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Create a Program to Implement Index Tree in Java Assignment Solution.


If you're seeking assistance with a Java assignment, specifically involving implementing an index tree, you've come to the right place. Let's delve into the task of creating a program in Java to implement an index tree. This data structure, also known as a Fenwick Tree or Binary Indexed Tree (BIT), is invaluable for efficient prefix sum calculations and updates in arrays. By the end of this exercise, you'll have a clearer understanding of both Java programming and the index tree concept.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement index tree in java

Source Code

// Your class. Notice how it has no generics.

import java.io.File;

import java.util.Scanner;

// This is because we use generics when we have no idea what kind of data we are getting

// Here we know we are getting two pieces of data: a string and a line number

public class IndexTree {

// This is your root

// again, your root does not use generics because you know your nodes

// hold strings, an int, and a list of integers

private IndexNode root;

// Make your constructor

public IndexTree() {

root = null;


// It doesn't need to do anything

// complete the methods below

// this is your wrapper method

// it takes in two pieces of data rather than one

// call your recursive add method

public void add(String word, int lineNumber) {

word = word.toLowerCase();

root = add(root, word, lineNumber);


// your recursive method for add

// Think about how this is slightly different the the regular add method

// When you add the word to the index, if it already exists,

// you want to add it to the IndexNode that already exists

// otherwise make a new indexNode

private IndexNode add(IndexNode root, String word, int lineNumber) {

if (root == null) {

root = new IndexNode(word, lineNumber);

} else if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(root.word) < 0) {

root.left = add(root.left, word, lineNumber);

} else if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(root.word) > 0) {

root.right = add(root.right, word, lineNumber);

} else if (!root.list.contains(lineNumber)) {



return root;


// returns true if the word is in the index

public boolean contains(String word) {

word = word.toLowerCase();

IndexNode current = root;

while (current != null) {

if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(current.word) < 0) {

current = current.left;

} else if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(current.word) > 0) {

current = current.right;

} else {

return true;



return false;


// call your recursive method

// use book as guide

public void delete(String word) {

ord = word.toLowerCase();

root = delete(root, word);


// your recursive case

// remove the word and all the entries for the word

// This should be no different than the regular technique.

private IndexNode delete(IndexNode root, String word) {

if (root == null) {

return root;


if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(root.word) < 0) {

root.left = delete(root.left, word);

} else if (word.compareToIgnoreCase(root.word) > 0) {

root.right = delete(root.right, word);

} else if (root.left != null && root.right != null) {

IndexNode minNode = findMinimum(root.right);

root.list = minNode.list;

root.word = minNode.word;

root.occurences = minNode.occurences;

root.right = getSuccessor(root.right);

} else {

root = (root.left != null) ? root.left : root.right;


return root;


private IndexNode findMinimum(IndexNode current) {

if (current != null) {

while (current.left != null) {

current = current.left;



return current;


private IndexNode getSuccessor(IndexNode current) {

if (current == null) {

return current;


if (current.left != null) {

current.left = getSuccessor(current.left);

return current;


return current.right;


// prints all the words in the index in inorder order

// To successfully print it out

// this should print out each word followed by the number of occurrences and the list of all occurrences

// each word and its data gets its own line

public void printIndex() {



private void printIndex(IndexNode current) {

if (current == null) {







public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

IndexTree index = new IndexTree();

// add all the words to the tree

Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File("shakespeare.txt"));

int lineNumber = 1;

while (inFile.hasNextLine()) {

// Remove punctuations on words

Scanner sc = new Scanner(inFile.nextLine().replaceAll("[^\\p{L} ]", ""));

while (sc.hasNext()) {

index.add(sc.next(), lineNumber);





// print out the index



// test removing a word from the index

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

while (true) {


System.out.println("1 - Print words");

System.out.println("2 - Delete word");

System.out.println("3 - Search word");

System.out.println("0 - Quit");

System.out.print("Option: ");

String option = in.nextLine();

if (option.equals("1")) {


} else if (option.equals("2")) {

System.out.print("Enter a word to remove: ");


} else if (option.equals("3")) {

System.out.print("Enter a word to search: ");


} else if (option.equals("0")) {




