+1 (315) 557-6473 

Scheduling Program Assignment Solution in C

Scheduling Program Assignment

Task 1: Non-preemptive scheduling

Write a scheduling program that implements one of these non-preemptive scheduling algorithms:

• FCFS (First Come, First Served)

• SPN (Shortest Process Next)

 Task 2: Preemptive scheduling

Now, implement a second scheduling program according to the following preemptive algorithm:

• SRTN (Shortest Remaining Time Next) scheduling algorithm, with a time quantum of 3.

 Task 3: Deadline-based scheduling

Now, implement a third scheduling program, which has the primary objective of maximizing the number of processes that meet their specified deadlines.

For this particular task, you should come up with your own algorithm, or implement any existing deadline-based scheduling algorithm you can find. Your algorithm can be either preemptive or non-preemptive.


Task 1:

#include < stdio.h> #include < unistd.h> #include < stdlib.h> #include < string.h> #include < errno.h> #include < libgen.h> /* process state */ typedef enum { READY, RUNNING, EXIT } process_state_t; /* process control block. */ typedef struct { char process_name[11]; /* Times in seconds...*/ int entryTime; int serviceTime; int remainingTime; int deadline; int turnaroundTime; int waitTime; process_state_t state; } pcb_t; typedef enum { True, False } boolean; /* Funtion declaration */ void First_Come_First_Served(pcb_t p[], int num_process); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file; // open file file = fopen("process-data.txt", "r"); if (argc > 1) { char *res = strdup(argv[1]); if (strcmp(dirname(res),".") != 0) { if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { // exists file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } // if it's valid filename instead of absolute path else if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } // if the argument res is not absolute path, show error else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } char processName[10]; int data; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; int deadline; int num_process = 0; pcb_t proc[10]; /* read each line from file */ data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); // loop while (data != EOF) { pcb_t proc_data; proc_data.entryTime = arrivalTime; proc_data.serviceTime = serviceTime; proc_data.remainingTime = serviceTime; proc_data.deadline = deadline; strcpy(proc_data.process_name,processName); // append process control block into new array proc[num_process] = proc_data; num_process ++; data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); } fclose(file); First_Come_First_Served(proc, num_process); FILE *outputfile = fopen("scheduler-result.txt", "w"); if(outputfile == NULL) { printf("Invalid file"); return 1; } // loop the process to write it into outputfile for (int i = 0; i < num_process; i++) { pcb_t processes = proc[i]; // check the deadlineMet int deadlineMet; if (processes.turnaroundTime <= processes.deadline) { deadlineMet = 1; } else { deadlineMet = 0; } fprintf(outputfile, "%s %d %d %d\n", processes.process_name, processes.waitTime, processes.turnaroundTime, deadlineMet); } fclose(outputfile); return(0); } void First_Come_First_Served(pcb_t proc[], int num_process) { // capture the timer int duration = 0; boolean bool1; bool1 = False; int process_done = 0; pcb_t *running; pcb_t *tem_proc[10]; int head = 0; // exit when all processes are done while(process_done < num_process) { int i = 0; while (i < num_process) { // retrieve each data of processes from proc_data by using pointer pcb_t* processes = &proc[i]; // each processes will be in Ready state depend on their enterTime if(processes->entryTime == duration) { fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has entered the system.\n", duration, processes->process_name); tem_proc[head] = processes; head++; processes->state = READY; } i++; } if(bool1 == True && running->remainingTime == 0) { running->turnaroundTime = duration - running->entryTime; // WaitTime = turnaround - serviceTime running->waitTime = running->turnaroundTime - running->serviceTime; running->state = EXIT; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has finished execution.\n", duration, running->process_name); bool1 = False; process_done++; } // no process is running, the next process will start running if(bool1 == False && (running = tem_proc[process_done])) { if(process_done < num_process) { running->state = RUNNING; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s is in the running state.\n", duration, running->process_name); bool1 = True; } } duration++; // decrement the remainingTime if(running) { running->remainingTime--; } sleep(1); } }

