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Create a Program to Create Library Management System in SQL Assignment Solution.


Write a SQL assignment program to create library management system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create library management system in SQL
program to create library management system in SQL 1

Source Code


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Random;

public class College {

private ArrayList students;

private Library library;

private Random random;

public College(int n_students, int n_books) {

library = new Library(n_books);

tudents = new ArrayList();

// now, add n_dtudents

for(int i = 0; i < n_students; i++) {

students.add(new Student("Student " + (i+1), library));


random = new Random();


// getters and setters

public ArrayList getStudents() {return students;}

public Library getLibrary() {return library;}

public Random getRandom() {return random;}

// methods

public void describe() {

System.out.println("The college currently has " + getStudents().size() + " hard-working students");



private void nextStep() {

if(getStudents().size() == 0) // no students left


System.out.println("Everything has gone quiet.");




// Pick a random student

// Pick index

int index = getRandom().nextInt(getStudents().size());

Student student = getStudents().get(index);



// Remove student


System.out.println("The student has graduated and left the college.");







public void runCollege(int nSteps) {

for(int i = 1; i <= nSteps; i++)


System.out.println("Step " + i);





public static void main(String[] args) {

// First of all, create a College

// Define the number of students and books

int n_students = 10;

int n_books = 15;

College college = new College(n_students, n_books);





public class Library


private TextBook[] bookShelf;

private int nextBook;

private int borrowers;

public Library(int numOfBooks)


bookShelf = new TextBook[numOfBooks];

for (int i = 0; i < bookShelf.length; i++ ) {

String title = "text_" + i;

bookShelf[i] = new TextBook(title,5);


nextBook = 0;

borrowers = 0;


public LibraryCard issueCard()


LibraryCard aCard = new LibraryCard(borrowers, 5);


return aCard;


public TextBook borrowBook(LibraryCard card)


TextBook book = null;

if ( (nextBook < bookShelf.length) && !card.expired() ) {

book = bookShelf[ nextBook ];

bookShelf[ nextBook ] = null;




return book;


public void returnBook(TextBook book)


bookShelf[ nextBook-1 ] = book;



public void describe()


System.out.print("The library has ");

System.out.print((bookShelf.length-nextBook) + " books on the shelf, and ");

System.out.println("has issued " + borrowers + " cards.");




public class Student {

private String name;

private Library library;

private LibraryCard libraryCard;

private TextBook textBook;

// Constructor

public Student(String name, Library library) {

this.name = name;

this.library = library;

// Initialize library card

this.libraryCard = this.library.issueCard();

this.textBook = null;


// getters

public String getName() {return name;}

public Library getLibrary() {return library;}

public LibraryCard getLibraryCard() {return libraryCard;}

public TextBook getTextBook() {return textBook;}

// setters

public void setName(String newname) {name = newname;}

public void setLibrary(Library newlib) {library = newlib;}

public void setLibraryCard(LibraryCard newcard) {libraryCard = newcard;}

public void setTextBook(TextBook book) {textBook = book;}

// methods

public boolean finishedStudies() {

return getTextBook() == null && getLibraryCard().expired();


public void study() {

if(getTextBook() == null) { // student does not have a book

// try to borrow one from libraty



else // student has a book


if(getTextBook().isFinished()) // book is not finished




else // book is finished


getTextBook().closeBook(); // close it

getLibrary().returnBook(getTextBook()); // return to library

setTextBook(null); // now student does not have a book




public void describe() {

if(getTextBook() == null) {

System.out.print("Student " + getName() + " does not have a book and ");



else // has a book


System.out.print("Student " + getName() + " has a book ");


if(!getTextBook().isFinished()) {

System.out.println("The student is reading the book.");


else {

System.out.println("The book is finished");



