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Reduce Scheme Expressions In Racket Assignment Solutions.


Write a racket assignment program that allows users to reduce scheme expressions.

Requirements and Specifications

heiner hacker
superfluous code or logis
collapse the scheme expressions
Screenshots of output
reduce scheme expressions in Racket
Source Code
;; Die ersten drei Zeilen dieser Datei wurden von DrRacket eingefügt. Sie enthalten Metadaten
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#reader(lib "beginner-reader.rkt" "deinprogramm" "sdp")((modname assignment3) (read-case-sensitive #f) (teachpacks ()) (deinprogramm-settings #(#f write repeating-decimal #f #t none explicit #f ())))
; 1b)
; Given the definitions
;(define pi 3.1415)
;(define perimeter
; (lambda (r)
; (* 2 pi r)))
; Reduce:
;(perimeter 2)
; Reduction of (perimeter 2):
; [[ (perimeter 2) ]] [apply]
; = [[ ([[perimeter]] 2) ]] [eval_id: perimeter]
; = [[ ([[(lambda (r) (* 2 pi r))]] 2) ]] [eval_lambda]
; = [[ ((lambda (r) (* 2 pi r)) 2) ]] [apply_lambda]
; = [[ (* 2 pi [[2]]) ]] [eval_lit:2]
; = [[ (* 2 pi 2) ]] [apply]
; = [[ ([[*]] 2 pi 2) ]] [eval_id:*]
; = [[ ([[#]] 2 pi 2) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (# 2 pi 2) ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ [[2]] * [[pi]] * [[2]] ]] [eval_lit:2]
; = [[ 2 * [[pi]] * [[2]] ]] [eval_id:pi]
; = [[ 2 * [[3.1415]] * [[2]] ]] [eval_lit:3.1415]
; = [[ 2 * 3.1415 * [[2]] ]] [eval_lit:2]
; = [[ 2 * 3.1415 * 2 ]] [arithmetic]
; = [[ 12.566 ]] [eval_lit:12.566]
; = 12.566.
; 1c)
; Reduce the expression:
;((lambda (a b)
; ((lambda (b)
; (+ b b ))
; a))
; 21 42)
; Reduction of expression:
; [[ ((lambda (a b) ((lambda (b) (+ b b)) a)) 21 42) ]] [apply_lambda]
; = [[ ((lambda (b) (+ b b)) [[21]]) ]] [eval_lit:21]
; = [[ ((lambda (b) (+ b b)) 21) ]] [apply_lambda]
; = [[ (+ [[21]] [[21]]) ]] [eval_lit:21]
; = [[ (+ 21 [[21]]) ]] [eval_lit:21]
; = [[ (+ 21 21) ]] [apply]
; = [[ ([[+]] 21 21) ]] [eval_id:+]
; = [[ ([[#]] 21 21) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (# 21 21) ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ [[21]] + [[21]] ]] [eval_lit:21]
; = [[ 21 + [[21]] ]] [eval_lit:21]
; = [[ 21 + 21 ]] [arithmetic]
; = [[ 42 ]] [eval_lit:42]
; = 42.
; 2a)
;(: less-zero? ( number -> boolean ))
;(define less-zero?
; (lambda (x)
; (if (not (< x 0))
; #f
; #t)))
; Reduced function
(: less-zero? ( number -> boolean ))
(define less-zero?
   (lambda (x)
      (< x 0)))
; 2b)
;(: f ( number -> boolean ))
;(define f
; ((lambda (x) x)
; (lambda (y)
; (cond
; ((> y 11) #t )
; ((< y 11) #f )
; ((= y 11) #t )))))
; Reduced function
(: f ( number -> boolean ))
(define f
  (lambda (x)
     (>= x 11)))
; 2c)
;(: gp ( boolean boolean -> boolean ))
;(define gp
; (lambda (a b)
; (or (not b )
; (and a (not a )))))
; Reduced function
(: g ( boolean boolean -> boolean ))
(define g
  (lambda (a b)
    (not b)))
; 4)
; Given the definition:
(: heiner-or ( boolean boolean -> boolean ) )
(define heiner-or
  (lambda (t1 t2)
    (if t1 #t t2)))
; 4a)
; Find out an expression that allows to show the difference between heiner-or and or:
(or (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0)))
(heiner-or (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0)))
; 4b)
; Show the reduction of the expression for or and heiner-or
; Reduction of or expression:
; [[ (or (= 10 10) (= (/ 1 0))) ]] [apply]
; = [[ ([[or]] (= 10 10) (= (/ 1 0))) ]] [eval_id:or]
; = [[ ([[#]] (= 10 10) (= (/ 1 0))) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (# (= 10 10) (= (/ 1 0))) ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ [[(= 10 10)]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [apply]
; = [[ [[([[=]] 10 10)]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [eval_id:=]
; = [[ [[([[#]] 10 10)]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ [[(# 10 10)]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ [[ [[10]] = [[10]] ]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [eval_lit:10]
; = [[ [[ 10 = [[10]] ]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [eval_lit:10]
; = [[ [[ 10 = 10 ]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [comparison]
; = [[ [[ #t ]] or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [eval_lit:#t]
; = [[ #t or [[(= (/ 1 0))]] ]] [or_true_shortcut]
; = [[ #t ]] [eval_lit:#t]
; = #t.
; Reduction of heiner-or expression:
; [[ (heiner-or (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0))) ]] [apply]
; = [[ ([[heiner-or]] (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0))) ]] [eval_id:heiner-or]
; = [[ ([[(lambda (t1 t2) (if t1 #t t2))]] (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0))) ]] [eval_lambda]
; = [[ ((lambda (t1 t2) (if t1 #t t2)) (= 10 10) (= 0 (/ 1 0))) ]] [apply_lambda]
; = [[ (if [[(= 10 10)]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [apply]
; = [[ (if [[([[=]] 10 10)]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_id:=]
; = [[ (if [[([[#]] 10 10)]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (if [[ [[10]] = [[10]] ]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_lit:10]
; = [[ (if [[ 10 = [[10]] ]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_lit:10]
; = [[ (if [[ 10 = 10 ]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [comparison]
; = [[ (if [[ #t ]] #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_lit:#t]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[(= 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [apply]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[([[=]] 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_id:=]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[([[#]] 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[(# 0 (/ 1 0))]]) ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ [[0]] = [[(/ 1 0)]] ]]) ]] [eval_lit:0]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[(/ 1 0)]] ]]) ]] [apply]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[([[/]] 1 0)]] ]]) ]] [eval_id:/]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[([[#]] 1 0)]] ]]) ]] [eval_lit:#]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[(# 1 0)]] ]]) ]] [apply_prim]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[ [[1]] / [[0]] ]] ]]) ]] [eval_lit:1]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[ 1 / [[0]] ]] ]]) ]] [eval_lit:0]
; = [[ (if #t #t [[ 0 = [[ 1 / 0 ]] ]]) ]] [arithmetic]
; = ERROR (division by zero)
; 4b)
; Explain the difference in evaluation of or and heiner-or
; For the normal or, once a true value (#t) appears in one of the expressions, the procedure returns true without
; evaluating more expressions.
; For the heiner-or, the lambda application results in the evaluation of all the expressions before evaluating
; the if.
; Thus, the normal or does not evaluate the division by zero but the heiner-or evaluates both expressions and thus
; it generates a division by zero error.