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Create a Program to Implement Corgi Workshop in Java Assignment Solution.


Write a java assignment program to implement corgi workshop.

Requirements and Specifications

********Build-a-Corgi Workshop********
  • Write the pseudocode for the following program.
  • Create a flowchart.
  • Design a program based on the below information.
********Build-a-Corgi Workshop: Scenario********
Three children are going to the build-your-own stuffed Corgi workshop with a group of Corgi fans. Each child is allowed to spend no more than $30.00 and they have their own cash!
Based on the three children’s selections, calculate the total amount due for the stuffed Corgi. Calculate how much change each child receives, if they do not spend the entire $30. Force a new selection if the child spends more than $30.00. The cashier has unlimited denominations and coin varieties to make the exact change. Use all of the information you have learned in Chapters 1-8 to create an elegant program.
  1. Proper naming conventions.
  2. Proper use of comments.
  3. Using objects.
  4. Providing well-formatted user output.
  5. 5. Concise writing of code, if you can write it in two lines instead of five, two lines is typically nicer.
  6. Do not write repetitive code.
  7. Use proper methods/syntax.
  8. Using arrays.
  9. Using sentinel value.
  10. Code is formatted properly.
  11. Code output is formatted as if it were a receipt
  12. Error check user input as needed to run program properly.

Source Code

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Date;

public class CorgiWorkshop {

// This our constants to easier to read the array of money denominations

private static final int TENS = 0;

private static final int FIVES = 1;

private static final int ONES = 2;

private static final int QUARTERS = 3;

private static final int DIMES = 4;

private static final int NICKELS = 5;

private static final int PENNIES = 6;

// $10 = 1000 pennies

// $5 = 500 pennies

// $1 = 100 pennies

// Quarter = 25 pennies

// Dimes = 10 pennies

// Nickels = 5 pennies

// This will be useful for calculating based on the available bills

private static final int[] PENNIES_DENOMINATIONS = {

10 * 100,

5 * 100,







// Initialize available items and prices

private static final String[] FURS = {"Large Red and White", "Large Tri-color"};

private static final double[] FUR_PRICES = {12, 13.50};

private static final String[] OUTFITS = {"Shark", "Mermaid", "Swim trunks"};

private static final double[] OUTFIT_PRICES = {6.49, 8, 6.99};

private static final String[] SOUNDS = {"Puppy 5-in-1 sounds", "Personalized message", "I love you", "Heartbeat"};

private static final double[] SOUND_PRICES = {4.49, 3.47, 2.99, 2.49};

private static final String[] ACCESSORIES = {"Beach ball", "Pet carrier", "Radio flyer wagon", "Water cooler"};

private static final double[] ACCESSORY_PRICES = {3.50, 7.99, 10, 3.29};

// Create a starting money for a customer

// Start with 1 x $10, 2 x $5, 6 x $1,

// 6 quarters, 10 dimes, 20 nickels, and 50 pennies

private static int[] initializeStartingMoney() {

int[] money = new int[7];

// These all stores the pennies rate of each bill

money[TENS] = 1 * 10 * 100;

money[FIVES] = 2 * 5 * 100;

money[ONES] = 6 * 100;

money[QUARTERS] = 6 * 25;

money[DIMES] = 10 * 10;

money[NICKELS] = 20 * 5;

money[PENNIES] = 50;

return money;


// Force the user to choose from one of the given

// options then returns the cost of the selected option

private static int chooseOne(String optionName, String[] options, double[] prices) {


for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {

System.out.println((i + 1) + ". " + options[i] + " - $" + String.format("%.2f", prices[i]));


System.out.print("Option: ");

int option = Keyboard.readInt(1, options.length);

return option - 1;


// Start a new customer, give them $30 in different

// denominations, then make them shop some items

private static void processNextCustomer(String customerName) {

System.out.println("Hello " + customerName + ", let's buy you some Corgi!");

int[] money = initializeStartingMoney();

double totalCost = 0;

int furOption, outfitOption, soundOption;

boolean[] chosenAccessories;

do {

chosenAccessories = new boolean[ACCESSORIES.length];

// Shop for fur

furOption = chooseOne("Corgi Fur: Choose One", FURS, FUR_PRICES);

System.out.println("Excellent! Your Corgi would love the " + FURS[furOption] + " fur.");

// Shop for outfit

outfitOption = chooseOne("Corgi Outfit: Choose One", OUTFITS, OUTFIT_PRICES);

System.out.println("Great choice! Your Corgi will make an excellent " + OUTFITS[outfitOption] + ".");

// Shop for sound

soundOption = chooseOne("Corgi Sound: Choose One", SOUNDS, SOUND_PRICES);

System.out.println("Nice, Corgi loves " + SOUNDS[soundOption] + " sounds.");

