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Creating a Network Router Simulation in Python

In this guide, we will delve into a simulation of a network router using Python. This educational journey will take you through a Python script designed to emulate the fundamental functionality of a network router. This simulation offers a simplified representation of a router, showcasing key operations like sending and receiving network packets, establishing connections with switches, and managing user input. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of the core principles behind network routing and the hands-on experience of working with Python to create network simulations, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and those looking to deepen their networking knowledge.

Building a Network Router Simulation in Python

Explore our comprehensive guide on building a network router simulation in Python. This hands-on guide will help you understand network communication and packet handling, making it a valuable resource to help your Python assignment. Whether you're a student learning about networking or a curious programmer, this guide will equip you with practical skills for real-world network administration and programming scenarios. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the core principles of network routing, allowing you to take on more advanced networking challenges with confidence.

Block 1: Imports and Constants

```python import sys, socket, ipaddress, time, threading LOCAL_HOST = "" BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 RESERVED_BITS = 0 PACKET_SIZE = 1500 ```
  • The code starts by importing necessary modules: `sys`, `socket`, `ipaddress`, `time`, and `threading`.
  • It defines some constants such as `LOCAL_HOST`, `BUFFER_SIZE`, `RESERVED_BITS`, and `PACKET_SIZE` for configuration.

Block 2: Packet Modes

```python # Modes DISCOVERY_01 = 0x01 OFFER_02 = 0x02 REQUEST_03 = 0x03 ACK_04 = 0x04 ASK_06 = 0x06 DATA_05 = 0x05 READY_07 = 0x07 LOCATION_08 = 0x08 FRAGMENT_0A = 0x0a FRAGMENT_END_0B = 0x0b ```
  • This block defines packet modes as hexadecimal values. These modes represent different types of network packets, such as discovery, request, data, and more.

Block 3: Connection Class

```python class Connection(): ''' Connection to a single switch ''' def __init__(self, ip, port_num): self.ip = ip self.port_num = port_num self._recv_packets = [] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Connection): return False return self.ip == other.ip and self.port_num == other.port_num ```
  • This block defines a `Connection` class. Each instance of this class represents a connection to a single switch.
  • The class has an initializer that sets the IP address and port number for the connection.
  • It also defines an `__eq__` method to compare two `Connection` objects for equality.

Block 4: Adapter Class

```python class Adapter(): def __init__(self): self.switch_num = int(sys.argv[1]) self.adapter = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.send_packets = [] self.recv_packets = [] self.ip = None # should contain 4 numbers self.switch_ips = [] self.message = '' self.within_5_sec = 0 self.connections = [] self.ready = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.ack = False self.switch_message = dict() # key: source_ip, value = [message] def create_packet(self, mode, source_ip='', dest_ip='', data=''): packet = bytearray() # append source ip for elem in socket.inet_aton(source_ip): packet.append(elem) # append dest ip for elem in socket.inet_aton(dest_ip): packet.append(elem) # append reserve for _ in range(3): packet.append(RESERVED_BITS) # append mode packet.append(mode) try: socket.inet_aton(data) except socket.error: for char in data: packet.append(ord(char)) else: # append assigned address for elem in socket.inet_aton(data): packet.append(elem) self.send_packets.append(packet) return packet def greeting(self): # send discovery discovery_packet = self.create_packet(DISCOVERY_01) send_address = (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num) self.adapter.sendto(discovery_packet, send_address) # receive offer offer = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) offerMessage = offer[0] self.recv_packets.append(offerMessage) switch_ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(offerMessage[:4]) self.switch_ips.append(switch_ip) self.ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(int.from_bytes(offerMessage[12:16], byteorder='big')) # send request request_packet = self.create_packet(REQUEST_03, dest_ip=str(switch_ip), data=str(self.ip)) self.adapter.sendto(request_packet, send_address) # receive ack ack = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) ackMessage = ack[0] self.recv_packets.append(ackMessage) def take_input(self): ''' Take command from stdin. Acceptable command is 'send' ''' while True: print('> ', end='', flush=True) try: user_input = input() except EOFError as e: return else: self.send_command(user_input) def send_command(self, user_input): user_input_split = user_input.split(maxsplit=2) # prevent splitting data if len(user_input_split) != 3: return command = user_input_split[0] dest = user_input_split[1] data = user_input_split[2] data_packet = self.create_packet(mode=DATA_05, source_ip=str(self.ip), dest_ip=dest, data=data) self.adapter.sendto(data_packet, (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num)) def run(self): self.greeting() thread_stdin = threading.Thread(target=self.take_input) thread_stdin.start() while True: message, _ = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) mode = message[11] dest_ip = message[:4] self.recv_packets.append(message) if mode == ASK_06: dest = ipaddress.ip_address(dest_ip) mode_7_packet = self.create_packet(READY_07, source_ip=str(self.ip), dest_ip=str(dest), data='') self.adapter.sendto(mode_7_packet, (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num)) self.ready = True elif mode == DATA_05: source_ip = message[:4] packet_data = message[12:].decode() source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(int.from_bytes(source_ip, byteorder='big')) print(f'Received from {str(source_ip)}: {packet_data}', flush=True) print('> ', end='', flush=True) elif mode == FRAGMENT_0A: source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(message[:4]) if source_ip not in self.switch_message: self.switch_message[source_ip] = [""] self.switch_message[source_ip][0] += message[12:].decode() elif mode == FRAGMENT_END_0B: source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(message[:4]) self.switch_message[source_ip][0] += message[12:].decode() print(f'Received from {str(source_ip)}: {self.switch_message[source_ip][0]}', flush=True) self.switch_message[source_ip][0] = "" print('> ', end='', flush=True) ```
  • This block defines the `Adapter` class, which represents the network adapter.
  • The `Adapter` class contains methods and properties for managing connections, sending and receiving packets, and handling user input.

