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Create a Program to Create Burger Ordering System in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a C++ homework program to create burger ordering system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create burger ordering system in C++
program to create burger ordering system in C++ 1

Source Code





// enum for burger types

enum BurgerType { Chicken, Ham, Vegie };

// define struct Burger

struct Burger


char receipt_no[5];

int quantity;

float total_price;

enum BurgerType type;


// Function to display menu

void display_menu()


printf("Welcome to Tasy Burgers\nPlace your order here...\n\t1. Order Burger\n\t2. Cancel\n\t3. Exit\n");


int main()


// Define constants

const float BURGER_PRICE = 12.0;

const float DISCOUNT = 10; // 10%

// define arrays to store amount of burgers and their receipts

struct Burger burgets[25];

int receipts_number[25];

int receipts_counter = 0;

char receipt_number[5];

int receipt_exists[25];

float order_total;

float order_discount;

// Burger variable

struct Burger burger;

// Create a loop to display menu and get user's input until the user enters the option 3

int menu_option;

int n_burgers;

while (1)



printf("Select your option: ");

scanf("%d", &menu_option);

order_discount = 0;

if (menu_option == 1)


printf("How many burgers you wish you order?\n");

scanf("%d", &n_burgers);

burger.quantity = n_burgers;

order_total = (float)burger.quantity * BURGER_PRICE;

burger.total_price = order_total;

if (burger.quantity >= 5)

order_discount = (DISCOUNT / 100.0f)*burger.total_price;

// Display

printf("Your total bill value is $%.2f.", burger.total_price);

if (burger.quantity >= 5)


printf(" Discount %.2f\%-\t$%.2f\n", DISCOUNT, order_discount);

printf("Final bill is $%.2f\n", burger.total_price - order_discount);





strcpy(receipt_number, "B00");

char buffer[2];

sprintf(buffer, "%d", receipts_counter);

strcat(receipt_number, buffer);

strcpy(burger.receipt_no, receipt_number);

printf("Your receipt number is %s.\n", burger.receipt_no);

printf("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number.\n");

receipt_exists[receipts_counter - 1] = 1;


else if (menu_option == 2)


printf("Please enter your receipt number: ");

scanf(" %s", receipt_number);

int n = 0;

char c;

int n_digits = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)


c = receipt_number[i];

if (isdigit(c))


n_digits += 1;



for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)


c = receipt_number[i];

if (isdigit(c))


n += pow(10, n_digits - i) *(c - '0');



if (n <= receipts_counter)


if (receipt_exists[n - 1] == 1)


printf("Your order has been cancelled. Thank you.\n");

receipt_exists[n - 1] = 0;



printf("There is no order with that code.\n");


printf("There is no order with that code.\n");


else if (menu_option == 3)


printf("Good Bye!");



