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Designing a program to calculate wavelength and first axial mode in C++ assignment help

This assignment is about demonstrating basic C ++ programming concepts such as using basic I/O functions, using different data types, structures, and control in C++. The program developed by our C++ assignment help doers shows a menu and asks the user for an option to perform one of the 3 aforementioned calculations (calculate wavelength, calculate first axial room mode or convert from mpg to liters per 100km)
Table Of Contents
  • Wavelength and Axial Mode Calculation in C++

Wavelength and Axial Mode Calculation in C++

#include // identifiers voiddisplayMenu(); doublecalculateWavelength(double f, double c); doublecalculateFirstAxialRoomMode(double c, double L); doublecalculateLitresPer100Km(double mpg); intmain() { // helper variables int option; double frequency, speed; double length; double mpg; // star main program while (true) { displayMenu(); std::cin>> option; if (option >=1&& option <=4) // valid option { if (option ==1) // calculate wavelength { std::cout<<"Please enter the frequency (Hz): "; std::cin>> frequency; std::cout<<"Please enter the speed (m/s): "; std::cin>> speed; double w =calculateWavelength(frequency, speed); std::cout<<"The wavelength is: "<< w <<" mts."<< std::endl; } elseif (option ==2) // calculate first axial room mode { std::cout<<"Please enter the speed of sound (m/s): "; std::cin>> speed; std::cout<<"Please enter the distance between boundary surfaces (mts): "; std::cin>> length; double f1 =calculateFirstAxialRoomMode(speed, length); std::cout<<"The first axial mode frequency is: "<< f1 <<" Hz."<> mpg; double lts_per_100km = calculateLitresPer100Km(mpg); std::cout<<"The amount of "<< mpg <<" (m/g) equals to "<< lts_per_100km <<" (lts/100km)."<