Task 2:

#include < stdio.h> #include < unistd.h> #include < stdlib.h> #include < string.h> #include < errno.h> #include < libgen.h> typedef enum { READY, RUNNING, EXIT } process_state_t; typedef struct { char process_name[11]; int entryTime; int serviceTime; int remainingTime; int deadline; int turnaroundTime; int waitTime; process_state_t state; } pcb_t; typedef enum { True, False } boolean; /* Funtion declaration */ void Round_Robin(pcb_t p[], int num_process); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file; file = fopen("process-data.txt", "r"); if (argc > 1) { char *res = strdup(argv[1]); if (strcmp(dirname(res),".") != 0) { if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { // exists file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } // if it's filename instead of absolute path else if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } // if the argument res is not absolute path, show error else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } char processName[10]; int data; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; int deadline; int num_process = 0; pcb_t proc[10]; /* read each line from file */ data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); while (data != EOF) { pcb_t proc_data; proc_data.entryTime = arrivalTime; proc_data.serviceTime = serviceTime; proc_data.remainingTime = serviceTime; proc_data.deadline = deadline; strcpy(proc_data.process_name,processName); proc[num_process] = proc_data; num_process ++; data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); } fclose(file); // passing the process control block array and total number of processes into Round_Robin Round_Robin(proc, num_process); FILE *outputfile = fopen("scheduler-result2.txt", "w"); if(outputfile == NULL) { printf("Invalid file"); return 1; } // loop the process to write it into outputfile for (int i = 0; i < num_process; i++) { pcb_t processes = proc[i]; // check the deadlineMet int deadlineMet; if (processes.turnaroundTime <= processes.deadline) { deadlineMet = 1; } else { deadlineMet = 0; } fprintf(outputfile, "%s %d %d %d\n", processes.process_name, processes.waitTime, processes.turnaroundTime, deadlineMet); } fclose(outputfile); return(0); } void Round_Robin(pcb_t proc[], int num_process) { int duration = 0; boolean bool1; bool1 = False; int process_done = 0; pcb_t *running; pcb_t *tem_proc[10]; int head = 0; int quantum = 2; int quantum_counter = 0; int used_time = 0; int tem_proc_counter=0; // exit when all processes are done while(process_done < num_process) { int i = 0; while (i < num_process) { // retrieve each data of processes from proc_data by using pointer pcb_t* processes = &proc[i]; if(processes->entryTime == duration) { fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has entered the system.\n", duration, processes->process_name); tem_proc[head] = processes; head++; tem_proc_counter ++; processes->state = READY; } // increment loop i++; } // process is running and its remaining time is 0, then exit the process if(bool1 == True && running->remainingTime == 0) { // turnaround = completion - entryTime running->turnaroundTime = duration - running->entryTime; // WaitTime = turnaround - serviceTime running->waitTime = running->turnaroundTime - running->serviceTime; running->state = EXIT; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has finished execution.\n", duration, running->process_name); bool1 = False; process_done++; tem_proc_counter--; quantum_counter ++; used_time = 0; } else if(bool1 == True && used_time >= quantum && tem_proc_counter > 0) { tem_proc_counter++; running->state = READY; used_time = 0; tem_proc[head] = running; head++; quantum_counter ++; bool1 = False; } if(bool1 == False && (running = tem_proc[quantum_counter])) { tem_proc_counter--; running->state = RUNNING; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s is in the running state.\n", duration, running->process_name); bool1 = True; } if(running) { used_time++; running->remainingTime--; } duration++; sleep(1); } }

Task 3:

