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Create Your Perfect Pizza with Jason, Your Personal Pizza Assistant

Craving a delicious pizza but overwhelmed by the choices? Let Jason, your personal pizza assistant, simplify the process. He'll guide you in creating the perfect pizza order tailored to your preferences. Whether you're a fan of classic flavors or craving something adventurous, Jason is here to ensure your pizza experience is nothing short of delightful. So, sit back, relax, and let's embark on a culinary journey with the perfect pizza in mind!

Design Your Dream Pizza with Jason, Your Pizza Assistant

Explore crafting the ideal pizza order with Jason, your personal pizza assistant. Along with helping you create the perfect pizza, we offer expert services in writing your Java assignment. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a satisfying pizza experience and delivering top-notch Java assignment solutions. Whether you're a pizza enthusiast or a student in need of Java assignment assistance, our commitment is to make your experience enjoyable and your tasks stress-free. We're here to cater to your cravings and academic needs with equal dedication and excellence.

Block 1: Greeting and Instructions

```python print(f"Hello my name is Jason, I will be your personal assistant. I will help you!") print(f"I am going to ask you a few questions. After typing an answering, press enter.") ```

In this block, the program greets the user (assuming its name is Jason) and provides initial instructions for the interaction.

Block 2: Asking for the User's Name

```python userName = input(f"\nEnter your username: ") while len(userName) == 0: userName = input(f"Name cannot be blank! Please enter your name: ") ```

This block asks the user for their name and ensures that the name is not blank. If the user provides a blank name, the program continues to prompt for a valid name.

Block 3: Handling Special Greeting for "Jason Funk"

```python if userName.lower() == "jason funk": print(f"\nMy creator, {userName}. Pleasure to serve you!") else: print(f"\nHello, {userName}. Nice to meet you!") ```

This block checks if the user's name is "Jason Funk" (case-insensitive) and provides a special greeting if the name matches. Otherwise, it greets the user with a generic message.

Block 4: Asking for Pizza Size

```python size = input("\nWhat size do you want? Enter small, medium, or large: ") while size.lower() not in ["small", "medium", "large"]: size = input("Invalid value! Please enter small, medium, or large: ") ```

This block asks the user to input the size of the pizza and ensures that the input is one of the valid options (small, medium, or large). It continues to prompt until a valid size is entered.

Block 5: Asking for Pizza Flavor

```python flavor = input("\nEnter the flavor of pizza: ") while len(flavor) == 0: flavor = input("Flavor cannot be blank. Please enter a flavor: ") ```

This block asks the user for the flavor of the pizza and ensures that the flavor is not blank. If the user provides a blank flavor, the program continues to prompt for a valid flavor

Block 6: Asking for Pizza Toppings

```python toppings = input("\nWhat toppings do you want? Enter pineapple, black olives, or ham: ") while toppings.lower() not in ["pineapple", "black olives", "ham"]: toppings = input("Invalid value! Please enter pineapple, black olives, or ham: ") ```

This block asks the user for pizza toppings and ensures that the input is one of the valid options (pineapple, black olives, or ham). It continues to prompt until a valid topping is entered.

Block 7: Asking for Pizza Crust Type

```python crust = input("\nWhat type of crust do you want? Enter stuffed, cracker, or cheese: ") while crust.lower() not in ["stuffed", "cracker" ,"cheese"]: crust = input("Invalid value! Please enter stuffed, cracker, or cheese: ") ```

This block asks the user for the type of pizza crust and ensures that the input is one of the valid options (stuffed, cracker, or cheese). It continues to prompt until a valid crust type is entered.

Block 8: Displaying Order Information

```python print(f"\nOk very good {userName}, I will now prepare your order.") print(f"\nA {size} {flavor} pizza with {toppings} and {crust} crust is now in the oven!") ```

This block acknowledges the user's choices and informs them that their order is being prepared, providing details about the pizza size, flavor, toppings, and crust.

Block 9: Handling Large Pizza and Free Drink

```python if size == "large": print(f"\nBecause you chose a {size} pizza, your order includes a large drink!") ```

If the user ordered a large pizza, this block informs them that their order includes a large drink.

Block 10: Displaying Pizza Ready Time

```python if size == "small": print(f"\nYour {size} pizza will be ready in 5 minutes.") elif size == "medium": print(f"\nYour {size} pizza will be ready in 10 minutes.") else: # it is large print(f"\nYour {size} pizza will be ready in 15 minutes, but your drink is now ready!") ```

This block calculates and displays the estimated time for the pizza to be ready based on the chosen size. If the pizza is large, it informs the user that their drink is already ready.


In conclusion, this Python program serves as a pizza ordering assistant, asking the user for their preferences, providing a customized order, and informing them about the estimated pizza readiness time and any special offers for large pizzas. With Jason's assistance, your pizza cravings are just a few clicks away from becoming a reality. Enjoy the ease and convenience of ordering a pizza that's as unique as you are, and savor the satisfaction of a perfectly customized pizza delivered to your doorstep. Whether it's a solo treat or a feast for friends and family, let Jason be your trusted companion in crafting the perfect pizza experience.