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Create a Program to Implement Story Game in C++ Assignment Solution.


Write a C++ assignment program to implement story game.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement story game in C++
program to implement story game in C++ 1

Source Code

#ifndef wordstack_h

#define wordstack_h



using namespace std;

// A stack that holds words

class WordStack



// Node to be used to building a linked list of stack

struct Node


string word;

Node *next;

// Create a new node that holds a word

Node(const string &word)


this->word = word;

next = NULL;



Node *top;

int numWords;


// Create a stack



top = NULL;

numWords = 0;


// Destructor to delete nodes if there are still left



Node *current = top;

while (current != NULL)


Node *next = current->next;

delete current;

current = next;



// Add a new word to the stack

void push(const string &word)


Node *node = new Node(word);

node->next = top;

top = node;



// Remove the top element and return it

string pop()


if (top == NULL)

return "";

string word = top->word;

top = top->next;


return word;


// Return the number of elements

int size()


return numWords;


// Check if stack is empty

bool isEmpty()


return numWords == 0;


// Print the stack to the output stream

friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, const WordStack &stack)


Node *current = stack.top;

while (current != NULL)


out << current->word;

current = current->next;

if (current != NULL)

out << ", ";


return out;