#include < stdio.h> #include < unistd.h> #include < stdlib.h> #include < string.h> #include < errno.h> #include < libgen.h> #include < limits.h> /* process state */ typedef enum { READY, RUNNING, EXIT } process_state_t; /* process control block*/ typedef struct { char process_name[11]; int entryTime; int serviceTime; int remainingTime; int deadline; int turnaroundTime; int waitTime; process_state_t state; } pcb_t; void Earliest_Deadline_First(pcb_t p[], int num_process); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file; file = fopen("process-data.txt", "r"); if (argc > 1) { char *res = strdup(argv[1]); if (strcmp(dirname(res),".") != 0) { if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { // exists file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } // if it's valid filename instead of absolute path else if(access(argv[1], F_OK) == 0) { file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } // if the argument res is not absolute path, show error else { // not exists [error] write(2, strerror(errno), strlen(strerror(errno))); exit(1); } } char processName[10]; int data; int arrivalTime; int serviceTime; int deadline; int num_process = 0; pcb_t proc[10]; /* read each line from file */ data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); while (data != EOF) { pcb_t proc_data; proc_data.entryTime = arrivalTime; proc_data.serviceTime = serviceTime; proc_data.remainingTime = serviceTime; proc_data.deadline = deadline; strcpy(proc_data.process_name,processName); proc[num_process] = proc_data; num_process ++; data = fscanf(file,"%s %d %d %d", processName, &arrivalTime, &serviceTime, &deadline); } fclose(file); Earliest_Deadline_First(proc, num_process); FILE *outputfile = fopen("scheduler-result3.txt", "w"); if(outputfile == NULL) { printf("Invalid file"); return 1; } // loop the process to write it into outputfile for (int i = 0; i < num_process; i++) { pcb_t processes = proc[i]; // check the deadlineMet int deadlineMet; if (processes.turnaroundTime <= processes.deadline) { deadlineMet = 1; } else { deadlineMet = 0; } fprintf(outputfile, "%s %d %d %d\n", processes.process_name, processes.waitTime, processes.turnaroundTime, deadlineMet); } fclose(outputfile); return(0); } void Earliest_Deadline_First(pcb_t proc[], int num_process) { int duration = 0; int process_done = 0; pcb_t *running; pcb_t *tem_proc[10]; int min_deadline = INT_MAX; int tem_proc_counter = 0; int head = 0; int process_enter = 0; // exit when all processes are done while(process_done < num_process) { int i = 0; while (i < num_process) { // retrieve each data of processes from proc_data by using pointer pcb_t* processes = &proc[i]; if(processes->entryTime == duration) { process_enter ++; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has entered the system.\n", duration, processes->process_name); processes->state = READY; if (process_enter > 1 && processes->deadline < min_deadline) { tem_proc[head] = running; head++; tem_proc_counter ++; running = processes; min_deadline = processes->deadline; running->state = RUNNING; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s is in the running state.\n", duration, running->process_name); } else if (process_enter > 1 && processes->deadline > min_deadline) { tem_proc[head] = processes; head++; tem_proc_counter ++; processes->state = READY; } else if (processes->deadline < min_deadline) { running = processes; min_deadline = processes->deadline; running->state = RUNNING; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s is in the running state.\n", duration, running->process_name); } } // increment loop i++; } // running process remaining time is 0, then exit the process if(running->remainingTime == 0) { // turnaround = completion - entryTime running->turnaroundTime = duration - running->entryTime; // WaitTime = turnaround - serviceTime running->waitTime = running->turnaroundTime - running->serviceTime; running->state = EXIT; fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s has finished execution.\n", duration, running->process_name); process_done++; min_deadline = INT_MAX; // check the tem_proc process array for (int i = 0; i < tem_proc_counter; i++) { if(tem_proc[i]->remainingTime != 0 && tem_proc[i]->deadline < min_deadline) { running = tem_proc[i]; min_deadline = tem_proc[i]->deadline; running->state = RUNNING; } } if (running->remainingTime != 0){ fprintf(stdout, "Time %d: %s is in the running state.\n", duration, running->process_name); } } duration++; // decrement the remainingTime if(running) { running->remainingTime--; } sleep(1); } }