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Create a Program to Implement File Handling in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a c++ homework to implement file handling.

Requirements and Specifications

Simple program that reads file and calculates pay for workers has a bug, need help fixing it C++
Source Code
using namespace std;
// Entry point of the program
int main()
const double HOURLY_RATE = 18;
const double TAX = 0.12;
// Open file and process it
ifstream inFile("employeehours.txt");
// We assume that working hours of each employee are grouped together in the file
string previousEmployeeName = "";
string employeeName;
int totalHours = 0;
string firstName, lastName;
while (!inFile.eof())
int hours;
inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> hours;
employeeName = firstName + " " + lastName;
// There's a name change, that means we're done with the last employee
if ((previousEmployeeName != employeeName || inFile.eof()) && previousEmployeeName != "")
// Calculate the total pay and tax
double totalGrossPay = totalHours * HOURLY_RATE;
double tax = totalGrossPay * TAX;
double totalNetPay = totalGrossPay - tax;
cout << previousEmployeeName << "\nGross Pay = $" << totalGrossPay << "\nTax = $" << tax << "\nNet Pay = $" << totalNetPay << endl << endl;
if (employeeName == previousEmployeeName)
// Accumulate hours
totalHours += hours;
totalHours = hours;
previousEmployeeName = employeeName;
return 0;