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Create a Program to Work with Bank Data in Python Assignment Solution.


Write a python assignment program to work with bank data.

Requirements and Specifications

program to work with bank data in python
program to work with bank data in python 1
program to work with bank data in python 2
program to work with bank data in python 3
program to work with bank data in python 4
program to work with bank data in python 5

Source Code

# CSC-401 Assignment 6

# Due: July 5, 5:30 PM

# Author:

# Collaborators:



# Don't forget to delete 'pass' from each function

# Don't forget doc strings


def process_row(row):




# This data is not used in any of the code. It is

# included as a reference. load_bank_data('customers.csv')

# should produce a dictionary very similar to this one.

bank_map = {

'Laaibah': (208.1, '10/22/2019'),

'Arnold': (380.999, '9/12/2019'),

'Sioned': (327.01, '1/1/2019'),

'Shayaan': (429.5, '2/28/2019'),

'Renee': (535.29, '4/09/2019'),

'Conal': (726.77, '9/21/2019'),

'Katarina': (730.11, '10/1/2019'),

'Theodor': (637.12, '10/15/2019'),

'Nadia': (433.33, '8/29/2019'),

'Jia': ('error', '7/23/2019'),

'Sana': (829.99, '10/26/2019')


def load_bank_data(file_name):




def sets_exercise():



upstairs = {"beds", "clothes", "toothbrushes","lamps"}

downstairs = {"couch", "clothes", "chairs","lamps"}


# --------------------------------------------

# TEST CODE below. Add all test code in the

# section below.

# --------------------------------------------

if __name__ == "__main__":

# --- tests for process_row ---

row = process_row('Laaibah,208.1,10/22/2019')

assert len(row) == 3

# --- tests for load_bank_data ---

data = load_bank_data('customers-s6.csv')

assert data['Nadia'][0] == 433.33

# --- tests for sets_exercise ---

results = sets_exercise()

assert results['up_only'] == {'toothbrushes', 'beds'}