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Quiz Scores to Letter Grades using Python Assignment Solution

 Students average on Quiz Scores


You have been hired by a teacher to create a program that will tell the student what their average and letter grade is for a class based on 5 quiz grades.


Use the following algorithm as your guide to write a python assignment.

MUST use a loop also to ask for the 5 quiz grades

MUST store the grades in a list

MUST use the sum and len functions with your list to find the average

Make sure that you use exception handling so that if the user tries to enter a word like ninety instead of a number like 90, for example, it will tell them what they did wrong nicely instead of just crashing.

#Define the main function

#Create constants to store letter grades A - F associated with their lowest numeric value (like A = 90)

#Declare and initialize string variable to store name

#Declare and initialize real variables for a quiz grade, and average

#and a whole var for the number of times taking a course

#Create a list that will store 5 quiz grades

#display an introduction

#prompt for users name

#prompt the user for the number of times they have attempted this course (1, 2, or 3)

#using a loop prompt for a quiz grade 5 times adding each grade to your list (use their name in the prompt and display it with a cap 1st letter)

#calculate the average of the 5 grades

#use a decision to display a letter grade based on the average

#if the average is 90 or higher and it is their first attempt at the class display "Your average is ____ You earned an A, GREAT JOB!"

#if the average is 90 or higher and it is their second attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned an A, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!"

#if the average is 90 or higher and it is their third attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned an A, Third time is a charm!"

#if the average is between 80 and 89 and it is their first attempt at the class display "Your average is ____. You earned a B, Good Job!"

#if the average is between 80 and 89 and it is their second attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a B, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!"

#if the average is between 80 and 89 and it is the third attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a B, Third time is a charm!"

#if the average is between 70 and 79 and it is their first attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a C, please keep studying to get even better!"

#if the average is between 70 and 79 and it is their second attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a C, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!"

#if the average is between 70 and 79 and it is their third attempt at the class

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a C, You Pass - Third time is a charm!!"

#if the average is between 60 and 69 and it is their first attempt at the course

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a D, it's passing but will not transfer! I would take it again"

#if the average is between 60 and 69 and it is their second attempt at the course display

#"Your average is ____. You earned a D, it's passing but will not transfer!, I would take it again but you will have to pay more this time"

#if the average is between 60 and 69 and it is their third attempt at the course

#display "Your average is ____. You earned a D, it's passing but will not transfer! I'm afraid you have used all your attempts at this class and cannot re-take it!"

#if the average is under 60 it is their first attempt at the course

#display "Your average is ____. You earned an F, Please try this class a second time!"

#if the average is under 60 it is their second attempt at the course

#display "Your average is ____. You earned an F, Please try this class a third time, but you will pay more this time!"

#if the average is under 60 it is their third attempt at the course

#display "Your average is ____. You earned an F, I'm afraid you have used all your attempts at this class and cannot re-take it!"

#display outro (use their name in the outro and display it with a cap 1st letter) thanking them for using the program.


def main(): A = 90 B = 80 C = 70 D = 60 grades = [] average = 0 name = input("Please enter your name: ") name = name.lower() name = name[0].upper() + name[1:] attempts = int(input("How many times have you attended the course? ")) for i in range(5): grade = int(input("Enter your grade " + str(i+1) + " : ")) grades.append(grade) average += grade average = average/5 if average >= A and attempts == 1: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " You earned an A, GREAT JOB!") elif average >= A and attempts == 2: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an A, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!") elif average >= A and attempts == 3: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an A, Third time is a charm!") elif average >= B and attempts == 1: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an B, Good Job!") elif average >= B and attempts == 2: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an B, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!") elif average >= B and attempts == 3: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an B, Third time is a charm!") elif average >= C and attempts == 1: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an C, please keep studying to get even better!") elif average >= C and attempts == 2: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an C, aren't you glad you gave it a second try!") elif average >= C and attempts == 3: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an C, You Pass - Third time is a charm!!") elif average >= D and attempts == 1: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an D, it's passing but will not transfer! I would take it again") elif average >= D and attempts == 2: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an D, it's passing but will not transfer!, I would take it again but you will have to pay more this time") elif average >= D and attempts == 3: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an D, it's passing but will not transfer! I'm afraid you have used all your attempts at this class and cannot re-take it!") elif average < D and attempts == 1: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an F, Please try this class a second time!") elif average < D and attempts == 2: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an F, Please try this class a third time, but you will pay more this time!") elif average < D and attempts == 3: print("Your average is " + str(average) + " . You earned an F, I'm afraid you have used all your attempts at this class and cannot re-take it!") print("Thank you for using the program: " + name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()