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Java Infrastructure Statistics Program

This Java program processes Indigenous community infrastructure data from a CSV file. It defines classes for project details and geographic locations. The main method loads projects, invoking a menu system for user interaction. The system displays statistics on projects across Canada or by province, logging results to an output file. Methods handle project loading, menu display, and various statistical calculations. The code emphasizes modularity, utilizing try-with-resources for file operations. Overall, it efficiently organizes and analyzes infrastructure investment data in Indigenous communities, offering users insights through an interactive menu system.

Decoding Java: IndigenousInfrastructure

The IndigenousInfrastructure Java program exhibits a well-organized structure, featuring classes for location and project details. It employs methods to load project data from a CSV file and implements a user-friendly menu system for efficient interaction. This program serves as a robust tool for analyzing and managing information related to infrastructure projects in indigenous communities. Its modular design, including the incorporation of classes like Location and Project, enhances code readability and maintainability. If you're seeking help with your Java assignment, this Java application stands out as an exemplary resource for individuals needing assistance with data processing and user interface development, particularly in the context of indigenous infrastructure projects.

Block 1: Location Class

class Location { double latitude; double longitude; String coordinateSystem; public Location(double latitude, double longitude, String coordinateSystem) { this.latitude = latitude; this.longitude = longitude; this.coordinateSystem = coordinateSystem; } }


  • Defines a class Location to represent geographic coordinates.
  • Contains latitude, longitude, and coordinate system information.
  • Constructor initializes the location with the provided values.

Block 2: Project Class

class Project { // ... (fields) public Project(String province, String beneficiary, int beneficiaryNum, String assetClass, String name, String stage, Location location) { // ... (assignments) } }


  • Defines a class Project to represent infrastructure projects.
  • Contains fields for province, beneficiary, beneficiary number, asset class, name, stage, and location.
  • Constructor initializes a project with the provided values.

Block 3: IndigenousInfrastructure Class

public class IndigenousInfrastructure { private static final String DATA_FILE = "First_Nation_Infrastructure_Investment.csv"; private static final String LOG_FILE = "output.log"; // ... (main method and other declarations) }


  • Defines the main class IndigenousInfrastructure.
  • Declares constant file names for data and log files.

Block 4: Main Method

public static void main(String[] args) { Project[] projects = loadProjects(DATA_FILE); if (projects != null) { menuSystem(projects); } else { System.out.println("Error: Unable to load projects from the data file."); } }


The main method:

  • Loads projects from the data file.
  • Calls menuSystem if projects are successfully loaded, otherwise prints an error message.

Block 5: getNumProjects Method

private static int getNumProjects(String fileName) { // ... (try-with-resources, file reading, and counting projects) }


  • A private method that reads the data file to determine the number of projects.
  • Uses try-with-resources to manage the BufferedReader.
  • Ignores the header line and counts the number of lines in the file.

Block 6: loadProjects Method

private static Project[] loadProjects(String fileName) { // ... (try-with-resources, file reading, and creating Project objects) }


  • A private method that reads the data file and creates an array of Project objects.
  • Ignores the header line and initializes projects using data from each line.

Block 7: menuSystem Method

private static void menuSystem(Project[] projects) { // ... (user interaction loop, switch statement, and method calls) }


  • Implements a menu system for user interaction.
  • Takes user input to display various statistics or exit the program.

Block 8: printMenu Method

private static void printMenu() { // ... (prints the main menu options) }


  • Prints the main menu options for the user.

Block 9: Methods for Displaying Statistics

// ... (displayAllCanadaStats, displayProvinceStatsMenu, displayNumProjects, etc.)


  • Methods responsible for displaying various statistics based on user choices.
  • Utilize loops and switch statements for user interaction.

Block 10: writeToLog Method

private static void writeToLog(String text) { // ... (try-with-resources, writing to log file) }


  • Writes the provided text to the output log file using try-with-resources.


In conclusion, the "IndigenousInfrastructure" Java program exemplifies a meticulous approach to code organization and user interaction. Its well-structured classes, intuitive menu system, and thoughtful design choices make it a standout example in Java programming. Whether you are a learner aiming to comprehend the intricacies of data processing or seeking assistance with your Java assignment on user interface implementation, this program offers valuable insights. By fostering modularity and clarity, it not only serves as a practical tool for managing infrastructure project data but also as a learning resource for those delving into the intricacies of Java development. The "IndigenousInfrastructure" program stands as a testament to effective coding practices and user-centric design.