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Python Program to Implement Graph Plotting Assignment Solution.


Write a Python assignment that involves creating a program to implement graph plotting in Python. Graph plotting is a fundamental skill in data visualization and analysis. Python offers various libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly that enable users to create different types of graphs, such as line plots, bar plots, scatter plots, and more. These libraries provide functions to customize the appearance of graphs, add labels and titles, and handle data efficiently. By completing this assignment, students will gain practical experience in using Python libraries to visualize data and convey meaningful insights through graphical representations.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement graph plotting in python
program to implement graph plotting in python 1
program to implement graph plotting in python 2
program to implement graph plotting in python 3
program to implement graph plotting in python 4
program to implement graph plotting in python 5
program to implement graph plotting in python 6
program to implement graph plotting in python 7
program to implement graph plotting in python 8

Source Code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

from sympy import *

import urllib.request

import random

from sympy.plotting.plot import Plot, ContourSeries

import numpy as np

def Problem1():

print("Running problem 1...")

# Create the symbolic variable x

x = Symbol('x')

# Create function

f = 10 - 4 * x ** 2 + 2 * x ** 3

# Get its minimum

fprime = f.diff(x)

x_min = solve(fprime, x)[1]

f_xmin = f.subs(x, x_min)

# Plot

#plot(f, (x, 0, 8 / 4), xlim=(0, 8 / 4), ylim=(30 / 4, 40 / 4), xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', label='Function', show = False)

xvals = np.linspace(0, 8/4, 100)

fvals = lambdify(x, f)(xvals)


plt.plot(xvals, fvals, label = f)

plt.plot(x_min, f_xmin,'r*', label = 'Local Minimum')

plt.xlim([0, 8/4])

plt.ylim([30/4, 40/4])




plt.xticks([0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4], ['0', '1/4', '2/4', '3/4', '4/4', '5/4', '6/4', '7/4', '8/4'])

plt.yticks([30/4, 32/4, 34/4, 36/4, 38/4, 40/4], ['30/4', '32/4', '34/4', '36/4', '38/4', '40/4'])


"""plt.xticks(['0', '1/4', '2/4', '3/4', '4/4', '5/4', '6/4', '7/4', '8/4'])

plt.yticks([30/4, 31/4, 32/4, 33/4, 34/4, 35/4, 36/4, 37/4, 38/4, 39/4, 40/4])



def Problem2():

print("Running Problem 2...")

# Define alpha and beta

alpha = 0.5

beta = 0.5

# Define x1 and x2

x1 = Symbol("x1")

x2 = Symbol("x2")

graph = Plot(ContourSeries(x1**alpha *x2**beta, (x1, -100,100), (x2,-100,100)), xlabel = 'x1', ylabel = 'x2')


def Problem3():

print("Running Problem 3...")

# Now 1e6 times

sum2 = []

for i in range(1000000):

sum1 = 0

for i in range(10):

die = random.randint(1, 6)

sum1 += die


# Now, plot histogram



plt.xlabel('Sum of the outcomes')

plt.ylabel('Number of times these sums were obtained')


def Problem4():

print("Running problem 4...")

# Read file from link

data= urllib.request.urlopen("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlR0d/courses/main/4465/miami_july_temps.csv").readlines()

# process data

# We delete the first entry in data because that line contains the header


# Create a list to store min_temp, max_temp and mean_temp

min_temps = []

max_temps = []

mean_temps = []

# Now, process each line

for line in data:

line = line.decode('utf-8')

line = line.rstrip()

# Split using comma

row = line.split(",")

# Get min, max and mean temps

min_temp = float(row[3])

max_temp = float(row[4])

mean_temp = float(row[5])

# Append




# Fit curve using seaborn

# Now plot

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 1, figsize=(8,8))

x = np.linspace(0, len(min_temps)-1, len(min_temps))

sns.regplot(x=x, y=min_temps, ax = axes[0])

sns.regplot(x, max_temps, ax=axes[1])

sns.regplot(x, mean_temps, ax=axes[2])

axes[0].set_title('Min. Temp')

axes[0].set_xlabel('Years since July 1948')


axes[1].set_title('Max Temp')

axes[1].set_xlabel('Years since July 1948')


axes[2].set_title('Mean Temp')

axes[2].set_xlabel('Years since July 1948')



def Problem5():

print("Running problem 5...")

