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Find Both Roots Of A Quadratic Equation In Assembly Language Assignment Solution.


Write a program using assembly language, to find both roots of a quadratic equation in assembly language.

Requirements and Specifications

Write an x86 assembler homework to find the roots of a quadratic equation. This problem is the same as problem 12.6 in your text (p 590).
Some sample sessions are included in the attachment.
Suggest you test your program using this site.
  • Program must use FPU instructions
  • Program must use multiple procedures
  • Up to 10% extra credit if the program is a multi-module program
Screenshots of output
Program to find both roots of a quadratic equation in Assembly language
Program to find both roots of a quadratic equation in Assembly language 1
Program to find both roots of a quadratic equation in Assembly language 2
Source Code
INCLUDE irvine32.inc
EXTERN ReadCoefficient@0:PROC
EXTERN SolveQuadratic@0:PROC
; Redefine external symbols for convenience
ReadCoefficient EQU ReadCoefficient@0
SolveQuadratic EQU SolveQuadratic@0
coefA REAL8 0.0
coefB REAL8 0.0
coefC REAL8 0.0
main PROC
 mov al, 'A' ; coefficient A
 push eax ; pass as argument
 call ReadCoefficient ; read coefficient A
 add esp, 4 ; restore stack
 fstp coefA ; save in coefA
 mov al, 'B' ; coefficient B
 push eax ; pass as argument
 call ReadCoefficient ; read coefficient B
 add esp, 4 ; restore stack
 fstp coefB ; save in coefB
 mov al, 'C' ; coefficient C
 push eax ; pass as argument
 call ReadCoefficient ; read coefficient C
 add esp, 4 ; restore stack
 fstp coefC ; save in coefC
 fld coefC ; load C for subroutine
 fld coefB ; load C for subroutine
 fld coefA ; load C for subroutine
 call SolveQuadratic ; solve the equation
 exit ; terminate
main ENDP
END main
Read coefficients
INCLUDE irvine32.inc
prompt BYTE "Coefficient ("
promptCoef BYTE " "
   BYTE ") for Ax^2 + Bx + C: ", 0
; Prompt for coefficient and return read number
; At the start: [ebp+8] = coefficient name
; At return: EAX = read number
ReadCoefficient PROC
 enter 0,0
 mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; load coefficient name
 mov [promptCoef], al ; save coefficient name in prompt message
 lea edx, prompt ; prompt user to enter coefficient
 call WriteString
 call ReadFloat ; read the number
 ret ; return the read number in float stack
ReadCoefficient ENDP
Solve quadratic
INCLUDE irvine32.inc
Solution1 BYTE "Root1: ", 0
Solution2 BYTE "Root2: ", 0
NoSolution BYTE "This polynomial has an imaginary root", 0
coefA REAL8 0.0
coefB REAL8 0.0
coefC REAL8 0.0
const0 REAL8 0.0
const2 REAL8 2.0
const4 REAL8 4.0
B2 REAL8 0.0
fourAC REAL8 0.0
twoA REAL8 0.0
Root1 REAL8 0.0
Root2 REAL8 0.0
disc REAL8 0.0
; Solve the quadratic equation
; At the start: ST0 = A, ST1 = B, ST2 = C
SolveQuadratic PROC
 enter 0, 0
 fstp coefA ; save coefficient A
 fstp coefB ; save coefficient B
 fstp coefC ; save coefficient C
 fld coefB ; load B
 fmul coefB ; calculate B^2
 fstp B2 ; save in B^2
 fld const4 ; load 4
 fmul coefA ; multiply 4*A
 fmul coefC ; multiply 4*A*C
 fstp fourAC ; save in fourAC
 fld B2 ; load B^2
 fsub fourAC ; subtract B^2 - 4*A*C
 fst disc ; save as discriminant
 fcomp const0 ; compare discriminant with zero
 fnstsw ax
 jb displayImaginary ; if disc < 0, there is no solution
 fld coefB ; load B
 fchs ; negate to -B
 fstp coefB ; update variable
 fld coefA ; load A
 fmul const2 ; multipy 2*a
 fstp twoA ; save
 fld disc ; load discriminant
 fsqrt ; take square root
 fstp disc ; update discriminant
 fld coefB ; load -B
 fadd disc ; add -B + sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)
 fdiv twoA ; divide -B + sqrt(B^2 - 4AC) / 2a
 fstp Root1 ; save first root
 fld coefB ; load -B
 fsub disc ; add -B - sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)
 fdiv twoA ; divide -B - sqrt(B^2 - 4AC) / 2a
 fstp Root2 ; save second root
 jmp displayRoots ; display the roots
 lea edx, NoSolution ; print no solution
 call WriteString
 call CRLF
 jmp Return ; terminate
 lea edx, Solution1 ; print first solution
 call WriteString
 fld Root1 ; load first solution
 call WriteFloat ; print root
 call CRLF
 lea edx, Solution2 ; print second solution
 call WriteString
 fld Root2 ; load second solution
 call WriteFloat ; print root
 call CRLF
 ret ; return the read number
SolveQuadratic ENDP