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Python Program to Implement Data Reading of Body Weights of Terrestrial Mammals Assignment Solution.


Write a python assignment program to implement data reading of body weights of terrestrial mammals.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement data reading of body weights of terrestrial mammals in python
program to implement data reading of body weights of terrestrial mammals in python 1
program to implement data reading of body weights of terrestrial mammals in python 2
program to implement data reading of body weights of terrestrial mammals in python 3

Source Code

def find_insert_position(mammal_name, listofnames):

# If the list is empty, return 0

if len(listofnames) == 0:

return 0

for i, element in enumerate(listofnames):

if element > mammal_name:

return i

# If there are no elements in the list higher than the given name, it means

# that the given name must be inserted at the end

return len(listofnames)

def populate_lists(listofnames, listofbodyweights, listofbrainweights):

# Open file

data = open('BrainBodyWeightKilos.csv', 'r')

# Read lines

lines = data.readlines()

# Loop through lines

for line in lines:

# Strip

line = line.strip()

# Split

row = line.split(',')

# Take the name, convert to title case

name = row[0].lower()

name = name[0].upper() + name[1:]

# Take the body weight and convert to float

body_weight = float(row[1])

# Take Brain weight and convert to float

brain_weight = float(row[2])

# Now, append to lists

# Find index at which they must be inserted

idx = find_insert_position(name, listofnames)

listofnames.insert(idx, name)

listofbodyweights.insert(idx, body_weight)

listofbrainweights.insert(idx, brain_weight)

# Close file


def write_converted_csv(filename, listofnames, listofbodyweights, listofbrainweights):

# Define the conversion factor from Kilograms to Pounds

LBS_IN_KG = 2.205

LBS_IN_G = 0.0022

# First, open the file in write mode

file = open(filename, 'w+') # create in case it does not exists

# Get number of records

n = len(listofnames) # all three lists should have the same number of records

# Now, loop through all elements in the lists

for i in range(n):

name = listofnames[i]

body_weight_kg = listofbodyweights[i]

brain_weight_g = listofbrainweights[i]

# Convert body weight from kg to lb

body_weight_lb = body_weight_kg*LBS_IN_KG

# Convert brain weight from grams to lb

brain_weight_lb = brain_weight_g*LBS_IN_G # to lbs

# Now, write to file

file.write('{0},{1:.2f},{2:.2f}\n'.format(name, body_weight_lb, brain_weight_lb))

# Finally, close the file


def main():

# Lists to store names and weights

listofnames = list()

listofbodyweights = list()

listofbrainweights = list()

# Populate

populate_lists(listofnames, listofbodyweights, listofbrainweights)

# Now repeatedly ask for animal name

while True:

name = input('Enter animal name (or "q" to quit): ')

# Convert to title case

name = name.lower()

name = name[0].upper() + name[1:]

if name == 'Q':

# Write data to csv

write_converted_csv('BrainBodyWeightPounds.csv', listofnames, listofbodyweights, listofbrainweights)



if name in listofnames: # Name is in the list of names

# Find and print

idx = listofnames.index(name)

body_weight = listofbodyweights[idx]

brain_weight = listofbrainweights[idx]

print('{0}: body = {1:.2f}, brain = {2:.2f}'.format(name, body_weight, brain_weight))

delete = input(f'Delete "{name}"? (y|n) ')

if delete == 'y':

del listofnames[idx]

del listofbodyweights[idx]

del listofbrainweights[idx]

else: # Name not in list

print(f'File does not contain "{name}".')

add = input(f'Add "{name}" to file? (y|n) ')

if add == 'y':

# Ask for body weight

body_weight = float(input(f'Enter body weight for "{name}" in kilograms: '))

brain_weight = float(input(f'Enter brain weight for {name} in grams: '))

# Now, insert

idx = find_insert_position(name, listofnames)

listofnames.insert(idx, name)

listofbodyweights.insert(idx, body_weight)

listofbrainweights.insert(idx, brain_weight)


if __name__ == '__main__':