""" part a """

# Define the variables

Ct, Ct1, S = var('ct,ct1,s',real=True)

# Define lambdas

lam1 = symbols('lambda1',real = True)

lam2 = symbols('lambda2', real=True)

# Define r

r = 0.1

# Define the objective function. NOTE: We set the objctive as negative in order to maixmize

f = (Ct*Ct1)**(1/2)




print(" *** PART B *** ")

# Define intertemporal budget constraint

Mt = 30000

Mt1 = 20000

const1 = Mt - Mt1 / (1 + r) - Ct - Ct1 / (1 + r)

# Define saving function

const2 = S - Mt + Ct

# Define lagrangian

L = f - lam1 * const1 - lam2 * const2

# Define gradient

gradL = [diff(L, c) for c in [Ct, Ct1, S]]

KKT_eqs = gradL + [const1] + [const2]

sol = solve(KKT_eqs, [Ct,Ct1,S,lam1,lam2],dict=True)[0]

Ctsol = sol[Ct]

Ct1sol = sol[Ct1]

Ssol = sol[S]

print("The consumption at period t is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol))

print("The consumption at period t+1 is {:.2f}".format(Ct1sol))

print("The savings are {:.2f}".format(Ssol))

print("The total income is {:.2f}".format(Mt+Mt1))

print("The toal consumption is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol+Ct1sol))





print(" *** PART C *** ")

# Define interporal budget constraint

Mt = 30000

Mt1 = 40000

const1 = Mt - Mt1 / (1 + r) - Ct - Ct1 / (1 + r)

# Define saving function

const2 = S - Mt + Ct

# Define lagrangian

L = f - lam1 * const1 - lam2 * const2

# Define gradient

gradL = [diff(L, c) for c in [Ct, Ct1, S]]

KKT_eqs = gradL + [const1] + [const2]

sol = solve(KKT_eqs, [Ct, Ct1, S, lam1, lam2], dict=True)[0]

ctsol = sol[Ct]

Ct1sol = sol[Ct1]

Ssol = sol[S]

print("The consumption at period t is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol))

print("The consumption at period t+1 is {:.2f}".format(Ct1sol))

print("The savings are {:.2f}".format(Ssol))

print("The total income is {:.2f}".format(Mt + Mt1))

print("The toal consumption is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol + Ct1sol))





print(" *** PART D *** ")

# Define interporal budget constraint

Mt = 30000

Mt1 = 30000

const1 = Mt - Mt1 / (1 + r) - Ct - Ct1 / (1 + r)

# Define saving function

const2 = S - Mt + Ct

# Define lagrangian

L = f - lam1 * const1 - lam2 * const2

# Define gradient

gradL = [diff(L, c) for c in [Ct, Ct1, S]]

KKT_eqs = gradL + [const1] + [const2]

sol = solve(KKT_eqs, [Ct, Ct1, S, lam1, lam2], dict=True)[0]

Ctsol = sol[Ct]

; Ct1sol = sol[Ct1]

Ssol = sol[S]

print("The consumption at period t is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol))

print("The consumption at period t+1 is {:.2f}".format(Ct1sol))

print("The savings are {:.2f}".format(Ssol))

print("The total income is {:.2f}".format(Mt + Mt1))

print("The toal consumption is {:.2f}".format(Ctsol + Ct1sol))


def Problem6():

print("Running problem 6...")

# Define parameters

w = 10

V = 0

p = 20

# Define variables

C, L = var('C,L', real=True)

# Define lambda

lam = symbols('lambda', real=True)

# Define objective

f = (C + 4*L**(1/2)) # Negative so we maximize it

# Define the budget constraint

constraint1 = w*(24 - L) + V - p*C

# Define lagrangian

Lag = f - lam * constraint1

# Define gradient

gradL = [diff(Lag, c) for c in [C, L]]

KKT_eqs = gradL + [constraint1]

sol = solve(KKT_eqs, [C, L, lam], dict=True)[0]


Csol = sol[C]

Lsol = sol[L]

fval = f.subs(C, Csol)

fval = fval.subs(L, Lsol)

""" Part b """

print("The consumption is {:.2f} and the leisure is {:.2f}".format(Csol, Lsol))

""" Part c """

print("The utility is {:.2f}".format(fval))

""" Part d """

print("Rosalyn is willing to work {:.0f} hours a day".format(24 - Lsol))

""" Part e """

# For this case, V = 14600/365

V = 14600/365

# We compute all variables again

constraint1 = w * (24 - L) + V - p * C

p; # Define lagrangian

Lag = f - lam * constraint1

# Define gradient

gradL = [diff(Lag, c) for c in [C, L]]

KKT_eqs = gradL + [constraint1]

sol = solve(KKT_eqs, [C, L, lam], dict=True)[0]


Csol = sol[C]

Lsol = sol[L]

fval = f.subs(C, Csol)

fval = fval.subs(L, Lsol)

print("With the new law, Rosalyn is willing to work {:.0f} hours a day and her utility is {:.2f}".format(24 - Lsol, fval))

if __name__ == '__main__':