Block 5: create_packet Method

```python def create_packet(self, mode, source_ip='', dest_ip='', data=''): packet = bytearray() # Packet creation code... ```
  • The `create_packet` method is responsible for creating network packets. It takes the packet mode, source IP, destination IP, and data as input and constructs a packet accordingly.

Block 6: greeting Method

```python def greeting(self): # send discovery discovery_packet = self.create_packet(DISCOVERY_01) send_address = (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num) self.adapter.sendto(discovery_packet, send_address) # receive offer offer = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) offerMessage = offer[0] self.recv_packets.append(offerMessage) switch_ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(offerMessage[:4]) self.switch_ips.append(switch_ip) self.ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(int.from_bytes(offerMessage[12:16], byteorder='big')) # send request request_packet = self create_packet(REQUEST_03, dest_ip=str(switch_ip), data=str(self.ip)) self.adapter.sendto(request_packet, send_address) # receive ack ack = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) ackMessage = ack[0] self.recv_packets.append(ackMessage) ```
  • The `greeting` method is used to establish a connection with a switch, including sending discovery, request, and receiving an acknowledgment.

Block 7: take_input Method

```python def take_input(self): ''' Take command from stdin. Acceptable command is 'send' ''' while True: print('> ', end='', flush=True) try: user_input = input() except EOFError as e: return else: self.send_command(user_input) ```
  • The `send_command` method processes and sends 'send' commands to send data to a specified destination.

Block 8: send_command Method

```python def send_command(self, user_input): user_input_split = user_input.split(maxsplit=2) # prevent splitting data if len(user_input_split) != 3: return command = user_input_split[0] dest = user_input_split[1] data = user_input_split[2] data_packet = self.create_packet(mode=DATA_05, source_ip=str(self.ip), dest_ip=dest, data=data) self.adapter.sendto(data_packet, (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num)) ```
  • The `send_command` method processes and sends 'send' commands to send data to a specified destination.

Block 9: run Method

```python def run(self): self.greeting() thread_stdin = threading.Thread(target=self.take_input) thread_stdin.start() while True: message, _ = self.adapter.recvfrom(PACKET_SIZE) mode = message[11] dest_ip = message[:4] self.recv_packets.append(message) if mode == ASK_06: dest = ipaddress.ip_address(dest_ip) mode_7_packet = self.create_packet(READY_07, source_ip=str(self.ip), dest_ip=str(dest), data='') self.adapter.sendto(mode_7_packet, (LOCAL_HOST, self.switch_num)) self.ready = True elif mode == DATA_05: source_ip = message[:4] packet_data = message[12:].decode() source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(int.from_bytes(source_ip, byteorder='big')) print(f'Received from {str(source_ip)}: {packet_data}', flush=True) print('> ', end='', flush=True) elif mode == FRAGMENT_0A: source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(message[:4]) if source_ip is not in self.switch_message: self.switch_message[source_ip] = [""] self.switch_message[source_ip][0] += message[12:].decode() elif mode == FRAGMENT_END_0B: source_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(message[:4]) self.switch_message[source_ip][0] += message[12:].decode() print(f'Received from {str(source_ip)}: {self.switch_message[source_ip][0]}', flush=True) self.switch_message[source_ip][0] = "" print('> ', end='', flush=True) ```
  • The `run` method represents the main execution loop of the adapter, including greeting the switch and handling incoming packets.

Block 10: main Function

```python def main(): adapter = Adapter() adapter.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
  • The `main` function is the entry point of the script. It creates an `Adapter` instance and starts its execution by calling the `run` method. This part ensures that the code runs when the script is executed.


By exploring this code, you gain insight into the basic functioning of a network router. This simulation is a valuable educational resource for understanding the core concepts of network communication, packet handling, and user interaction. Whether you're a student learning about networking or a curious programmer, this Python router simulation is a great starting point. It equips you with practical skills that can be applied to real-world network administration and programming scenarios, making it a beneficial addition to your networking knowledge. So, don't hesitate to dive into this simulation, experiment with the code, and enhance your understanding of network routing in a hands-on and engaging way.