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Java Program to Manage Sales Data Assignment Solution.


To complete a Java assignment, you need to write a program to manage sales data in Java. This assignment will require you to design and implement a Java program that can efficiently handle sales-related information. You'll need to create data structures to store sales data, develop functions for data input and analysis, and ensure that your program adheres to best practices in Java programming. This assignment is a great opportunity to enhance your Java programming skills and demonstrate your understanding of concepts such as data management, object-oriented programming, and algorithmic efficiency.

Requirements and Specifications

program to manage sales data in java

Source Code


public class GoldenTicket {

private String catchphrase;

private double discount;


* Constrcutor that creates a GoldenTicket object given the catchphrase and the discount

* The constructor checks that the given parameters are valid

* @param catchphrase String

* @param discount double


public GoldenTicket(String catchphrase, double discount)


// If catchphrase is empty, set to "Congrats!"

if(catchphrase.length() == 0) {

catchphrase = "Congrats!";


// if discount is not in (0, 25] set to 15.0

if(discount <= 0 ||discount > 25) {

discount = 15.0;


this.catchphrase = catchphrase;

this.discount = discount;


// Getters and setters

public String getCatchPhrase() {return catchphrase;}

public void setCatchPhrase(String newCatchPhrase) {catchphrase = newCatchPhrase;}

public double getDiscount() {return discount;}

public void setDiscount(double newDiscount) {discount = newDiscount;}


* Methods



* Mthod that returns a String representation of the Golden Ticket object

* @return String


public String ticketString()


return String.format("Golden Ticket with a %.2f%% discount! %s", getDiscount(), getCatchPhrase());




public class DiscountedPaper extends PaperProduct {

private double discount;

private GoldenTicket ticket;


* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object given the name, numberOfSheets

* weightOfUnitSheet, discount and ticket object

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int

* @param weightOfUnitSheet double

* @param discount double

* @param ticket GoldenTicket


public DiscountedPaper(String name, int numberOfSheets, double weightOfUnitSheet, double discount, GoldenTicket ticket)


// Call super

super(name, numberOfSheets, weightOfUnitSheet);

// Check that discount is valid

if(discount <= 0 || discount > 50) {

discount = 15.0;


this.discount = discount;

this.ticket = ticket;



* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object given the name, numberOfSheets

* @param name String

* @param numberOfSheets int


public DiscountedPaper(String name, int numberOfSheets)


// Call super

super(name, numberOfSheets);

this.discount = 15.0;

this.ticket = null;;



* Constructor that creates a DiscountedPaper object given the name

* @param name String


public DiscountedPaper(String name)


// Call super


this.discount = 15.0;

this.ticket = null;;



* Copy constructor that copies all variables from a given DiscountedPaper object

* @param other DiscountedPaper object


public DiscountedPaper(DiscountedPaper other) {

super(other.getName(), other.getNumberfSheets(), other.getWeightOfUnitSheet());

this.discount = other.getDiscount();

this.ticket = other.getTicket();


// getters and setts

public double getDiscount() {return discount;}

public GoldenTicket getTicket() {return ticket;}

public void setDiscount(double newDiscount) {discount = newDiscount;}

public void setTicket(GoldenTicket newTicket) {ticket = newTicket;}


* Methods



* Calculates the final cost given the discount and the GoldenTicket discount (if present)

* @return double


public double discountedCost() {

// Calculate total cost

double total_cost = totalCost();

// Apply discount

double final_cost = total_cost*(1.0-getDiscount()/100.0);

// If there is a golden ticket, apply the discount of the golden ticket

if(getTicket() != null) {

final_cost = final_cost *(1.0 - getTicket().getDiscount()/100.0);


return final_cost;



* Return a String representation detailing if the product was shipped or not

* @param companyName String

* @return String


public String shipDiscount(String companyName)


return super.ship(companyName) + String.format(" The total cost after the discount is $%.2f", discountedCost());



* Return a String representation of all the details about prices and discounts of the product

* @returN String


public String botherAccounting()


// Get original cost

double orig_cost = totalCost();

// Calculate final cost

double final_cost = discountedCost();

// get original discount

double orig_discount = getDiscount();

