+1 (315) 557-6473 

Create A Program to Implement Hotel Management System in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a C++ assignment program to implement hotel management system.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement hotel management system in C++
program to implement hotel management system in C++ 1
program to implement hotel management system in C++ 2
program to implement hotel management system in C++ 3

Source Code


#include "Date.h"

#include "Information.h"

class Guests



Date check_in;

Date check_out;

Information guests_in_room[4];

int room_number;

int n_guests;


// constructors

Guests() {};

Guests(Date in, Date out, int room_n) {

heck_in = in;

check_out = out;

room_number = room_n;



void addPerson(Information inf) {

guests_in_room[n_guests++] = inf;


// getters and setters

Date getCheckInDate() { return check_in; }

Date getCheckOutDate() { return check_out; }

int getRoomNumber() { return room_number; }

void print() {

for (int i = 0; i < n_guests; i++) {

std::cout << "Person No. " << (i + 1) << ": ";






#include "Guests_Res_Request.h"

class Reservation_Manager



int max_no_of_nights;

int no_of_rooms;

Guests_Res_Request* arr;

int requests;

int* reservation_ids;


Reservation_Manager() {};

Reservation_Manager(int max_nights, int n_rooms) {

requests = 0;

max_no_of_nights = max_nights;

no_of_rooms = n_rooms;

reservation_ids = (int*)malloc((max_no_of_nights * no_of_rooms) * sizeof(int));

// initialize with zeros

for (int i = 0; i < max_no_of_nights; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < no_of_rooms; j++) {

*(reservation_ids + max_no_of_nights * i + j) = 0;




void addGuestRequest(Guests_Res_Request request, int reserv_id) {

bool isAvailable = true;

// check that room is available

Guests guest = request.getGuests();

Date check_in = guest.getCheckInDate();

Date check_out = guest.getCheckOutDate();

// get row id

int start_row_id = check_in.getMonth() * 30 + check_in.getDay();

int end_row_id = check_out.getMonth() * 30 + check_in.getDay();

// Now check if there is a room available for this time

int n_room = -1;

for (int j = 0; j < no_of_rooms; j++) {

isAvailable = true;

for (int i = start_row_id; i <= end_row_id; i++) {

if (*(reservation_ids + max_no_of_nights * i + j) != 0) {

isAvailable = false;




if (isAvailable) {

n_room = j;




if (n_room != -1) // a room was found


for (int i = start_row_id; i <= end_row_id; i++) {

*(reservation_ids+max_no_of_nights*i+n_room) = request.getReservationId();

arr[requests++] = request;




void printReservationDetails(int reserv_id) {

int request_id = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < requests; i++) {

if (arr[i].getReservationId() == reserv_id) {

Guests_Res_Request r = arr[i];





// if we reach this line it is because no reservation found

std::cout << "Reservation with id " << reserv_id << " not found." << std::endl;


void removeReservation(int reserv_id) {

for (int j = 0; j < no_of_rooms; j++) {

for (int i = 0; i < max_no_of_nights; i++) {

if (*(reservation_ids + max_no_of_nights * i + j) == reserv_id) {

*(reservation_ids + max_no_of_nights * i + j) = 0;