// Shop for accessories

boolean moreAccessory;

do {

System.out.print("Do you want to add an accessory? (Y/N) ");

moreAccessory = Keyboard.readBoolean();

if (moreAccessory) {

int accessoryOption = chooseOne("Corgi Accessory: Choose One", ACCESSORIES, ACCESSORY_PRICES);

if (chosenAccessories[accessoryOption]) {

System.out.println("You have that previously chosen that already.");

} else {

System.out.println("Awesome! Your corgi will love that accessory!");

chosenAccessories[accessoryOption] = true;



} while (moreAccessory);

// Calculate the total cost

totalCost = FUR_PRICES[furOption] + OUTFIT_PRICES[outfitOption] + SOUND_PRICES[soundOption];

for (int i = 0; i < ACCESSORIES.length; i++) {

if (chosenAccessories[i]) {

totalCost += ACCESSORY_PRICES[i];



// We only have $30 initially so if it doesn't add up

// then re-do shopping

System.out.println("Total cost: $" + String.format("%.2f", totalCost));

if (totalCost > 30) {

System.out.println("Oops. You do not have enough budget. You might want to re-select again your choices.");


} while (totalCost > 30);

// Calculate the cost in pennies

int costInPennies = (int) (totalCost * 100);

// If we can pay for it then start reducing money

// We pay with larger bills first

// TENS, FIVES, ONES ... PENNIES in that order

int totalGivenInPennies = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < money.length && totalGivenInPennies < costInPennies; i++) {

while (money[i] > 0 && totalGivenInPennies < costInPennies) {

totalGivenInPennies += PENNIES_DENOMINATIONS[i];




// Put the payment given back to decimal value

double totalGiven = totalGivenInPennies / 100;

double change = totalGiven - totalCost;

// Round the change to the nearest 10th

change = Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.2f", change));

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");

// Pay for it, congratulate user


System.out.println("Congratulations on your new Corgi!");


System.out.println("Your new " + FURS[furOption] + " Corgi is so cute! "

+ "Your new friend will delight everyone in his or her " + OUTFITS[outfitOption] + " outfit! "

+ "Squeeze your puppy's ear to hear a " + SOUNDS[soundOption] + " just for you!");


System.out.println("Corgi Birth Certificate");


System.out.println("Your friend will need to bring back this certificate if he or she needs to be patched up!");

System.out.println("Take home day: " + dateFormat.format(new Date()));


System.out.println("Your new friend includes:");


System.out.printf("%-30s%5s\n", FURS[furOption] + ":", "$" + String.format("%.2f", FUR_PRICES[furOption]));

System.out.printf("%-30s%5s\n", OUTFITS[outfitOption] + " outfit:", "$" + String.format("%.2f", OUTFIT_PRICES[outfitOption]));

System.out.printf("%-30s%5s\n", SOUNDS[soundOption] + ":", "$" + String.format("%.2f", SOUND_PRICES[soundOption]));

for (int i = 0; i < chosenAccessories.length; i++) {

if (chosenAccessories[i]) {

System.out.printf("%-20s%5s\n", ACCESSORIES[i] + ":", "$" + String.format("%.2f", ACCESSORY_PRICES[i]));




System.out.println("Total: $" + String.format("%.2f", totalCost));

System.out.println("Cash received: $" + String.format("%.2f", totalGiven));

System.out.println("Your change is: $" + String.format("%.2f", change));

if (change <= 0) {



// Break the change into bills, for extr credit

int changeInPennies = (int) (change * 100);

String[] billNames = {"$10 bills", "$5 bills", "$1 bills", "quarters", "dimes", "nickels", "pennies"};

int[] quantities = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

for (int i = 0; i < PENNIES_DENOMINATIONS.length && changeInPennies > 0; i++) {

int quantity = 0;

while (changeInPennies > 0 && changeInPennies - PENNIES_DENOMINATIONS[i] >= 0) {


changeInPennies -= PENNIES_DENOMINATIONS[i];


quantities[i] = quantity;


// Now we print out the change in bills

String changeInBills = "";

for (int i = 0; i < quantities.length; i++) {

if (quantities[i] > 0) {

changeInBills += quantities[i] + " " + billNames[i] + ", ";



// Remove the extra ", " at the end

changeInBills = changeInBills.substring(0, changeInBills.length() - 2);

// Break the change in to tokens for proper sentence structuring

String[] tokens = changeInBills.split(", ");

if (tokens.length == 1) {




for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {


if (i + 1 < tokens.length) {

System.out.print(", ");

} else {

System.out.print(" and ");





// Entry point of the program

public static void main(String[] args) {

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

System.out.print("Hello next customer, what should I call you? ");

String customerName = Keyboard.readString();




