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Java Program to Create Warehouse Management System Assignment Solution.


Write a program to create warehouse management system in java.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create warehouse management system in java
program to create warehouse management system in java 1

Source Code



* Represents a ticket used for discounts.

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class GoldenTicket {


* String variable for catchphrase


private String catchphrase;


* Discount variable


private double discount;


* Constructor that creates a GoldenTicket object given the catchphrase and the discount.

* The constructor checks that the given parameters are valid

* @param catchphrase String

* @param discount double


public GoldenTicket(String catchphrase, double discount) {

// If catchphrase is empty, set to "Congrats!"

this.catchphrase = (catchphrase == null || catchphrase.length() == 0) ? "Congrats!" : catchphrase;

// if discount is not in (0, 25] set to 15.0

this.discount = (discount <= 0 || discount > 25) ? 15.0 : discount;



* Copy constructor for golden ticket.

* @param other GoldenTicket


public GoldenTicket(GoldenTicket other) {

this(other.getCatchphrase(), other.getDiscount());



* Getter method for catch phrase.

* @return String


public String getCatchphrase() {

return catchphrase;



* Setter method for catch phrase.

* @param newCatchphrase String


public void setCatchphrase(String newCatchphrase) {

this.catchphrase = (newCatchphrase == null || newCatchphrase.length() == 0) ? "Congrats!" : newCatchphrase;



* Getter method for discount.

* @return double


public double getDiscount() {

return discount;



* Setter method for discount.

* @param newDiscount


public void setDiscount(double newDiscount) {

this.discount = (newDiscount <= 0 || newDiscount > 25) ? 15.0 : newDiscount;



* Mthod that returns a String representation of the Golden Ticket object.

* @return String


public String ticketString() {

return String.format("Golden Ticket with a %.2f%% discount! %s",







* Represents a Discounted Paper product.

* Paper product that has number of sheets, weight per unit sheet, discount and ticket

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class DiscountedPaper extends PaperProduct {


* Discount variable


private double discount;


* GoldenTicket variable


private GoldenTicket ticket;


* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object.

* Creates object given the name, numberOfSheets, weightOfUnitSheet, discount and ticket object

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int

* @param weightOfUnitSheet double

* @param discount double

* @param ticket GoldenTicket


public DiscountedPaper(String name, int numberOfSheets,

double weightOfUnitSheet, double discount, GoldenTicket ticket) {

// Call super

super(name, numberOfSheets, weightOfUnitSheet);

// Check that discount is in the correct range

this.discount = (discount <= 0 || discount > 50) ? 15.0 : discount;

// set ticket

this.ticket = ticket;



* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object given the name, numberOfSheets.

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int


public DiscountedPaper(String name, int numberOfSheets) {

// Call super

super(name, numberOfSheets);

// Set other variables

this.discount = 15.0;

this.ticket = null;



* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object given the name.

* @param name String


public DiscountedPaper(String name) {

// Call super


// Set other variables

this.discount = 15.0;

this.ticket = null;



* Copy constructor that copies all variables from a given DiscountedPaper object.

* @param other DiscountedPaper object


public DiscountedPaper(DiscountedPaper other) {





new GoldenTicket(other.getTicket()));



* No argument constrcutor.


public DiscountedPaper() {




* Getter method for discount value.

* @return discount


public double getDiscount() {

return discount;



* Getter method for ticket object.

* @return ticket object


public GoldenTicket getTicket() {

return ticket;



* Setter for discount variable.

* @param newDiscount double


public void setDiscount(double newDiscount) {

this.discount = (newDiscount <= 0 || newDiscount > 50) ? 15.0 : newDiscount;



* Setter for ticket object.

* @param newTicket GoldenTicket


public void setTicket(GoldenTicket newTicket) {

this.ticket = newTicket;



* Calculates the final cost.

* @return double


public double discountedCost() {

// Calculate total cost

double totalCost = totalCost();

// Apply discount

double finalCost = totalCost * (1.0 - getDiscount() / 100.0);

// If there is a golden ticket, apply the discount of the golden ticket

if (getTicket() != null) {

finalCost = finalCost * (1.0 - getTicket().getDiscount() / 100.0);


return finalCost;



* Return a String representation detailing if the product was shipped or not.

* @param companyName String

* @return String


public String shipDiscounted(String companyName) {

return super.ship(companyName)

+ String.format(" The total cost after the discount is $%.2f", discountedCost());



* Return a String representation of all the details about prices.

* It also returns details about discounts of the product

* @return String


public String botherAccounting() {

// Get original cost

double origCost = totalCost();

// Calculate final cost

double finalCost = discountedCost();

// get original discount

double origDiscount = getDiscount();

// get ticket discount (if present)

double ticketDiscount = 0.0;

if (getTicket() != null) {

ticketDiscount = getTicket().getDiscount();


// Return String

return String.format("Discounted Paper Product\nOriginal Cost: $%.2f\n"

+ "Final Cost: $%.2f\nOriginal Discount: %.2f%%\n"

+ "Golden Ticket Discount: %.2f%%",









* Represents a Paper product that has number of sheets and weight per unit sheet.

