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Create a Program to Implement Object Oriented Programming in Java Assignment Solution.


Write a java assignment program to implement object oriented programming.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement object oriented programming in java

Source Code

import java.io.File;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DataStore {

private static DataStore instance;

private final String SECTIONS_FILENAME = "sections1.txt";

private Section[] sections;

private int numSections;

// Load the sections from file

private DataStore() {

sections = new Section[10];

numSections = 0;

try {

Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File(SECTIONS_FILENAME));

while (inFile.hasNext()) {

String subject = inFile.next();

String number = inFile.next();

String name = inFile.next();

String id = inFile.next();

String days = inFile.next();

String startTime = inFile.next();

String building = inFile.next();

String room = inFile.next();

Section section = new Section(subject, number, name, id,

days, startTime, building, room);




} catch (Exception e) {





// Return a list of sections

public Section[] getSections() {

Section[] result = new Section[numSections];

for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++) {

result[i] = sections[i];


return result;


// Add a new section to the data store

public void addSection(Section section) {

if (numSections >= sections.length) {

sections = expandSections(sections);


sections[numSections++] = section;


// Expand the objects twice its size, made it an 'object' instead

// of a specific data type to make it more generic and applicable

// to other arrays as well if in case we expand this program

private Section[] expandSections(Section[] objects) {

Section[] newSections = new Section[objects.length * 2];

for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {

newSections[i] = objects[i];


return newSections;


// Return the only instance of a data store

public static DataStore getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new DataStore();


return instance;

