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Create a Program to Create Lottery Picking System in Python Assignment Solution.


Write a program to create lottery picking system in python language.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create lottery picking system in python
program to create lottery picking system in python 1

Source Code

import random

def pick_winning_numbers(lb: int, ub:int, n: int) -> list:


This function returns a list of 4 non-repeated random numbers

:param lb: integer: lower bound of the range (inclusive)

:param ub: integer: upper bound of the range (inclusive)

:param n: integer: represents the number of random values to be returned

:return: list of 4 integers


numbers = random.sample(range(lb, ub+1), n)

return numbers

def pick_superball(lb: int, ub: int) -> int:


This function returns a random integer between the range defined by the variables 'ub' and 'lb'

:param lb: integer: lower bound of the range (inclusive)

:param ub: integer: upper bound of the range (inclusive)



return random.randint(lb, ub)

def convert_list_to_integers(str_list: list) -> list:


This function accepts a list of string representing valid integers, and returns a list

of these integers

:param str_list: list of strings

:return: list of integers


list_int = [int(x) for x in str_list]

return list_int

def count_matches(winning_numbers: list, numbers: list) -> int:


This function accepts two lists of integers, and count how many numbers from the second list

are in the first list

:param winning_numbers: list of integers

:param numbers: list of integers

:return: number of matched integers (int)


matches = 0

for n in numbers:

if n in winning_numbers:

matches += 1

return matches

def main():


Main function where all the functionality of the program is contained

:return: None


# First, pick today's winning numbers

winning_numbers = pick_winning_numbers(1, 9, 4)

# Pick the superball number

sb = pick_superball(1, 9)

# Create helper variables to count the number of entries, number of entries that used superball,

# number of entries that matched 3 or 4 numbers, etc

n_entries = 0

n_superball_used = 0

n_matched_3 = 0

n_matched_4 = 0

# Now, read the file of entries

with open("entries.txt", 'r') as f:

# Read all lines

lines = f.readlines()

# Pick customer numbers

for i, line in enumerate(lines):

# trim and strip line

line = line.strip()

# Split line by space to convert it into a list

customer_numbers_str = line.split(" ")

# Check if this customer used superball

user_used_sb = False

if "sb" in customer_numbers_str:

# Remove the 'sb' from customer's numbers

user_used_sb = True

del customer_numbers_str[customer_numbers_str.index("sb")]

# Increment the counter for number of superball used

n_superball_used += 1

# Now, convert customer's numbers from string to int

customer_numbers = convert_list_to_integers(customer_numbers_str)

# Now, count matches

n = count_matches(winning_numbers, customer_numbers)


Now, if the user used the 'sb' option:

* If the 'sb' number is in today's winning numbers, then add one additional match

to this user

* If 'sb' is not in today's winning numbers, then check if the user has this number


if sb in winning_numbers:

n += 1


if sb in customer_numbers and not sb in winning_numbers:

n += 1

# Increment the entries counter

n_entries += 1

# Check if the number of matches is 3 or 4

if n == 3:

n_matched_3 += 1

elif n == 4:

n_matched_4 += 1

# Now, display the results

print("Pythonic Pick 4 Lottery Results")

print("Today's winning numbers: [", end="")

for i, x in enumerate(winning_numbers):

print(x, end="")

if i < len(winning_numbers) -1:

print(", ", end="")


print(f"Today's superball: {sb}")

print(f"Number of entries: {n_entries}")

print(f"Number of entries that used superball: {n_superball_used}")

print(f"Number of entries that matched 3 numbers: {n_matched_3}")

print(f"Number of entries that matched 4 numbers: {n_matched_4}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
