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Sorting Algorithm Assignment Solution in Python

Sorting Algorithm

This week’s portfolio activity is to write your python assignment on implementation of a sorting algorithm for the LinkedList implementation for world countries and their populations available on the assessment page. Make sure you sort the data in descending order from largest to smallest values, printing out both the values and the text labels. Annotate your code with comments explaining why you have chosen this algorithm, how the code works, and its complexity. The program must print out the LinkedList both before and after it has been sorted.

class LinkedList:

    def __init__(self, data):

self.label = data[0][0]

self.value = data[0][1]

self.tail = None if (len(data) == 1) else LinkedList(data[1:])

countries = LinkedList([("Ukraine",41879904),("Brunei",442400),("Christmas Island (Australia)",1928),("Mauritius",1265985),("Lesotho",2007201),("Guatemala",16604026),("British Virgin Islands (UK)",30030),("Malta",493559),("Greenland (Denmark)",56081),("Guernsey (UK)",62792),("Ethiopia",98665000),("Suriname",581372),("Turkmenistan",6031187),("American Samoa (US)",56700),("French Polynesia (France)",275918),("Equatorial Guinea",1358276),("Solomon Islands",680806),("Burundi",10953317),("Abkhazia",244832),("Rwanda",12374397),("Iceland",364260),("Monaco",38300),("Namibia",2458936),("United States",329532925),("Brazil",211402908),("Finland",5527573),("Armenia",2957500),("Wallis and Futuna (France)",11700),("Cuba",11209628),("Guyana",782766),("Oman",4664790),("Aruba (Netherlands)",112309),("Nauru",11000),("Sri Lanka",21803000),("Myanmar",54339766),("United Arab Emirates",9890400),("Hungary",9772756),("Norfolk Island (Australia)",1756),("Cambodia",15288489),("Fiji",884887),("Benin",11733059),("Egypt",100264508),("Northern Cyprus",351965),("Angola",31127674),("Barbados",287025),("Trinidad and Tobago",1363985),("Colombia",49395678),("Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)",41369),("Norway",5367580),("Kiribati",120100),("Kosovo",1795666),("Azerbaijan",10067108),("Romania",19405156),("Kyrgyzstan",6533500),("Peru",32131400),("Australia",25680766),("Faroe Islands (Denmark)",52124),("Turkey",83154997),("Georgia",3723464),("Singapore",5703600),("Eswatini",1093238),("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",110608),("East Timor",1387149),("Tuvalu",10200),("Pakistan",219313520),("Bahrain",1543300),("Paraguay",7152703),("Jersey (UK)",106800),("Slovakia",5456362),("Mongolia",3313049),("Argentina",44938712),("Jordan",10660256),("Saint Barthélemy (France)",9793),("Andorra",77543),("Bangladesh",168456310),("Saint Martin (France)",35746),("FS Micronesia",104468),("South Sudan",12778250),("Artsakh",148000),("Slovenia",2094060),("Senegal",16209125),("Ivory Coast",25823071),("Syria",17500657),("Montserrat (UK)",4989),("Philippines",108505959),("Laos",7123205),("Gibraltar (UK)",33701),("Iran",83371987),("Bahamas",385340),("Mauritania",4077347),("Portugal",10276617),("Madagascar",26251309),("Malawi",19129952),("Central African Republic",5496011),("Saint Kitts and Nevis",52823),("Ghana",30280811),("Honduras",9158345),("Belarus",9408400),("India",1361140893),("Estonia",1328360),("Nicaragua",6460411),("Mali",20250833),("Zambia",17885422),("S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 and Pr\u00edncipe",201784),("Cura\u00e7ao (Netherlands)",158665),("Jamaica",2726667),("Northern Mariana Islands (US)",56200),("Vanuatu",304500),("Kuwait",4420110),("Cameroon",26545864),("Netherlands",17456281),("Saudi Arabia",34218169),("Dominican Republic",10358320),("Japan",125950000),("Djibouti",1078373),("Antigua and Barbuda",96453),("Morocco",35871167),("Nigeria",206139587),("Iraq",39127900),("South Korea",51780579),("Pitcairn Islands (UK)",50),("US Virgin Islands (US)",104578),("Ireland",4921500),("Sierra Leone",7901454),("Cyprus",875900),("Palestine",4976684),("Luxembourg",626108),("Falkland Islands (UK)",3198),("France",67076000),("Bolivia",11469896),("Panama",4218808),("Seychelles",97625),("Guinea-Bissau",1604528),("Puerto Rico (US)",3193694),("Anguilla (UK)",14869),("Macau (China)",679600),("North Macedonia",2077132),("Saint Helena, Ascension",5633),("Sweden",10338368),("Kazakhstan",18683712),("China",1402247960),("Italy",60238522),("Israel",9186750),("Uzbekistan",34131625),("Guam (US)",172400),("Dominica",71808),("Malaysia",32752760),("New Zealand",4978784),("Cape Verde",550483),("Uruguay",3518552),("Belgium",11524454),("Kenya",47564296),("Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France)",6008),("Uganda",40299300),("Yemen",29825968),("Nepal",29996478),("Switzerland",8603899),("Sint Maarten (Netherlands)",40614),("Tonga",100651),("Algeria",43000000),("Haiti",11577779),("Zimbabwe",15159624),("North Korea",25450000),("Congo",5518092),("Belize",408487),("Czech Republic",10693939),("Poland",38379000),("San Marino",33574),("Tanzania",55890747),("Tokelau (NZ)",1400),("Saint Lucia",178696),("Cook Islands (NZ)",15200),("Mozambique",30066648),("Indonesia",266911900),("Grenada",112003),("Burkina Faso",20870060),("Western Sahara",582463),("New Caledonia (France)",282200),("Albania",2845955),("Greece",10724599),("Bosnia and Herzegovina",3301000),("Montenegro",622359),("Russia",146745098),("Samoa",200874),("Comoros",873724),("United Kingdom",66435550),("Taiwan",23604265),("Vatican City",799),("Austria",8902600),("Lebanon",6825442),("Latvia",1906800),("Mexico",126577691),("Venezuela",32219521),("Papua New Guinea",8935000),("Chad",16244513),("Canada",37996639),("Maldives",374775),("Denmark",5822763),("Tajikistan",9127000),("Isle of Man (UK)",83314),("Afghanistan",32225560),("Germany",83149300),("Vietnam",96208984),("Eritrea",3497117),("Spain",47100396),("Costa Rica",5058007),("Cayman Islands (UK)",65813),("Niger",22314743),("Liechtenstein",38749),("Gambia",2347706),("Hong Kong (China)",7500700),("Sudan",42432665),("Tunisia",11722038),("\u00c5land Islands (Finland)",29885),("DR Congo",89561404),("Bulgaria",6951482),("Liberia",4475353),("Botswana",2338851),("Palau",17900),("Niue (NZ)",1520),("Thailand",66494417),("South Africa",58775022),("Lithuania",2793471),("Gabon",2172579),("Libya",6871287),("Transnistria",469000),("Moldova",2681735),("South Ossetia",53532),("Guinea",12218357),("El Salvador",6486201),("Croatia",4076246),("Qatar",2747282),("Serbia",6963764),("Togo",7538000),("Ecuador",17466864),("Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia)",538),("Chile",19107216),("Bermuda (UK)",64027),("Somalia",15893219),("Bhutan",741672),("Marshall Islands",55500)])


