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Programming exercises using ARM assembly assignment help

The assignment is divided into two parts. The first part of the assignment deals with implementing a function to calculate the largest of three numbers. The second part deals with implementing a recursive function to calculate a given Fibonacci number. The programs require that the functions follow the ARM calling standards and use only Thumb instructions. The following exercises demonstrate the approach our ARM assembly assignment help experts use when preparing academic solutions.
Table Of Contents
  • Using Recursive Functions and Thumb Instructions to Calculate a Fibonacci Number

Using Recursive Functions and Thumb Instructions to Calculate a Fibonacci Number

Programming exercises using ARM assembly assignment help

Solution .data /* numbers to use for the comparison */ Number1: .word 12 Number2: .word 43 Number3: .word 25 /* place to save largest number */ LargestNum: .word 0 .text .globl main main: ldr r0, =Number1 /* load Number 1 address in r0 */ ldr r0, [r0] /* load first number into r0 */ ldr r1, =Number2 /* load Number 2 address in r1 */ ldr r1, [r1] /* load first number into r1 */ ldr r2, =Number3 /* load Number 3 address in r2 */ ldr r2, [r2] /* load first number into r2 */ BL largest /* Call function1 with the 3 numbers in r0, r1 and r2 */ ldr r0, =LargestNum /* load largestNum address in r0 */ str r4, [r0] /* save largest number in the largestNum variable */ done: B done /* Function that gets the largest of 3 numbers passed in r0, r1 and r2 it returns the largest in r4 */ largest: MOV r4, r0 /* load r0 in r4 */ CMP r4, r1 /* compare r4 with second number */ BGE compThird /* if r4 is larger, compare with 3rd */ MOV r4, r1 /* else, r1 was larger, save it in r4 */ compThird: CMP r4, r2 /* compare r4 with third number */ BGE compDone /* if r4 is larger, r4 is the largest, we are done */ MOV r4, r2 /* else, r2 was the largest, save it in r4 */ compDone: MOV pc, r14 /* return */ .data /* number to use for the fibonacci */ fibinput: .word 16 /* place to save fibonacci result */ fibnumber: .word 0 .text .globl main main: ldr r0, =fibinput /* load fibinput address in r0 */ ldr r0, [r0] /* load fibinput value into r0 */ BL fibonacci /* Call fibonacci with the number in fibinput */ ldr r1, =fibnumber /* load fibnum address in r1 */ str r0, [r1] /* save fibonacci result in the fibnum variable */ done: B done /*Function that calculates the fibonacci number r0 it returns the result in r0 */ fibonacci: STMFD SP!, {r4, r5, lr} /* save r4, r5 and lr in stack */ CMP r0, #0 /* compare number with 0 */ BGT NZ /* if neither zero nor negative, skip */ MOV r0, #0 /* else, return 0 */ B RETURN /* go to return part */ NZ: CMP r0, #1 /* compare number with 1 */ BEQ RETONE /* if it's 1, go to return one */ CMP r0, #2 /* compare number with 2 */ BEQ RETONE /* if it's 2, go to return one */ MOV r4, r0 /* save current number in r4 */ SUB r0, r0, #1 /* calculate number-1 */ BL fibonacci /* recurse to calculate fibonacci(n-1) */ MOV r5, r0 /* save result of fibonacci(n-1) in r5 */ MOV r0, r4 /* recover current number from r4 */ SUB r0, r0, #2 /* calculate number-2 */ BL fibonacci /* recurse to calculate fibonacci(n-2) */ ADD r0, r0, r5 /* add fibonacci(n-1) to fibonacci(n-2) */ B RETURN /* return value in r0 */ RETONE: MOV r0, #1 /* put 1 in r0 for returning it */ RETURN: LDMFD SP!, {r4, r5, lr} /* restore registers from stack */ MOV pc, lr /* return */