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Evaluating Hashtable and Binary Tree Performance in C++

This C++ program rigorously assesses the efficiency of Hashtable and Binary Search Tree (BST) data structures. With LGAs data from New South Wales, Australia, the code benchmarks insertions and deletions, measuring execution times for both structures. The program thoughtfully uses repeated operations to simulate real-world scenarios, providing insights into their practical utility. The Binary Search Tree and Hashtable implementations are encapsulated in external files. The program outputs comprehensive statistics, including total population and the count of LGAs with over 100,000 inhabitants. This title encapsulates the essence of the code's objective: systematically evaluating the performance of Hashtable and Binary Tree structures in a C++ context.

Methodical Evaluation of Hashtable and Binary Tree Efficiency in C++

This C++ program engages in a rigorous examination of the performance of Hashtable and Binary Search Tree (BST) data structures. Using data from Local Government Areas (LGAs) in New South Wales, Australia, the code meticulously measures the efficiency of insertions and deletions, simulating real-world scenarios. The carefully designed benchmarks offer nuanced insights into the practical utility of these structures, providing a comprehensive understanding of their behavior under varying conditions. Whether you're a student in need of assistance with your C++ assignment or a programmer seeking optimization strategies for data structures, this program serves as a valuable resource for methodical evaluation within the C++ programming domain.

Block 1: Header Includes and Namespace Declarations

#include #include #include #include #include #include "BSTree.h" #include "HTable.h" #include "Cities.h" using namespace std;

This block includes necessary headers for input/output, file operations, time measurement, string stream, and custom classes (BSTree, HTable, Cities). It also declares the usage of the std namespace.

Block 2: Main Function

int main() { // ... [code] return 0; }

The main function is the entry point of the program. It initializes variables, reads data from a CSV file into a binary search tree and a hash table, performs add and remove operations on the data structures, measures the time taken, and prints the results.

Block 3: Data Structures and Constants Initialization

clock_t t; BSTree treeValues; HTable tableValues; Cities city; const int NUM_OPERATIONS = 50000; const int NUM_ADD_REMOVE = 51;

This block declares a clock variable for measuring time (t), instances of the binary search tree (treeValues), hash table (tableValues), and a Cities object (city). Constants NUM_OPERATIONS and NUM_ADD_REMOVE are set to 50000 and 51, respectively.

Block 4: Reading Data from File

string line; ifstream myfileA("NSWPops.csv"); if (myfileA.is_open()) { // ... [code] } myfileA.close();

This block opens and reads data from the file "NSWPops.csv." It parses each line, extracts the name and population, and adds the data to both the binary search tree and the hash table.

Block 5: Initializing Arrays with LGA Names and Populations

string vectorNames[] = { /* ... */ }; int vectorPop[] = { /* ... */ };

Arrays vectorNames and vectorPop are initialized with LGA names and corresponding populations.

Block 6: Binary Search Tree Operations

cout << "==================" << endl << "BINARY SEARCH TREE" << endl << "==================" << endl << endl; t = clock(); cout << "Initial tree: " << treeValues << endl; // ... [code]

This block prints a header and the initial state of the binary search tree. It then performs a series of add and remove operations on the tree, measures the time taken, and prints the final state and statistics.

Block 7: Hash Table Operations

cout << "==================" << endl << "HASH TABLE" << endl << "==================" << endl << endl; t = clock(); cout << "Initial hash table: " << tableValues << endl; // ... [code]

Similar to Block 6, this block prints a header and the initial state of the hash table. It performs add and remove operations on the table, measures the time taken, and prints the final state and statistics.

Block 8: Program Conclusion

cout << "The program has finished." << endl; return 0;

This block prints a concluding message and returns 0, indicating successful program execution.


In conclusion, this C++ program, "Hashtable and Binary Tree Benchmarking," serves as a valuable resource for anyone navigating the intricacies of Hashtable and Binary Search Tree (BST) structures. With meticulous evaluation and thoughtful benchmarks, it offers a comprehensive understanding of their efficiency in handling real-world scenarios. Whether you're a student seeking support with your C++ assignment or a programmer aiming for data structure optimization, the insights garnered from this program are invaluable. The methodical approach and detailed results contribute to a richer comprehension of how these structures perform, making it an essential reference for those looking to enhance their C++ programming skills and optimize their code.