results.txt file matches the following image:
Source Code
# The data we need to retrieve
# 1. The total number of votes cast
# 2. A complete list of candidates who recieved votes
# 3. Percentage of votes each candidate won
# 4. Total number of votes each candidate won
# 5. The winner of the election based on popular vote
# Add our dependencies.
import csv
import os
# Assign a variable to load a file from a path.
file_to_load = os.path.join("Resources", "election_results.csv")
# Assign a variable to save the file to a path.
file_to_save = os.path.join("analysis", "election_analysis.txt")
# Initialize a total vote counter.
total_votes = 0
# Candidate options and candidate votes.
candidate_options = []
candidate_votes = {}
# Track the winning candidate, vote count, and percentage.
winning_candidate = ""
winning_count = 0
winning_percentage = 0
# Open the election results and read the file.
with open(file_to_load) as election_data:
file_reader = csv.reader(election_data)
# Read the header row.
headers = next(file_reader)
# Print each row in the CSV file.
for row in file_reader:
# Add to the total vote count.
total_votes += 1
# Get the candidate name from each row.
candidate_name = row[2]
# If the candidate does not match any existing candidate, add the
# the candidate list.
if candidate_name not in candidate_options:
# Add the candidate name to the candidate list.
# And begin tracking that candidate's voter count.
candidate_votes[candidate_name] = 0
# Add a vote to that candidate's count.
candidate_votes[candidate_name] += 1
# Save the results to our text file.
with open(file_to_save, "w") as txt_file:
# After opening the file print the final vote count to the terminal.
election_results = (
f"\nElection Results\n"
f"Total Votes: {total_votes:,}\n"
print(election_results, end="")
# After printing the final vote count to the terminal save the final vote count to the text file.
for candidate_name in candidate_votes:
# Retrieve vote count and percentage.
votes = candidate_votes[candidate_name]
vote_percentage = float(votes) / float(total_votes) * 100
candidate_results = (
f"{candidate_name}: {vote_percentage:.1f}% ({votes:,})\n")
# Print each candidate's voter count and percentage to the terminal.
# Save the candidate results to our text file.
# Determine winning vote count, winning percentage, and winning candidate.
if (votes > winning_count) and (vote_percentage > winning_percentage):
winning_count = votes
winning_candidate = candidate_name
winning_percentage = vote_percentage
# Print the winning candidate's results to the terminal.
winning_candidate_summary = (
f"Winner: {winning_candidate}\n"
f"Winning Vote Count: {winning_count:,}\n"
f"Winning Percentage: {winning_percentage:.1f}%\n"
# Save the winning candidate's results to the text file.