+1 (315) 557-6473 

Create a Program to Implement SVM Classification in Python Assignment Solution.


Write a Python homework program to implement SVM classification.

Requirements and Specifications

program to implement SVM classification in python
program to implement SVM classification in python 1

Source Code

import numpy as np

class Tree_node:


Data structure for nodes in the decision-tree


def __init__(self,):

self.is_leaf = False # whether or not the current node is a leaf node

self.feature = None # index of the selected feature (for non-leaf node)

self.label = -1 # class label (for leaf node)

self.left_child = None # left child node

self.right_child = None # right child node

class Decision_tree:


Decision tree with binary features


def __init__(self,min_entropy):

self.min_entropy = min_entropy # min node entropy

self.root = None

def fit(self,train_x,train_y):

# construct the decision-tree with recursion

self.root = self.generate_tree(train_x,train_y)

def predict(self,test_x):

# iterate through all samples

prediction = np.zeros([len(test_x),]).astype('int') # placeholder

for i in range(len(test_x)):

#pass # placeholder

node = self.root

data = test_x[i,:]

while node.left_child or node.right_child:

if data[node.feature] == 1:

node = node.right_child


node = node.left_child

prediction[i] = node.label

return prediction

def generate_tree(self,data,label):

# initialize the current tree node

cur_node = Tree_node()

# compute the node entropy

node_entropy = self.compute_node_entropy(label)

if node_entropy < self.min_entropy:

cur_node.isleaf = True

mostFrequent = np.argmax(np.bincount(label))

cur_node.label = mostFrequent

return cur_node

# select the feature that will best split the current non-leaf node

selected_feature = self.select_feature(data,label)

cur_node.feature = selected_feature

# split the data based on the selected feature and start the next level of recursion

featureData = data[:,selected_feature]

zeros = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 0))[0]

ones = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 1))[0]

leftData = data[zeros]

leftLabel = label[zeros]

rightData = data[ones]

rightLabel = label[ones]

cur_node.left_child = self.generate_tree(leftData, leftLabel)

cur_node.right_child = self.generate_tree(rightData, rightLabel)

return cur_node

def select_feature(self,data,label):

# iterate through all features and compute their corresponding entropy

best_feat = 0

lowestEntropy = float("inf")

for i in range(len(data[0])):

featureData = data[:,i]

zeros = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 0))

ones = np.asarray(np.where(featureData == 1))

zerosLabels = label[zeros[0]]

onesLabels = label[ones[0]]

entropy = self.compute_split_entropy(zerosLabels, onesLabels)

if entropy < lowestEntropy:

lowestEntropy = entropy

best_feat = i

return best_feat

def compute_split_entropy(self,left_y, right_y):

# compute the entropy of a potential split, left_y and right_y are labels for the two branches

split_entropy = 0 # placeholder

leftEntropy = self.compute_node_entropy(left_y)

rightEntropy = self.compute_node_entropy(right_y)

leftSamples = len(left_y)

rightSamples = len(right_y)

total = leftSamples + rightSamples

split_entropy = leftEntropy * leftSamples/total + rightEntropy * rightSamples/total

return split_entropy

def compute_node_entropy(self,label):

# compute the entropy of a tree node (add 1e-15 inside the log2 when computing the entropy to prevent numerical issue)

node_entropy = 0 # placeholder

e = 1e-12

totalSamples = len(label)

count = np.bincount(label)

count = count / totalSamples

for j in range(len(count)):

node_entropy += -count[j] * np.log2(count[j] + e)

return node_entropy