# Insertion Sort # A. Time Complexity # - Worst case complexity: O(n^2) # - Best case complexity: O(n) # B. Reason # - Since the linked list has limitation for data access in sequential order and cannot access # randomly, so that insertion sort is a better solution as it can take the linear access order # to search for the maximum value from the sub-list and then use O(1) time complexity for data # swapping. # Sort the data in descending order from largest to smallest values def sort_list(head): # First copy the head Node to the result Linked List variable result = head # Declare the pointer node variable, ptrNode to be None to indicate it is the start for the # sorting operation ptrNode = None # We then use the do-while loop to iterate down the linked list until the end while True: # First assign None to the max node and its previous and next node variables maxPrevNode = None maxNode = None maxNextNode = None # Set the previous Node to be the pointer Node prevNode = ptrNode # If the previous Node is None, which means it is the beginning of the Linked List, so # that assign the current Node to be the head of the linked list; otherwise, the current # node to be the next of the pointer node if prevNode == None: currNode = result else: currNode = prevNode.tail # Set the next node nextNode = currNode.tail # Set the initial maximum value to be the current node value maxVal = currNode.value # Use the while loop to find the maximum value node while currNode != None: # If the current node value is larger than the recorded maximum value if currNode.value > maxVal: # Update the temporary maximum value and node, including previous and next maxVal = currNode.value maxPrevNode = prevNode maxNode = currNode maxNextNode = currNode.tail # Advance the current node, including update the previous node and next node prevNode = currNode currNode = currNode.tail # If the current node is None, then assign the next node to be None; otherwise # assign the next node to be the next to the current node if currNode == None: nextNode = None else: nextNode = currNode.tail # If the previous node of the max node is not Node if maxPrevNode != None: # Skip the maximum node by assigning the next of the Previous Max Node to be the Next # Max Node maxPrevNode.tail = maxNextNode # If the pointer node is None, it means it is the start of the linked list if ptrNode == None: # Assign the head of the result list to the next of the maximum node maxNode.tail = result # Move the maximum node to be the head of the result list result = maxNode else: # Otherwise, assign the next of the pointer node to the next of the maximum node maxNode.tail = ptrNode.tail # and assign the next of the pointer node to be the maximum node ptrNode.tail = maxNode # If the pointer node is None, it means it is the start of the linked list if ptrNode == None: # then assign the pointer node to be the head of the result list ptrNode = result else: # otherwise, advance the pointer node to be the next ptrNode = ptrNode.tail # If it is the end of the linked list, exit the loop if ptrNode.tail == None: break # Return the result sorted linked list return result def print_list(head): # Declare the variable, current, to store the current Linked List node current = head # Declare the variable, i, to count and indicate the country ID based on its popluation value i = 1 # Using the while-loop to iterate the linked list # If it is the end of the linked list, then the current pointer should be None while current != None: print( "%3d: %35s - %10d" % ( i, current.label, current.value ) ) # Increment the country ID by 1 i += 1 # Update the linked list pointer to the next node by assigning the variable, current, with # current.tail current = current.tail def main(): # Call the sort_list function to sort the countries list sorted_countries = sort_list( countries ) # Print the sorted countries list print_list( sorted_countries ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()