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class PaperProduct {


* Product name.


private final String name;


* Number of sheets.


private int numberOfSheets;


* Weight of each sheet.


private final double weightOfUnitSheet;


* Variable to be shared between instances.


private static int totalProductsToShip = 10;


* Constant.


public static final double COST_PER_GRAM = 0.025;


* All-args constructor to create a PaperProduct object.

* Given the name, number of sheets and weight

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int

* @param weightOfUnitSheet double


public PaperProduct(String name, int numberOfSheets, double weightOfUnitSheet) {

// If name is empty or null set to A4

this.name = (name == null || name.length() == 0) ? "A4" : name;

// Checking if number of sheets is positive or zero

this.numberOfSheets = (numberOfSheets < 0) ? 500 : numberOfSheets;

// if weight is invalid, set to 0.25

this.weightOfUnitSheet = (weightOfUnitSheet < 0) ? 0.25 : weightOfUnitSheet;



* Constructor to create a PaperProduct object given the name and number of sheets.

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int


public PaperProduct(String name, int numberOfSheets) {

// If name is empty or null set to A4

this.name = (name == null || name.length() == 0) ? "A4" : name;

// Checking if number of sheets is positive or zero

this.numberOfSheets = (numberOfSheets < 0) ? 500 : numberOfSheets;

this.weightOfUnitSheet = 0.25;



* Constructor to create a PaperProduct object given the name.

* @param name String


public PaperProduct(String name) {

// If name is empty or null set to A4

this.name = (name == null || name.length() == 0) ? "A4" : name;

this.numberOfSheets = 500;

this.weightOfUnitSheet = 0.25;



* Copy constructor that copies all variables from a given PaperProduct object.

* @param other PaperProduct object


public PaperProduct(PaperProduct other) {

this(other.getName(), other.getNumberOfSheets(), other.getWeightOfUnitSheet());



* No argument constructor that sets all variables to its default values.

* @return None


public PaperProduct() {

// Calling constrcutor only with name




* Getter method for name.

* @return name


public String getName() {

return name;



* Getter method for number of sheets.

* @return int


public int getNumberOfSheets() {

return numberOfSheets;



* Getter method for weight of unit sheet.

* @return double


public double getWeightOfUnitSheet() {

return weightOfUnitSheet;



* Getter method for total products to ship.

* @return int


public static int getTotalProductsToShip() {

return PaperProduct.totalProductsToShip;



* Setter for number of sheets.

* @param newNumberOfSheets int


public void setNumberOfSheets(int newNumberOfSheets) {

this.numberOfSheets = (newNumberOfSheets < 0) ? 500 : newNumberOfSheets;



* This function returns the total weight of the product.

* @return double


public double totalWeight() {

return numberOfSheets * weightOfUnitSheet;



* Returns the total cost of the product.

* @return double


public double totalCost() {

return COST_PER_GRAM * totalWeight();



* Returns a string representing the object.

* @return String


public String paperString() {

return String.format("%.2fg of %s for $%.2f", totalWeight(), getName(), totalCost());



* Returns a String depending on if the item is shipped or not.

* Receives the company name as parameter

* @param companyName String representing the company name

* @return String


public String ship(String companyName) {

if (getTotalProductsToShip() > 0) {

totalProductsToShip -= 1;

return "Shipped " + this.paperString() + " to " + companyName + ".";

} else {

return "Cannot ship any items, Warehouse is empty!";






* This is the Driver of the program.

* @author NAME

* @version 1.0


public class Warehouse {


* Main method for the driver application.

* @param args String array with arguments


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Create 2 paper products

PaperProduct pp1 = new PaperProduct("Paper Product 1", 450, 0.01);

PaperProduct pp2 = new PaperProduct("Paper Product 2", 900, 0.17);

// Create 1 Golden Ticket

GoldenTicket gt = new GoldenTicket("Super Ticket!", 30); // with 30% discount

// Create 2 DiscountedPaper products

PaperProduct dp1 = new DiscountedPaper("Discounted Paper 1", 1500, 0.01, 13.0, null); // without golden ticket

PaperProduct dp2 = new DiscountedPaper("Discounted Paper 2", 1500, 0.01, 13.0, gt); // with golden ticket

// Create 2 PhotoPaper objects

PaperProduct photo1 = new PhotoPaper("Photo Paper 1", 2500, 0.005, 35.0);

PaperProduct photo2 = new PhotoPaper("Photo Paper 2", 400, 0.20, 25.0);

System.out.println(((PhotoPaper) photo1).photoString());

// Let's ship







for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

