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Bubble Sort a String Array Using Assembly Assignment Solution.


Write an assembly language assignment program to Bubble sort a string array.

Requirements and Specifications

bubble sort a string array using assembly assembly language

Screenshots of output

bubble sort a string array using assembly assembly language 1

Source Code

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


header1 BYTE "Data for Array1 ", 0dh, 0ah, 0

header2 BYTE "Data for Array2", 0dh, 0ah, 0

msg1 BYTE "----------------", 0dh, 0ah, "Initial array:", 0dh, 0ah, 0

msg2 BYTE "Sorted array:", 0dh, 0ah, 0

msg3 BYTE "Number of comparisons: ", 0

msg4 BYTE 0dh, 0ah, "Number of swaps: ", 0

separator BYTE ", ",0

array1 DWORD 20 DUP(0) ; array of pointers to strings

array2 DWORD 20 DUP(0)

buffer BYTE 300 DUP(0) ; place to save generated strings

bufpos DWORD 0 ; current free position in buffer

min DWORD 0

; stats data

swaps DWORD 0

comps DWORD 0


main PROC

call Randomize ; initialize random generator

Fill first arrray

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to fill

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array1 ; pass array to fill

push eax

call FillRandomArray ; fill the array with random strings

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov edx, OFFSET header1 ; load header string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov edx, OFFSET msg1 ; load initial array message address

call WriteString ; print on screen

Print first arrray

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to print

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array1 ; pass array to print

push eax

call PrintArray ; print the array

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to sort

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array1 ; pass array to sort

push eax

call PairBubbleSort ; sort using pair bubble sort

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov edx, OFFSET msg2 ; load sorted array message address

call WriteString ; print on screen

Print sorted first array

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to print

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array1 ; pass array to print

push eax

call PrintArray ; print the array

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

Print statistics for first array

mov edx, OFFSET msg3 ; load comparison stats string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov eax, [comps] ; load comparisons

call WriteDec ; print on screen

mov edx, OFFSET msg4 ; load swap stats string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov eax, [swaps] ; load swaps

call WriteDec ; print on screen

call CrLF

call CrLF

Fill second arrray

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to fill

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array2 ; pass array to fill

push eax

call FillRandomArray ; fill the array with random strings

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov edx, OFFSET header2 ; load header string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov edx, OFFSET msg1 ; load initial array message address

call WriteString ; print on screen

Print second arrray

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to print

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array2 ; pass array to print

push eax

call PrintArray ; print the array

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to sort

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array2 ; pass array to sort

push eax

call ListBubbleSort ; sort using list bubble sort

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

mov edx, OFFSET msg2 ; load sorted array message address

call WriteString ; print on screen

Print sorted second array

mov eax, 20 ; pass size of array to print

push eax

mov eax, OFFSET array2 ; pass array to print

push eax

call PrintArray ; print the array

add esp, 8 ; remove arguments from stack

Print statistics for second array

mov edx, OFFSET msg3 ; load comparison stats string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov eax, [comps] ; load comparisons

call WriteDec ; print on screen

mov edx, OFFSET msg4 ; load swap stats string address

call WriteString ; print on screen

mov eax, [swaps] ; load swaps

call WriteDec ; print on screen

call CrLF

call WaitMsg ; wait until user presses a key

exit ; exit the program

main ENDP

; Fill an array with random strings

; Prototype: FillRandomArray(array, n)

FillRandomArray PROC

push ebp ; save frame pointer

mov ebp, esp ; create new stack frame

push ecx ; save used registers

push esi

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load array pointer

mov ecx, [ebp + 12] ; load array size


call GenerateRandomStr ; generate a random string

mov [esi], eax ; save pointer in array

add esi, 4 ; advance to next position

loop fill_loop ; repeat for all entries

pop esi ; restore used registers

pop ecx

pop ebp ; restore frame pointer


FillRandomArray ENDP

; Generates a random string of length 2 to 7

; Prototype: char *GenerateRandomStr()