// get ticket discount (if present)

double ticket_discount = 0.0;

if(getTicket() != null) {

ticket_discount = getTicket().getDiscount();


// Return String

return String.format("Discounted Paper Product\nOriginal Cost: $%.2f\nFinal Cost: $%.2f\nOriginal Discount: %.2f%%\nGolden Ticket Discount: %.2f%%", orig_cost, final_cost, orig_discount, ticket_discount);




class PaperProduct


private String name;

private int numberOfSheets;

private double weightOfUnitSheet;

static int totalProductsToShip = 10;

public final double COST_PER_GRAM = 0.025;


* Constructor to create a PaperProduct object given the name, number of sheets and weight

* @param name

* @param numberOfSheets

* @param weightOfUnitSheet


public PaperProduct(String name, int numberOfSheets, double weightOfUnitSheet) {

this.name = name;

// if numberOfSheets is invalid, set to 500

if(numberOfSheets < 0) {

numberOfSheets = 500;


this.numberOfSheets = numberOfSheets;

// if weight is invalid, set to 0.25

if(weightOfUnitSheet < 0) {

weightOfUnitSheet = 0.25;


this.weightOfUnitSheet = weightOfUnitSheet;



* Constructor to create a PaperProduct object given the name and number of sheets

;* @param name

* @param numberOfSheets


public PaperProduct(String name, int numberOfSheets) {

this.name = name;

// if numberOfSheets is invalid, set to 500

if(numberOfSheets < 0) {

numberOfSheets = 500;


this.numberOfSheets = numberOfSheets;

this.weightOfUnitSheet = 0.25;



* Constructor to create a PaperProduct object given the name

* @param name


public PaperProduct(String name) {

this.name = name;

this.numberOfSheets = 500;

this.weightOfUnitSheet = 0.25;



* Copy constructor that copies all variables from a given PaperProduct object

* @param other


public PaperProduct(PaperProduct other) {

this.name = other.name;

this.numberOfSheets = other.numberOfSheets;

this.weightOfUnitSheet = other.weightOfUnitSheet;


// Add getters

public String getName() {return name;}

public int getNumberfSheets() {return numberOfSheets;}

public double getWeightOfUnitSheet() {return weightOfUnitSheet;}

public int getTotalProductsToShip() {return PaperProduct.totalProductsToShip;}

// Setter only for numberOfSheets

public void setNumberOfSheets(int newNumberOfSheets) {numberOfSheets = newNumberOfSheets;}





* This function returns the total weight of the product

* @return double


public double totalWeight() {

return numberOfSheets*weightOfUnitSheet;



* Returns the total cost of the product

* @return double


public double totalCost() {

return COST_PER_GRAM*totalWeight();



* Returns a string representing the object

* @return String


public String paperString() {

return String.format("%.2fg of %s for $%.2f", totalWeight(), getName(), totalCost());



* Returns a String depending on if the item is shipped or not. Receives the company name as parameter

* @param companyName String representing the company name

* @return String


public String ship(String companyName) {

if(getTotalProductsToShip() > 0) {

totalProductsToShip -= 1;

return "Shipped " + this.paperString() + " to " + companyName + ".";


else {

return "Cannot ship any items, Warehouse is empty!";





public class Warehouse {

// Main method

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Create 2 paper products

PaperProduct pp1 = new PaperProduct("Paper Product 1", 450, 0.01);

PaperProduct pp2 = new PaperProduct("Paper Product 2", 900, 0.17);

// Create 1 Golden Ticket

GoldenTicket gt = new GoldenTicket("Super Ticket!", 30); // with 30% discount

// Create 2 DiscountedPaper products

PaperProduct dp1 = new DiscountedPaper("Discounted Paper 1", 1500, 0.01, 13.0, null); // without golden ticket

PaperProduct dp2 = new DiscountedPaper("Discounted Paper 2", 1500, 0.01, 13.0, gt); // with golden ticket

// Create 2 PhotoPaper objects

PaperProduct photo1 = new PhotoPaper("Photo Paper 1", 2500, 0.005, 35.0);

PaperProduct photo2 = new PhotoPaper("Photo Paper 2", 400, 0.20, 25.0);

// Let's ship







for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

; System.out.println(pp1.ship("Apple"));


