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Implementing a list in Python Assignment Solution

Python Programming Assignment

Python program:
Create an empty list x in Python as follows: x=[]

  1. Use a while loop that would read 10 values from the user and store it in the list x.
  2. Use a for loop to display the values of the list on the screen.
  3. Add a portion of code that would total up all the values of the list and print the sum on the screen.
  4. Add a portion of code that would find and display the minimum value in the list (Use a for loop).
  5. Add a portion of code that would find and display the maximum value in the list (Use a for loop).
  6. Add a portion of code that increases the list elements that are less than 10 by 5 (Use a for loop).

# Create empty list x = [] # Part a) n = 0 while n < 10: element = input(f"Enter element {n+1}: ") if element.isnumeric(): x.append(int(element)) n += 1 else: print("Please enter numbers only.") # Part b) print("x = [", end = "") for i in range(len(x)): print(x[i], end = "") if i < len(x) - 1: print(", ", end = "") print("]") # Part c) # Calculate sum of all elements x_sum = sum(x) print(f"The sum is: {x_sum}") # Part d) min_element = x[0] # Iterate elements in x, starting at the second element for i in range(1, len(x)): if x[i] < min_element: min_element = x[i] print(f"The minimum element is: {min_element}") # Part e) max_element = x[0] # Iterate elements in x, starting at the second element for i in range(1, len(x)): if x[i] > max_element: max_element = x[i] print(f"The maximum element is: {max_element}") # Part f) for i in range(1, len(x)): if x[i] < 10: # element is less than 10 x[i] += 5 # Now print print("x = [", end="") for i in range(len(x)): print(x[i], end="") if i < len(x) - 1: print(", ", end="") print("]")

2. Write a Python program that uses a while loop and an if/else structure to enter a given number of grades then print how many grades there are in the range 90-100 and in the range 80-89 and so on. An example run would be:
Enter number of grades: 5
Enter grade 1: 83
Enter grade 2: 91
Enter grade 3: 86
Enter grade 4: 65
Enter grade 5: 82
The output will be: Range 90-100: 1 Range 80-89: 3 Range 70- 79: 0
Write a Python program that calculates the summation ∑_(n=0)^100▒(3n+1)/(5n^2+2)and prints its value on the screen.

# Ask for number of grades n = int(input("Enter number of grades: ")) grades_A = 0 # grades between 90-100 grades_B = 0 # grades between 80-89 grades_C = 0 # grades between 70-79 for i in range(n): grade = int(input(f"Enter grade {i+1}: ")) if grade >= 90 and grade <= 100: grades_A += 1 elif grade >= 80 and grade <= 89: grades_B += 1 elif grade >= 70 and grade <= 79: grades_C += 1 # Now print print(f"Range 90-100: {grades_A}") print(f"Range 80-89: {grades_B}") print(f"Range 70-79: {grades_C}")