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Python Program to Create Word Puzzle Generator Assignment Solution.


If you're seeking assistance with a Python assignment, particularly one related to creating a word puzzle generator, you've come to the right place. Writing a program to generate word puzzles is an interesting task in Python. This program could involve various concepts such as string manipulation, loops, and randomization. The aim is to craft a program that takes input words, scrambles them, and creates a puzzle that the user can solve. By carefully planning and implementing the necessary steps, you can develop a functional and engaging word puzzle generator using Python.

Requirements and Specifications

program to create word puzzle generator in python

Source Code


import random

class Cursor:


This class defines a cursor, which is used to iterate through the grid

The cursor will store the index of the current position (row, column( and also

will have the the values of the direction in which the word will be stored in the grid


def __init__(self, row, column, dirr, dirc):

self.row = row

self.column = column

self.dir_row = dirr

self.dir_col = dirc

if self.dir_row == 0 and self.dir_col == 0:

self.dir_col = 1

def step(self):


Given the current position of the cursor defined by row and column, advance one step

in the direction of the cursor (to left, right, up, down, diagonal, etc)

:param steps:

:return: None


self.column += self.dir_col

self.row += self.dir_row

def __str__(self):


Print info of the cursor about the current position and direction

:return: None


return f"[{self.row} {self.dir_row} {self.column} {self.dir_column}]"


import numpy as np

from cursor import *

import string

class Grid:


This class will define the grid of letters. This will contain the Alphabet Soup


def __init__(self, N):

# First, create a list of lists that represents the grid

# This list of lists is a matrix of size NxN filled with empty spaces

self.N = N # size of the grid

self.grid = np.array([' ']* N * N).reshape((N,N)) # initial grid

self.free_cells = N*N # number of free cells

self.words = [] # store the words in the grid

self.words_hints = [] # store the info about words added into the grid (position and direction(

def __getitem__(self, cursor: Cursor):


Override the getitem method

:param cursor: Cursor object that contaons the row and position



if self.valid(cursor):

return self.grid[cursor.row, cursor.column]


return ' '

def __setitem__(self, cursor: Cursor, value):


Override the set item method

:param cursor: Cursor object that contains the row and position

:param value: Value to be set



if self.valid(cursor):

if self.grid[cursor.row, cursor.column] == ' ':

self.free_cells -= 1

self.grid[cursor.row, cursor.column] = value

def valid(self, cursor):


Check if the position of the given cursor is inside the boundaries

:return: Value in the grid or ''


if 0 <= cursor.row < self.N and 0 <= cursor.column < self.N:

return True


return False

def put(self, word):


This function will put the words in a random direction and position inside the grid

:param word: Word in str

:return: None


directions = [0, 1] # Define the possitlbe directions for x and y

dir_row = directions[random.randint(0,1)] # Pick the y direction

dir_col = directions[random.randint(0,1)] # pick the x direction

reverse = False # Variable that tells if the word must be reversed or not


The reverse variable is used so that the word is put reversed in the grid

For example, if we have the word 'shoe' and we have to put it in the grid in the ...

... direction left->right, then we just put the word 'shoe'

But if we have to put the word in the direction right->left, then it is the same

as putting the word in the direction left->right but instead of putting 'shoe', we put 'eohs'



The following lines of code are used to determine the boundaries of the position

If we put a word in direction left->right, we need to pick an starting poition x,y such that

the word do not goes outside the grid. The same happens if the direction is top->bottom, diagonal, etc


if dir_col == 1 and dir_row == 0: # left to right

row, col = random.randint(0, self.N-1), random.randint(0, self.N-len(word))

elif dir_col == 0 and dir_row == 1: # top to bottom

row, col =random.randint(0, self.N-len(word)), random.randint(0, self.N-1)

elif dir_col == 1 and dir_row == 1: # diagonal top-left to bottom-right

row, col = random.randint(0, self.N - len(word)), random.randint(0, self.N - len(word))

elif dir_col == 0 and dir_row == 0:

dir_col = 1

row, col = random.randint(0, self.N - len(word)), random.randint(0, self.N - 1)

# Generate a random between 0 and 1 to chose if the word is reversed

if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:

reverse = True

# Create the cursos

cursor = Cursor(row, col, dir_row, dir_col)

word_len = len(word)

orig_word = word # original word without being reversed

if reverse:

word = word[::-1]

remaining = word_len

for index in range(word_len): # iterate through the characters in the word

if self[cursor] == ' ' or self[cursor] == word[index]: # if the current position is empty, then put the letter there

self[cursor] = word[index]

remaining -= 1

cursor.step() # advance one position

if remaining == 0: # The word was put in the grid successfully

self.words_hints.append((row,col, cursor.dir_row, cursor.dir_col, orig_word))


return True

def fill_rest(self):


Once the words have been put, then fill the rest with random letters



for row in range(self.N):

for col in range(self.N):

if self.grid[row,col] == ' ':

self.grid[row, col] = random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)

def search(self):


This function will take the words in the list 'words' and search them in the grid.

The function will then return a list of tuples, where each tuple will contain

the starting position in the grid, the direction to follow and the word

:return: list of tuples


words_found = []

for word in self.words: # iterate through word

found = False # Variable to know if the word was found

# First, start search from left to right or right to left

for row in range(self.N):

found = False

idx = 0

for col in range(0, self.N-len(word)+1):

option = self.grid[row, col:col+len(word)]

w = ''.join(option)

w_rev = ''.join(option[::-1])

if word == w or word == w_rev: # we found the word

dir = (1,0)

x = col

y = row

if word == w_rev:

dir = (-1, 0)

x += len(word)-1

words_found.append((y,x, dir[0], dir[1], word))

found = True


if found:


if found: # The word has been found, then continue with next word


# Now, top to bottom

for row in range(0, self.N-len(word)+1):

found = False

idx = 0

for col in range(0, self.N):

option = self.grid[row:row+len(word), col]

w = ''.join(option)

w_rev = ''.join(option[::-1])

if word == w or word == w_rev: # we found the word

dir = (0, 1)

x = col

y = row

if word == w_rev:

dir = (0, -1)

y += len(word)-1

words_found.append((x, y, dir[0], dir[1], word))

found = True


if found:


if found: # The word has been found, then continue with next word


# Now, diagonal top-left to bottom-right

for row in range(0, self.N-len(word)+1):

for col in range(0, self.N-len(word)+1):

w = ""

for i in range(len(word)):

w += self.grid[row+i, col+i]

w_rev = w[::-1]

if word == w or word == w_rev: # we found the word

dir = (1, 1)

x = col

y = row

if word == w_rev:

dir = (-1, -1)

x += len(word)-1

y += len(word)-1

words_found.append((x, y, dir[0], dir[1], word))

found = True


if found:


if found:


if found: # The word has been found, then continue with next word


# Now, diagonal bottom-left to top-right

for row in range(self.N-1, self.N-len(word)-2, -1):

for col in range(0, self.N - len(word) + 1):

w = ""

for i in range(len(word)):

w += self.grid[row-i, col + i]

w_rev = w[::-1]

if word == w or word == w_rev: # we found the word

dir = (-1, -1)

x = col

y = row

if word == w_rev:

dir = (1, 1)

x -= len(word)+1

y -= len(word)+1

words_found.append((x, y, dir[0], dir[1], word))

found = True


if found:


if found:


if found: # The word has been found, then continue with next word


return words_found

def __str__(self):

ret = ""

for i in range(self.N):

ret += f"{' '.join(self.grid[i].tolist())}\n"

return ret