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Strings, branch subroutines, and stack in MIPS assembly assignment help

The assignment deals with calculating a null-terminated string length using an interactive program, evaluating a predetermined arithmetic expression using local variables in stack, using the values given by the user. The last part deals with using subroutines to evaluate an expression in a loop includes an interactive loop that asks for values, and evaluates the expression result. The following solution clearly demnonstrates strings, stack, and branches subroutines. It gives you an idea of how your assignment will look like if you avail our MIPS assembly assignment help.
Table Of Contents
  • Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions using variables in Stack

Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions using variables in Stack

Strings, branch subroutines, and stack in MIPS assembly assignment help

.data prompt: .asciiz "Please enter a string (empty string to exit): " result: .asciiz "String length: " string: .space 100 # place to save string .text main: loop: la $a0, prompt # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $a0, string # place to save string to read li $a1, 100 # read at most 100 characters li $v0, 8 # syscall function to read a string syscall # call system to read a string li $t2, 0 # t2 will count the characters, start in zero la $t0, string # load address of string in $t0 countChars: lb $t1, 0($t0) # load character from string beq $t1, $zero, endCount # if zero, end count beq $t1, 10, endCount # if newline, end count addi $t2, $t2, 1 # increment the number of characters addi $t0, $t0, 1 # advance to next character in string j countChars # keep counting the chars endCount: beqz $t2, exit # if the string length is zero, exit la $a0, result # load result message string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the result addu $a0, $t2, $zero # move the char count to a0 to be printed li $v0, 1 # function to print an integer syscall # call system to print the integer li $a0, 10 # load a newline character li $v0, 11 # use print character function syscall # call system to print the character j loop # repeat indefinitely exit: li $v0, 10 # exit program function syscall # call system to terminate program .data promptA: .asciiz "Enter a value for a: " promptB: .asciiz "Enter a value for b: " promptC: .asciiz "Enter a value for c: " result: .asciiz "Result of (3ab - 2bc - 5a + 20ac - 16): " .text main: la $a0, promptA # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $v0, 5 # function to read an integer syscall # call system to read an integer addu $t0, $v0, $zero # move A value to $t0 la $a0, promptB # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $v0, 5 # function to read an integer syscall # call system to read an integer addu $t1, $v0, $zero # move B value to $t1 la $a0, promptC # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $v0, 5 # function to read an integer syscall # call system to read an integer addu $t2, $v0, $zero # move C value to $t2 addi $sp, $sp, -4 # allocate space in stack to save a number # Calculation of 3ab mult $t0, $t1 # multiply A times B mflo $t3 # save result in $t3 li $t4, 3 # load 3 in $t4 mult $t3, $t4 # multiply AB * 3 mflo $t3 # save result in t3 sw $t3, 0($sp) # save in stack # Calculation of 2bc mult $t1, $t2 # multiply B times C mflo $t3 # save result in $t3 sll $t3, $t3, 1 #multiply by 2 using a shift left lw $t4, 0($sp) # load 3ab from stack sub $t3, $t4, $t3 # make subtraction 3ab - 2bc sw $t3, 0($sp) # save in stack # Calculation of 5a li $t3, 5 # load 5 in $t3 mult $t0, $t3 # multiply a times 5 mflo $t0 # save result in $t0 lw $t3, 0($sp) # load previous result of (3ab - 2bc) sub $t3, $t3, $t0 # calculate 3ab - 2bc - 5a sw $t3, 0($sp) # save result on stack #Calculation of 20ac sll $t0, $t0, 2 # multiply 5a by 4 to get 20a using 2 shifts left mult $t0, $t2 # multiply 20a * c mflo $t0 # save result in $t0 lw $t1, 0($sp) # load previous value (3ab - 2bc - 5a) add $t0, $t0, $t1 # calculate sum 3ab - 2bc - 5a + 20ac addi $t0, $t0, -16 # subtract 16 to get final result: 3ab - 2bc - 5a + 20ac - 16 addi $sp, $sp, 4 # restore stack pointer la $a0, result # load result message string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the result addu $a0, $t0, $zero # move the result to be printed li $v0, 1 # function to print an integer syscall # call system to print the integer li $a0, 10 # load a newline character li $v0, 11 # use print character function syscall # call system to print the character li $v0, 10 # exit program function syscall # call system to terminate program .data promptU: .asciiz "Enter a value for u: " promptV: .asciiz "Enter a value for v: " result: .asciiz "Result of (5u^2 - 12uv + 6v^2): " .text main: la $a0, promptU # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $v0, 5 # function to read an integer syscall # call system to read an integer addu $t0, $v0, $zero # move U value to $t0 la $a0, promptV # load prompt string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the prompt la $v0, 5 # function to read an integer syscall # call system to read an integer addu $t1, $v0, $zero # move V value to $t1 # Calculation of 5u^2 li $a0, 5 # A =5 addu $a1, $zero, $t0 # X = u addu $a2, $zero, $t0 # Y = u jal computeAXY addu $t2, $zero, $v0 # save 5u^2 in $t2 # Calculation of -12uv li $a0, -12 # A = -12 addu $a1, $zero, $t0 # X = u addu $a2, $zero, $t1 # Y = v jal computeAXY add $t2, $t2, $v0 # calculate 5u^2 -12uv in $t2 # Calculation of 6v^2 li $a0, 6 # A = 6 addu $a1, $zero, $t1 # X = v addu $a2, $zero, $t1 # Y = v jal computeAXY add $t2, $t2, $v0 # calculate total 5u^2 -12uv + 6v^2 in $t2 la $a0, result # load result message string address li $v0, 4 # use print string function syscall # call system to print the result addu $a0, $t2, $zero # move the result to be printed li $v0, 1 # function to print an integer syscall # call system to print the integer li $a0, 10 # load a newline character li $v0, 11 # use print character function syscall # call system to print the character li $v0, 10 # exit program function syscall # call system to terminate program # subroutine that calculates A*X*Y # On entry: # $a0 = A # $a1 = X # $a2 = Y # On return: # $v0 = A*X*Y computeAXY: mult $a0, $a1 # multiply A*X mflo $v0 # save result in $v0 mult $v0, $a2 # multiply (A*X) * Y mflo $v0 # save result in $v0 for returning it jr $ra # return to the caller