; uses the global buffer and bufpos

GenerateRandomStr PROC

push ecx ; save used registers

push esi

push edi

mov eax, 6 ; generate number between 0 and 5 for length

call RandomRange

add eax, 2 ; add 2 to get range 2 to 7

mov edi, OFFSET buffer ; point to start of buffer

add edi, [bufpos] ; advance to current position in array

mov esi, edi ; save start position in esi

mov ecx, eax ; copy to loop counter


mov eax, 62 ; generate number between 0 and 61 for character

call RandomRange

cmp eax, 26 ; if number is between 0 and 26

jl saveLo ; save lowercase

cmp eax, 52 ; if number is between 26 and 52

jl saveHi ; save uppercase


sub eax, 52 ; subtract 52 to get value 0-9

add eax, 48 ; convert to ascii

jmp save


add eax, 'a' ; convert number to lowercase letter

jmp save


sub eax, 26 ; subtract 26 to get value 0-25

add eax, 'A' ; convert number to lowercase letter

jmp save


mov [edi], al ; save char in string

inc edi ; advance to next position in buffer

inc [bufpos] ; increment global buffer position

loop gen_loop ; loop for the length of the string

mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0 ; save end of string

inc [bufpos] ; increment global buffer position

mov eax, esi ; return the initial pointer

pop edi ; restore used registers

pop esi

pop ecx


GenerateRandomStr ENDP

; Sorts an array using pairwise bubble sort

; Prototype: PairBubbleSort(array, n)

PairBubbleSort PROC

push ebp ; save frame pointer

mov ebp, esp ; create new stack frame

push ebx ; save used registers

push ecx

push edx

push esi

mov DWORD PTR [swaps], 0 ; reset swap count

mov DWORD PTR [comps], 0 ; reset comparison count

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load array pointer

mov ecx, [ebp + 12] ; load array size n in j index

dec ecx ; use j = n - 1


mov edx, 0 ; load 0 in i index


cmp edx, ecx ; compare i with j

jge end_for_i ; if i >= j, end loop

inc DWORD PTR [comps] ; increment comparisons

mov eax, [esi + edx*4 + 4] ; load array[i + 1]

push eax ; pass as second argument

mov eax, [esi + edx*4] ; load array[i]

push eax ; pass as first argument

call Str_compare ; compare strings

jle for_i_next ; if array[i] <= array[i + 1], skip

inc DWORD PTR [swaps] ; increment swaps

swap values array[i] and array[i + 1]

mov eax, [esi + edx*4 + 4] ; load array[i + 1]

mov ebx, [esi + edx*4] ; load array[i]

mov [esi + edx*4 + 4], ebx ; save swapped array[i + 1]

mov [esi + edx*4], eax ; save swapped array[i]


inc edx ; i++

jmp for_i


loop for_j ; j--, repeat while j>0

pop esi ; restore used registers

pop edx

pop ecx

pop ebx

pop ebp ; restore frame pointer


PairBubbleSort ENDP

; Sorts an array using listwise bubble sort

; Prototype: ListBubbleSort(array, n)

ListBubbleSort PROC

push ebp ; save frame pointer

mov ebp, esp ; create new stack frame

push ebx ; save used registers

push ecx

push edx

push esi

mov DWORD PTR [swaps], 0 ; reset swap count

mov DWORD PTR [comps], 0 ; reset comparison count

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load array pointer

mov ecx, [ebp + 12] ; load array size n

dec ecx ; use n - 1

mov edi, 0 ; load 0 in index i


cmp edi, ecx ; compare i with j

jge end_fori ; if i >= n-1, end loop

mov [min], edi ; min = i

mov edx, edi ; j = i+1

inc edx


cmp edx, ecx ; compare j with n-1

jg end_forj ; if j > n-1, end loop

inc DWORD PTR [comps] ; increment comparisons

mov eax, [min]

mov eax, [esi + eax*4] ; load array[min]

push eax ; pass as second argument

mov eax, [esi + edx*4] ; load array[j]

push eax ; pass as first argument

call Str_compare ; compare strings

jge forj_next ; if array[j] >= array[min], skip

mov [min], edx ; min = j


inc edx ; j++

jmp forj


inc DWORD PTR [swaps] ; increment swaps

swap values array[min] and array[i]

mov edx, [min]

mov eax, [esi + edx*4] ; load array[min]

mov ebx, [esi + edi*4] ; load array[i]

mov [esi + edx*4], ebx ; save swapped array[min]

mov [esi + edi*4], eax ; save swapped array[i]

inc edi ; i++

jmp fori


pop esi ; restore used registers

pop edx

pop ecx

pop ebx

pop ebp ; restore frame pointer


ListBubbleSort ENDP

; Prints an array on the screen

; Prototype: PrintArray(array, n)

PrintArray PROC

push ebp ; save frame pointer

mov ebp, esp ; create new stack frame

push ecx ; save used registers

push esi

mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; load array pointer

mov ecx, [ebp + 12] ; load array size


mov edx, [esi] ; load string pointer from array

call WriteString ; generate a random string

cmp ecx, 1 ; if this is the last entry

je print_skip ; don't print separator

mov edx, OFFSET separator ; load address of separator string

call WriteString ; print separator on screen


add esi, 4 ; advance to next position

loop print_loop ; repeat for all entries

call CrLF ; jump to next line

call CrLF ; jump to next line

pop esi ; restore used registers

pop ecx

pop ebp ; restore frame pointer


PrintArray ENDP

END main