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Python Program to Create Rock Paper Scissor Game Assignment Solution.


Write a python assignment program to create rock paper scissor game.

Requirements and Specifications

Trying to make a rock paper scissor shoot game through the program "pygame". I just need a simple code that will make it look like it is from a beginner. When the user or cpu want rock, a rock will come up on the screen. Same for paper and scissors.
program to create rock paper scissor game in python

Source Code

import pygame

import random

if __name__ == '__main__':

# define a list with the name of the images

images = ['rock.png', 'paper.png', 'scissors.png']


screen = pygame.display.set_mode([800, 500])

# Get size of screen

width = screen.get_width()

height = screen.get_height()

# buttons position and size

buttonSize = [140, 40]

buttonPos1 = [(1/2)*width-300, (3/4)*height]

buttonPos2 = [(1/2)*width-buttonSize[0]/2, (3/4)*height]

buttonPos3 = [(1/2)*width+150, (3/4)*height]

# color for letters

color_light = (170,170,170)

# color for button background

color_dark = (100,100,100)

# white color

color = (255,255,255)

# defining a font

smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Corbel',35)

# font for text

text1 = smallfont.render('Rock' , True , color)

text2 = smallfont.render('Paper' , True , color)

text3 = smallfont.render('Scissors' , True , color)

playerTitle = smallfont.render('Player' , True , color_dark)

cpuTitle = smallfont.render('CPU' , True , color_dark)

# Fill the background with white

screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

# start game

running = True

while running:

# get mouse

mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

# Check if user clicked close button

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

running = False

# Check if user clicked mouse

if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

# user clicked "Rock" button

if buttonPos1[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos1[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos1[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos1[1]+buttonSize[1]:

# Display images

playerImage = pygame.image.load('rock.png')

cpuImage = pygame.image.load(images[random.randint(0, 2)])

screen.blit(playerImage, (100,100))

screen.blit(cpuImage, (500,100))

# user clicked Paper" button

if buttonPos2[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos2[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos2[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos2[1]+buttonSize[1]:

# Display images

playerImage = pygame.image.load('paper.png')

cpuImage = pygame.image.load(images[random.randint(0, 2)])

screen.blit(playerImage, (100,100))

screen.blit(cpuImage, (500,100))

# user clicked "Scissors" button

if buttonPos3[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos3[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos3[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos3[1]+buttonSize[1]:

# Display images

playerImage = pygame.image.load('scissors.png')

cpuImage = pygame.image.load(images[random.randint(0, 2)])

screen.blit(playerImage, (100,100))

screen.blit(cpuImage, (500,100))

# If the mouse hovers the button, change background color to light

if buttonPos1[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos1[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos1[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos1[1]+buttonSize[1]:




; # If the mouse hovers the button, change background color to light

if buttonPos2[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos2[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos2[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos2[1]+buttonSize[1]:




# If the mouse hovers the button, change background color to light

if buttonPos3[0] <= mouse[0] <= buttonPos3[0]+buttonSize[0] and buttonPos3[1] <= mouse[1] <= buttonPos3[1]+buttonSize[1]:




# Place etxt in buttons

screen.blit(text1 , [buttonPos1[0]+buttonSize[0]/4, buttonPos1[1]])

screen.blit(text2 , [buttonPos2[0]+buttonSize[0]/4, buttonPos2[1]])

screen.blit(text3 , [buttonPos3[0]+buttonSize[0]/4-20, buttonPos3[1]])

# Add titles

screen.blit(playerTitle, (120,50))

screen.blit(cpuTitle, (600,50))

# updates the frames of the game


